Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment SIG) News: Next Session

Topic: Transforming students through ePortfolio assessment

Date & Time: 7 September, 7am UTC.  You will find your local time here.

Abstract: This session will demonstrate how ePortfolios can provide students with a holistic, scaffolded, cohesive and integrated learning experience. This represents a stronger preparation for their professional life in a form they can continue to access after graduation. Through ePortfolios students have the opportunity to develop a reflective and critical stance on their learning and professional capabilities, receive continuous and meaningful feedback, and evidence and showcase their learning and professional achievements through a curated repository. The presenters will explore the Business Education ePortfolio Professional Learning Capabilities Assessment Framework through case studies of various Australian undergraduate business education.

Presenters: Leanne Ngo (Deakin University), Nicholas McGuigan (Monash University) and Shona Leitch (RMIT University).

Registration: For further information and to register go here.

Recording released

A video recording of the 4 August session Video feedback – targeted and personal is now available. This session explored how video can be used to provide personalised feedback for students that targets key areas for future improvement while doing so in a manner that is workload efficient. You can view the recording here.

Important Reminders

The extended deadline for ASCILITE 2016 conference submissions closed on 8 August 2016.  Read more >>

The ASCILITE awards are now open for nominations in three categories, Innovation Award, Fellow Award and Life Member Award.  Nominations close 17 October 2016.  Read more >>

The ASCILITE Learning Analytics SIG is inviting applications for the 2016 Awards for Excellence in Learning Analytics are now open. Submissions close on Friday 16 September. Read more >>

Online registration for the ASCILITE 2016 conference is now open. Take advantage of the great Early Bird rates available this year. Read more >>


How Australian universities are implementing innovative blended learning methods to boost student engagement [eBook]

Being able to provide a supportive blended learning environment is crucial for higher education institutions in order to maximise their students' engagement and achievement.

Ahead of Blended Learning 2016, the organizers caught up with specialists from Monash University, Deakin University, Charles Sturt University and the University of Sydney, who shared exclusive insight into how they are enhancing blended learning environments to improve student learning outcomes.

Read the eBook How Australian universities are implementing innovative blended learning methods to boost student engagement here.

For more information about the 5th Annual Blended Learning Summit (as part of Learning Innovation Week), simply download the latest agenda or visit the website.

ASCILITE Member Discount

ASCILITE members are entitled to a 10% discount at BL2016. To register and take advantage of the special offer use VIP Code: ascilite10.

Call for Submissions: THETA2017 Conference

The Higher Education Technology Agenda (THETA) is happy to announce a call for 2017 Conference submissions, addressing the key theme “Connecting Minds. Creating the Future”. The THETA Conference presents an opportunity for sharing of ideas, new innovations and experience in the areas of Information Technology, Teaching and Learning, Library and Knowledge Management in higher education across Australia, New Zealand and Overseas. The Conference provides an ideal forum to present and publish the latest results of research, development, and deployment of Information Technology in Tertiary Institutions.

Seven Sub-Themes

Submissions are invited which address the theme “Connecting Minds. Creating the Future” and within the following sub-themes:

  • Digital Transformation
  • Innovation in Learning and Teaching
  • Technology Innovation and Service Management
  • The Research Ecosystem
  • The Next Generation Library
  • Strategic Leadership
  • People, Culture and Capability

For full details on how to make a submission are available on the THETA website.

THETA2017 takes place on 10 – 12 May, 2017 at the Aotea Centre in Auckland, New Zealand.

Call for Submissions: WorldCIST17

WorldCIST17 is the 5th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. It takes place on Porto Santo Island, Madeira, Portugal 11 – 13 April 2017.

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers for evaluation by the Program Committee. All papers will be subjected to a “blind review” by at least two members of the Program Committee, on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.

Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference: A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human-Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radio-communications.

Visit the website for further submission details.

ODLAA Conference Call for Papers

The ODLAA Conference Organising Committee warmly invites submissions to its 2017 conference on the theme of: ‘Expanding Horizons in Open & Distance Learning’. This theme allows participants to explore and discuss the possibilities for innovation, openness and community in the ever-changing and expanding world of Open, Distance and Flexible Learning. We are seeking submissions which explore new ideas; provide case studies or examples of great practice; and/or report on quality research in the field.

We encourage submissions from practitioners and researchers engaged in all arenas of Open and Distance Learning: formal and informal education; higher education; vocational education; primary and secondary education; adult and continuing education; industry; policy & government.

Submissions should relate to the broad theme of Expanding Horizons and address one of the conference sub-themes: openness, community, innovation.

For further information on presentation types and requirements visit the ODLAA website.

Abstracts are due 15 August 2016.

23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology

ALT is the UK’s leading membership organisation in the learning technology field and the ALT annual conference provides an international platform for Learning Technology research, practice and policy work from across the different education sectors.

The final programme for the conference is now available here.

This year's Keynotes include Josie Fraser, Ian Livingstone, Lia Commissar, Jane Secker, David White and Donna Lanclos.

The conference takes place on 6 – 8 September 2016 at the University of Warwick and registration is open until 22 August.

Blackboard's 2016 Learning & Teaching Conference

Blackboard's TLCANZ16, which takes place on 28 – 31 August 2016 in Sydney, will feature Blackboard's new CEO, Bill Ballhaus and Senior Vice President, Katie Blot as the Keynote speakers who will unveil the latest developments in Blackboard's solutions and share global trends in education.

In addition to the keynotes, attendees will also hear award-winning educators, thought leaders, and industry experts share the latest solution updates, education trends, thought leadership and best practices.

For further details and to register, visit the conference website.

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Institutional Members