Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Live! webinar “Batman – the online clinical classroom”

Date and time: 1 July 2021 11am – 12pm AEST | 9am Singapore/Hong Kong | 1pm Auckland | Other time zones

During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, physical distancing and lock-down requirements created significant challenges for tertiary education and disciplines, such as nursing, typically taught face-to-face with the inclusion of skill-based clinical teaching. Our challenge was to pivot rapidly nursing clinical skills to an engaging, online course that supported the development of clinical skill and social group dynamics. With the help of Batman, nursing lab learning pivoted online by demonstrating clinical skills in and enabling students to simultaneously practice in their own environments. Our goal was relevant and enjoyable learning that would prepare students for clinical placements later in the semester.

This webinar will showcase how we leveraged existing course resources, staff knowledge, accessible technology, and the superhero Batman to create a non-threatening and enjoyable online learning community for 183 first-year nursing students. We will discuss how we taught professionally congruent, nursing clinical assessment skills by scaffolding students’ engagement in the online classroom using the Activity-Centered Analysis and Design Framework. We will share how our experience with Batman continues to influence our teaching and open the discussion on the importance of positioning the student to ‘practice’ within an ecology of elements in online learning environments.


Marla S Burrow is a lecturer in School of Nursing at Massey University’s Palmerston North Campus. Her current research focus is on clinical information cultures and decision making. Recent publications focus on holistic and supportive approaches to online learning, interprofessional education and information cultures in aged care.

Camille Manning is an educator in the School of Nursing at Massey University’s Manawatu Campus. Camille’s background includes Intensive Care, flight nursing and tertiary education. Her current teaching focus is in the first year of both the Undergraduate and Graduate Entry to Nursing programmes. She has a particular interest in the application of clinical skills in the simulation suite and designing synchronous online learning of traditionally classroom-based learning.

Shelley van der Krogt is an educator in the School of Nursing at Massey University’s Wellington Campus. Shelley has a varied nursing background including surgical, emergency, and primary health care nursing, and now tertiary education. She is currently involved in teaching in the Undergraduate and Graduate Entry to Nursing programmes. Her passion lies in communication and the value of humour in nursing practice.

Jenny Green is an award-winning educator with extensive tertiary and clinical teaching experience. Jenny’s background includes perioperative nursing, hybrid learning course development, and lecturing in the School of Nursing, Massey University (Auckland). Jenny’s research interests are in hybrid learning design; team-based learning; cooperative inquiry; inter-professional learning; simulation; and clinical teaching. Recent publications include: Green, J.K., Burrow, M.S. & Carvalho, L. (2020). Designing for transition: Supporting teachers and students cope with emergency remote education. Postdigital Science and Education, 2, 906-922.

Session login: ASCILITE meeting room

Upcoming webinar: TELedvisors and the Learning Design SIG co-webinar – Learning design for ePortfolios: the pedagogy and the practice

Date and time: 24 June @ 12pm – 1pm AEST | 10am Singapore/Hong Kong | 2pm Auckland | Other time zones

The TELedvisors SIG and Learning Design SIG are co-hosting a June webinar to explore ePortfolio pedagogies and practice relevant to learning designers and others utilising (or wanting to utilise) ePortfolios for learning and teaching. We’ll discuss relevant learning activities, assessments, outcomes and other considerations when using ePortfolios, and how learning designers and other TELedvisors can support ePortfolios in learning and teaching contexts.

Shari Bowker is a Learning Designer (ePortfolio and eAssessment) within the University of Queensland’s Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI). She will discuss the approach her team takes to providing ePortfolio access and support to teaching staff at the University, and the benefits and challenges of implementing ePortfolios.

Dr Kathryn (Kate) Coleman is an artist, arts-based researcher and educator in Visual Arts & Design at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. Kate is interested in the intersection of creativities, digital sites, materialities, practice/s and culture/s, and teaches this through art and design education. Kate will discuss some of her work and experience with ePortfolios as an educator and researcher.

You can find out more about the webinar at and join the webinar on the day via

ASCILITE/EduGrowth HigherEd Showcase: Innovations to improve the student experience

Date and time: 30 June @ 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm AEST 1:30pm Singapore/Hong Kong | 5:30pm Auckland | Other time zones

ASCILITE is proud to partner with EduGrowth for this HigherEd Showcase, featuring Australia-wide innovations in the university sector. The program will feature a thought-provoking keynote presentation from Peter Bryant the Associate Dean (Education) & Associate Professor at the University of Sydney on HigherEd innovations to improve the student experience. Join this session as we explore models for pedagogical innovation, managing the changing expectations of learners and outline what to amplify to improve the future of learning. This program will also showcase four Australian EdTech companies and their solutions. If you want to hear about Australian solutions at the forefront of learning innovation then join us! This particular program is an opportunity to build synergies within the Australian EdTech ecosystem and to connect institutions with industry. If you are a HigherEd educator or practitioner this program on innovations to improve the student experience is not to be missed!

Edugrowth endeavours to accelerate Australia’s EdTech ecosystem globally by running programs and events that help the Australian EdTech industry grow globally. To learn more about how EduGrowth can support you or to get a copy of their Australian EdTech Ecosystem snapshot visit or subscribe to receive news and program notifications.

To register, visit the Edugrowth website.

Please feel free to share this event with colleagues using this link.

Open Educational Practice Special Interest Group Meeting

Date and time: 6 July at 3pm AEST

This is the regular meeting of the OEP-SIG. New members are welcome. Visit the SIG website for further details.

Webinar recording available for “What makes an award winning ASCILITE conference paper?”

A recording of the ASCILITE Live! webinar “What makes an award winning ASCILITE conference paper?” is now available for viewing. In this session, ASCILITE Executive Committee members and conference multiple-award winners, Hazel Jones and Elaine Huber discussed their experiences and shared tips and strategies to help authors prepare their conference submission.

Associate Professor Elaine Huber is the Academic Director, Business Co-Design at The University of Sydney Business School and has been presenting and reviewing ASCILITE conference papers since 2010. She won the Best Concise Paper Award (2017) and the Best Poster Award (2013).

Dr Hazel Jones is a Learning and Teaching Consultant (Curriculum) in the Griffith Business School (Griffith University) and has been a regular contributor at ASCILITE conferences since 2008. Along the way she has been awarded Best Concise Conference Paper (2016) and Best Student Full Paper (2019). She has also been a reviewer for many ASCILITE conferences.

You will find the recording here.

New TELall blog post: Online teaching and assessment activities at the University of Economics and Law

Phuong Vu Nguyen (Office for Educational Testing and Quality Assurance, University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University) has contributed the latest post to ASCILITE’s TELall blog on the topic of change in relation to the university’s pivot to online teaching and assessment and the development of a new eLearning system.


TELall has a wide range of fascinating posts and you are welcome to peruse and subscribe at any time!

Reminder: ASCILITE 2021 Conference Call for Papers

The 2021 ASCILITE conference website has detailed information on how to prepare conference submissions and an EasyChair link is available to upload papers prior to the 2 July 16 July closing date. The conference is being planned as an in-person event at the University of New England in Armidale NSW from 29 November – 1 December 2021.

ASCILITE Executive Committee Meeting Update

Twice a year the ASCILITE Executive Committee meets face to face, once around the conference, and one other time that is convenient. This year it was held in late May and Griffith University, Southbank Campus was the host (with the exception of our New Zealander Kwong Nui who joined us online). This location was chosen as there are a number of committee members from South-east Queensland so this location allowed for good fiscal budgeting.

The meeting allows the Executive to discuss all things ASCILITE. While all portfolios were discussed (there are now over 20), we spent some time on institutional memberships, the TELAS initiative and how ASCILITE could best support its members. We also discussed the new MS-Teams instance for both ASCILITE and the various Special Interest Groups who are using it. Importantly we spent some time discussing our current MOUs with like minded membership organisations, the ASCILITE webinar series and this year’s conference. We also spent some time in smaller groups moving various portfolios forward and enjoyed some rich face to face time.

We now look forward to implementing actions from our discussions in the coming months. Stay tuned for the 2021 member survey that will come out in the near future. This survey is conducted for members every couple of years (or so!).


2021 ALT (UK) Annual Conference (online)

The team at ALT hope that everyone at ASCILITE is safe and well at this time! We are currently well underway in preparations for our 2021 ALT Annual Conference.

The ALT Annual Conference is the UK’s main conference for Learning Technologists and one of the largest conferences of its kind. It is held over three days every September, providing a valuable and practical forum for practitioners, researchers, managers and policy-makers from education and industry to solve problems, explore, reflect, influence and learn.

This year’s Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology will take place 7 – 9 September 2021. As the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK, ALT brings together professionals to disseminate research, share practice and develop policy since 1993.

This year’s event will take place online and we are looking forward to welcoming hundreds of participants from the UK and across the globe.

For further information and to register, visit the ALT website.

Job Vacancy: eLearning Coordinator, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland

This is a full time fixed term HEW Level 7 position through to February 2022.

The primary purpose of this position is to coordinate the overall support and process development for eAssessment (both written and clinical). This position will contribute to evaluation processes to enhance the quality of the medical education experience for students as well as supporting academics and course coordinators in the development and implementation of eAssessments.

Applications close 30 June and full details are available here.

Job Vacancy: Learning Content Manager, CompliSpace Pty Ltd

Full-time, Sydney CBD, Inner West & Eastern Suburbs.

CompliSpace offers technology-enabled consulting services, tailored policy and training content that offers a better way for clients to do what they have to do, so they can focus on what they want to do. As a leading Australian RegTech company and a market leader in its space, CompliSpace enters in in a new growth phase and is looking for a collaborative team player to join its team as the Learning Content Manager.

The Learning Content Manager plays a key role in leading the learning content strategy for CompliSpace while being responsible for the operational aspects of development and maintenance of CompliSpace’s learning content. Specifically, the role entails:

  • Leading the development and implementation of the learning content strategy for CompliSpace, in collaboration with other key stakeholders.
  • Creating engaging learning structures and compelling courses that enhance the learner experience.
  • Using feedback to drive improvements in learning experiences.
  • Collaborating with subject matter experts to identify opportunities and creating new resources/learning.
  • Managing learning content through ongoing curation and leading the review of all content to ensure that it is up to date and relevant at a point in time.
  • Learning content list curation and ongoing management.
  • Leading the development, maintenance, updating and re-versioning of learning content.
  • Instructional and learning design development and maintenance of content.
  • Leading partnerships with the third-party content providers.
  • Leading and overseeing the administration of all learning content.
  • Supporting other key stakeholders in relation to learning content, including the Product Technology team, the Operation and Customer Experience team and the Client Engagement team.
  • Supporting client learning implementations and working with clients in a client facing capacity.
  • Contributing to and supporting internal and external learning and development as required.

For full details, visit the jobs website here.

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

The IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies invites submissions on “Technologies for Data Driven Interventions in Smart Learning Environments. Abstract submissions (optional) are due 15 October 2021, with feedback from guest editors to authors on abstracts provided by 31 October 2021. Full manuscripts are due 15 December 2021.

Guest Editors for the special issue are Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain), Davinia Hernández-Leo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain), Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain), Dragan Gašević (Monash University, Australia) and Sanna Järvelä (University of Oulu, Finland).

Smart learning environments (SLEs) have been recently defined as learning ecologies wherein students perform learning tasks and/or teachers define them with the support provided by tools and technology. SLEs can encompass physical or virtual spaces in which a system senses the learning context and process by collecting data, analyzes the data, and consequently reacts with customized interventions that aim at improving learning. In this way, SLEs may collect data about learners’ and educators’ actions and interactions related to their participation in learning activities as well as about different aspects of the formal or informal context in which they can be carried out, from sources such as learning management systems, handheld devices, computers, cameras, microphones, wearables, and environmental sensors. These data can then be transformed and analyzed using different computational and visualization techniques to obtain actionable information that can trigger a wide range of automatic, human-mediated, or hybrid interventions that involve learners and teachers in the decision-making behind the interventions.

Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Technology-supported data-driven interventions in different contexts (e.g., formal, informal) and spaces (e.g., physical, virtual) in SLEs
  • Systems based on learning analytics techniques (e.g., predictive models) to trigger interventions in SLEs
  • Tools based on visualization techniques (e.g., dashboards) and sensemaking approaches to trigger interventions in SLEs
  • Recommender systems supporting intervention processes in SLEs
  • Adaptive systems to optimize and personalize the learning and assessment process in SLEs
  • Multimodal and across-spaces systems based on learning analytics supporting technology-mediated interventions in SLEs
  • Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for data-driven interventions in SLEs
  • Technology-supported data-driven interventions based on analytics of data about teachers and their contexts in SLEs
  • Technological support of data-driven interventions in learning design and classroom orchestration in SLEs
  • Tools supporting data-driven interventions of students’ regulation in SLEs
  • Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies to improve interventions in SLEs
  • Technologies in SLEs relying on specific strategies for data-driven interventions such as conversational agents, gamification mechanics, etc.
  • Ethical issues (e.g., fairness, accountability, transparency) in the design of technologies for facilitating data-driven interventions in SLEs.

You will find a full PDF version of the CFP here. Questions may be directed to

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