Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Community Mentoring Program Information Session, 13 Feb 2017

Video Recording



The ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program (CMP) provides mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including technical, academic development, learning development, faculty academics and early career researchers, graphic designers, and programmers.  This 40 minute webinar aimed to provide an understanding of how the CMP works and how it can benefit both mentors and mentees.

The CMP seeks to involve participants in a professional mentoring relationship built between learners (mentees) and experienced practitioners (mentors).  While new learners may be experienced in some areas of educational technologies, the ASCILITE CMP is a vehicle for enhancement of specific knowledge, skills or capacities in an area of developing expertise.  The program has been operational since 2003 with more than 100 members having taken part to date.


Helen Farley is an Associate Professor at the Digital Life Lab at the University of Southern Queensland. Helen is the current chair of the ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program. She is leading the Australian government-funded, $4.4 million Making the Connection project which is taking digital technologies into prisons to provide access to higher education. The project was recently awarded a prestigious Australian Award for University Teaching. Her research interests include digital equity, mobile learning and immersive virtual world environments.

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