Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


LA-SIG Webinar: Learning analytics and learning design: promoting a conversation among equals

Date & Time

Wednesday 30 May 2018, 10am (AEST) and 12pm (NZ). You will find other time zones for the session here.


In this webinar we present a simple Learning Analytics – Learning Design (LA-LD) framework, designed to help teachers to align the use of common types of learning analytics data with the normal rhythms of teaching. The aim in developing the framework was to support reflection in and on action through the familiar cycles of planning, teaching, assessment and review. We used common teaching scenarios to illustrate ways that learning analytics can be used to influence student retention, engagement and achievement, and provide teachers with feedback before, during or after an event. We ran workshops to gain feedback on practical application of the LA-LD framework, and invited participants to develop a plan to use student data in their own teaching context.

This entry level professional development strategy was based on two assumptions; that teachers a) are more likely to engage with learning analytics if the potential is presented as a way to support core aspects of their current practice; and b) need to become familiar with learning analytics concepts to represent their interests in design, development and implementation initiatives.


Associate Professor Cathy Gunn and Dr Claire Donald, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education (CLeaR), The University of Auckland.


To register for this session, please go here.

Reminders: ASCILITE 2018

  • Registration is now open for one of the best TEL conferences of the year. Register at the Early Bird rate to save.  Read more >>
  • The Call for Participation in ASCILITE 2018 is now open. View themes, streams and submission guidelines. The deadline for all submissions is midnight on Friday July 13 2018 (AEST). Read more >>

Latest TELall Blog: Perception & Learning

In our most recent blog, Mark Schier, Senior Lecturer in Physiology at Swinburne University of Technology, discusses interesting links between perception and learning.  Check it out here.


100 Free Passes to EduTECH Available, Sydney 7 – 8 June

If you would like a free pass to EduTECH and EduBUILD, the organizers have made 100 passes available which are available by clicking here.  The offer expires 31 May 2018. Several of the 12 “congresses” at EduTECH and EduBUILD may be of interest to members.  The event takes place 7 – 8 June at the ICC, Sydney.   ASCILITE is not an official sponsor of the event but is delighted to be able to pass on this free offer to its members.

Detailed information is available in their event brochure.

To be eligible for this free ticket:

  1. You must be working at a educational institution.
  2. You must not be a vendor or solution provider.
  3. You must not be an already registered attendee of this event.

The organisers will be in touch to let you know the status of your application within 1-2 business days.

Job Vacancy: Learning Designer, University of Western Australia

The Educational Enhancement Unit promotes innovation and excellence in learning and teaching across UWA. The unit supports the implementation of the University’s Education strategy, through the provision of hands-on support to academic staff, facilitating collaboration and sharing of best practice, harnessing pedagogical expertise and working closely with academic staff to drive a consistent strategy of educational enhancement.

To succeed in this role, you will either possess experience in a similar role or degree / post-graduate qualifications with some teaching experience. You may also possess education qualifications and / or background of teaching at secondary or tertiary level. Experience in curriculum and assessment development will be an advantage. Your track record in applying education pedagogy theories and practices will be important to your success. You will also be a confident public speaker, a positive team player as well as possessing the ability to develop positive relations and rapport with a range of university stakeholders, in particular academic staff, both as individuals and in small group settings.

Full details of the position’s responsibilities and the selection criteria are outlined in the position description which you will find here.

The closing date for applications is 27 May 2018.

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