Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

New Learning Design SIG Launched

LD-SIGThe new ascilite Learning Design SIG is now open for members to join.  This is ascilite's third SIG, following formation of a Learning Analytics SIG along with a partnership with the eAssessment SIG last year.  The ascilite Executive Committee is also exploring the formation of a Mobile Learning SIG so you can expect an announcement soon regarding that SIG.  Membership in ascilite's SIGs is open and there are no membership fees to join SIGs.

About 40 delegates at the ascilite2015 conference in November expressed an interest in forming the LD-SIG and all of these inaugural members were sent an invitation last week to formally sign-up. If you haven't already done so, please complete this simple online sign-up form to sign-up now so that you can be kept abreast of SIG developments.

The LD-SIG is headed by Eva Dobozy (Curtin University) and Leanne Cameron (Australian Catholic University).

The aim of the LD-SIG is to provide SIG members with a forum for collegial exchange; education and collaboration; disseminating information and communicating members’ research; initiating, encouraging and facilitating international and interdisciplinary exchange and research collaboration.

In March the SIG will be conducting a Learning Design information session webinar and we will provide you with the details once they become available. If you have an interest in LD, we hope you can make it to the session.

The SIG leaders are also in contact with the UK Learning Design SIG and they will be updating members during the first webinar session about possible networking opportunities.

Feel free to pass on this information to interested people in your network.

Community Mentoring Program Application Deadline ends soon

This is a reminder that the deadline for Expressions of Interest (Applications) in the 2016 Community Mentoring Program is 6 March 2016. The ascilite Community Mentoring Program (CMP) aims to provide mentoring opportunities acrsoss a number of fields including technical, academic development, learning development, faculty academics, early career researchers, graphic designers and programmers. The program has been operating since 2003 with over 100 members having taken part to date.

You will find full details of the program on the ascilite website along with the application forms.  For those with a keen interest in the program, there is also a 45 minute webinar recording that was conducted on 12 February which you will find here.

2015 ascilite Member Survey

ascilite conducts a member survey every two years to garner views on the society from the membership. In 2015, the survey was conducted in May and 141 members responded.  Many thanks to those members who took the time to provide their valuable feedback.  The member survey covers all areas of the society's operations including the annual conference, ascilite's journal (AJET) and the full range of member services.

The findings in the 2015 member survey were particularly important because they were pivotal in informing the ascilite Executive Committee during their meetings in Brisbane (1 – 3 February) and the development of a new 2016 – 2019 Strategic Plan. Many of the views expressed by members in the survey were taken into account in the development of the strategic plan and the operational plan for the year ahead.

You can access a copy of the survey here.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members