Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

2022 Conference Award winners

Best Concise Paper

James A. Tsatsaronis, Katrina J. Binger, Fiona M. Durand for “Recorded audio feedback: Bridging the chasm between educator and student in online assessment”

Best Concise Student Paper

Emilia Idris, Chua Bee Leng, Doris Choy for “Considering modes of delivery in blended PBL: A literature-based approach”

Best Full Paper

Sam Newell and Emily Adam for “We’ve become a little family now’: Maximising rapport in an accelerated, fully online learning environment”


Andrew Cram, Lynne Harris, Corina Raduescu, Elaine Huber, Sandris Zeivots, Andrew Brodzeli, Sue Wright, Amanda White for “Online Assessment in Australian University Business Schools: A Snapshot of Usage and Challenges”

Best Full Student Paper

Hua Jin, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Tongguang Li, Philip Wing Keung Chan, Yi-Shan Tsai for “Towards Supporting Dialogic Feedback Processes using Learning Analytics: The Educators’ views on Effective Feedback”


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