Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE 23 Conference Update

This is our last Bulletin update before the conference kicks off!

For those registered: Email communications will be fast and furious this week, so make sure you keep an eye out for emails from ASCILITE 2023 Conference ( These will contain logistical details, info for presenters (both virtual and in-person) and access to the conference app. There will also be opportunity for virtual presenters to do online rehearsals beforehand.

The Dinner Theme is Old Skool – we’ll transport you to bygone eras – where retro games, classic clothing, and timeless tunes take center stage. Big hair optional! No matter if you are a child of the 50s, 80s or 00s – you’re covered!

Not registered? Don’t get FoMO just because you are too busy. Virtual registration is a MUST with live streaming, a “watch later on demand” option, asynchronous interaction and networking and recordings available for 6 months post conference. Why not consider being the envy of your colleagues and hosting a “Watch Party” or save some of the fabulous presentations for the professional development of your teams in the New Year?

Register now!

Invitation to attend the ASCILITE Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for ASCILITE will take place during the annual conference on Monday 4th December at 12:30pm in Christchurch at the annual ASCILITE conference. All current members are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

The room will be advised in the conference program. Check the conference agenda for any change to the meeting time closer to the event.

We do hope you can join us where we present the 2023 Executive election results, review ASCILITE’s financial position and seek approval from members for next year’s budget.

Invitation to attend NZ TELAS discussion

Over the next 12 months we will be holding stakeholder discussions on how the TELAS framework aligns with higher education providers in New Zealand.

We will begin this work at the annual conference in Christchurch with a session and then we will have further discussion during 2024. We plan to finalise this work before the 2024 conference. The initial NZ TELAS discussion at the conference will be held on Tuesday 5th December from 1:30 to 2:30.

If you work in NZ higher education or have an interest in this area, please feel free to come along. If you can’t attend this session please register here to receive updates on this initiative If you cannot make the conference session but are interested in participating, please reach out to us via the ASCILITE secretariat.

We look forward to seeing you there!

ASCILITE Learning Analytics SIG Webinar: How does learning transfer to new situations in or outside the classroom?

Date: 23rd November
Time: 2pm 2023 (AEDT)
Register hereThe final webinar in the ASCILITE LA SIG series on “How Learning Sciences can inform Learning Analytics”. This webinar will address the final Deans For Impact question: How does learning transfer to new situations in or outside the classroom? Presented by Professor Lina Markauskaite from the University of Sydney, the webinar will include examples from Lina’s own research as well as relevant principles from learning sciences, and a discussion of the implications of these approaches for the learning analytics community.

Also, if you missed the last ASCILITE LA SIG webinar by Dr Paula de Barba (Monash) on “What motivates students to learn?” you can now watch it on the ASCILITE YouTube channel here.

Lastly, if you’re interested in being involved in a workshop that brings together all the 6 questions of this year’s series, keep an eye out for the LA SIG session at the ASCILITE Conference in Christchurch. If you’ve missed any of the webinars in the series it’s a great way to catch up, and if you’ve been to them all it’s a great opportunity to consolidate what we’ve learnt throughout the year.

ASCILITE Live! & EduGrowth Webinar: Navigating Change in the Future of Work

Date: 22 November
Time: 11AM AEDT
Where: Online
More information and registration here.

In this Higher Education showcase event Professor Martin Bean CBE will detail his strategy to equip leaders to navigate change, seize opportunities, and foster resilient teams.  His presentation will explore the current landscape of education and work in Australia and globally in an ever changing environment.

It will also explore what lessons have been learnt around navigating adversity following the upheaval in education COVID-19 ushered in, and how to turn adversity into advantage for your team and organisation. This program will also profile case studies showcasing how partnerships between EdTech and institutions creates tangible impact for learners.

If you are an educator or EdTech in the Higher Education and workforce space this segment is for you!

TELall Blog: Twenty Years on, the ASCILITE CMP has built a strong community

In our latest blog post ASCILITE executive members Michael Cowling, Kwong Nui Sim, and Robert Vanderburg reflect on the strong community built over the last 20 years of the ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program (CMP). Using feedback from past participants they identify and unpack the 6 themes that participants note as the most beneficial in the program. Read more here

Contextualising Horizon 2022–2023

ASCILITE is excited to announce the release of Bringing Australasian Technology and Practice Trends into Focus: The 2022–2023 Contextualising Horizon Report. The report features analysis and insights regarding the outcomes of the ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon initiative and this year’s top trends:

  1. Hybrid and flexible learning
  2. Artificial intelligence literacy
  3. Mental health and well-being
  4. Evolution of mobile learning
  5. Integration of Indigenous knowledges

Beginning in 2022, ASCILITE community members and affiliates came together to consider the forces impacting higher education and the technologies and practices likely to be of significance. The research team – Chris Campbell, Hazel Jones, Danielle Logan-Fleming, and David Bruce Porter – extend their appreciation for all who have been involved over the past year. They especially wish to thank the report contributors for helping to make the report possible.

Now entering its third year, Contextualising Horizon aims to generate discussion around the issues and challenges in the Australasian tertiary sector and to identify the educational technologies and practices likely to make and impact.

Find out more and access the reports at


OpenLearning Forum 2023:  AI in Education & the Future of Learning

Date: 7 December 2023
Time: 11:00AM – 2:00PM (AEDT)
More information and reservations here

Join the panel and ASCILITE member Dr Srecko Joksimovic (UniSA) as they explore the transformative impact of AI on education and its role in shaping the future of learning.

The forum will cover

  • OpenLearning’s evolving role in education and AI-powered platform from founder and CEO, Adam Brimo.
  • A live demo of OpenLearning’s AI Assistant’s capabilities including content, activity, page, module and curriculum generation from OpenLearning’s founder and CTO, David Collien.
  • Initiatives underway by our renowned partners, Western Sydney University, University of South Australia and Universiti Tenaga National, Malaysia.
  • A panel discussion on current and future trends in AI in education including challenges and opportunities for educators and learners.
  • A celebration for the winners of OpenLearning Awards 2023 and the graduates of the OpenLearning Certified Educator (OCEP) program.

The AAEEBL Digital Ethics Task Force is looking for participants

Greetings! As part of the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning’s (AAEEBL) Digital Ethics Task Force, we are conducting a research project to better understand the field of ePortfolio work in Australian and New Zealand tertiary education.

If you are involved in ePortfolio work in either of these countries as part of your professional role, we invite you to participate in this research survey. Your valuable insights will contribute to the mapping of ePortfolio practices and help us gain a better understanding of common practices and the labour involved.

The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary, and you can choose to close the survey at any time if you wish to withdraw.

If you are interested in participating, please click on the following link to access the Project Information Sheet, Consent Form and online survey:

Your contribution to this research project would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or would like further information please contact Associate Professor Christine Slade

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members