Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

2018 Conference Award Winners

Best Full Paper

Logan Balavijendran and Morag Burnie (The University of Melbourne) for “Ready to Study: an online tool to measure learning and align expectations via reflection and personalisation.

The program committee considered this a clear winner. Of note was the way in which the authors project explored the use of technology to enhance learning. The project was well executed and very well described.

Best Concise Paper

Michael Grimley, Timothy Moss, Emma Donaldson (Torrens University) and Eoghan Hogan (Laureate Education) for “The voices of autism: Using MOOC technologies to meet the needs of vulnerable communities.”.

The program committee liked this paper because it addressed an important question and conceptualised forms of MOOC engagement in a very useful way. A focus on MOOCs that create inclusive educational experiences in a partnership approach is welcome.

Best Poster

Reem Al-Mahmood (La Trobe University), Jenny Corbin (Whitefriars College), Logan Balavijendran (The University of Melbourne) and Caroline Ondracek (La Trobe University) for “Digital identity: Making your mark!’ Developing students’ digital literacies through an adaptive eLearning module”.

This award was selected by popular vote by conference delegates.

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