Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


5 reasons you need to attend ASCILITE 2017

With only four weeks to go til ASCILITE 2017 at The University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, we thought it was a good time to share some of the highlights of the conference. Here are five reasons you need to join us in Toowoomba from 4 til 6 December.

1. Three world-class keynotes

We have three diverse keynotes lined up to inspire, energise and challenge delegates.

Professor James Arvanitakis will kick off the conference with a keynote titled From blended learning to analytics: Why we keep getting IT wrong?James is the Dean of the Graduate Research School at Western Sydney University. He is internationally recognised for his innovative teaching style and has been the recipient of numerous teaching awards and fellowships. James will challenge us to think about how we can make best use of technology, rather than being held hostage by it.

Marita Cheng, 2012 Young Australian of the Year, technology entrepreneur, women in technology advocate, and Robogals founder will present a keynote titled Robotics in the future of work. Marita Cheng will take us through the robots of tomorrow and how AI will shape our future in ways greater than we can imagine today.

We’ll also be joined by Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society Fellow Amber Case. Amber is the author of Calm Technology, Design for the Next Generation of Devices. Her TED talk, “We are all cyborgs now”, has been viewed over a million times. Our world is made of information that competes for our attention, and Amber’s keynote Internet of Things, technology and our future will explore the implications for individuals, learning, higher education, and community engagement.

Learn more about our keynotes.

2. One provocative exploratory panel

Our exploratory panel, Privacy, trust, student data, and the university, seeks to explore emerging ethical, legal, educational, and technological issues surrounding the collection and use of student data by universities, and the impact these strategies have on student trust and privacy. Join Barney Dalgarno, Jasmine Thomas, Kirsty Kitto, Kate Young and Allan Christie to tease out the issues around this important topic. This panel will be live streamed and freely accessible to all in the higher education community.

All the details.

3. Don’t spectate – participate!

ASCILITE 2017 is not all about listening to papers! Beat the after lunch slump with interactive and engaging sessions, including experimental sessions, a debate, lightning talks, and open fishbowls.

Check out the full program.

In addition to our more participatory sessions, we will be bringing you a range of activities to get you involved in the conference. Stay tuned!

4. Three great post-conference workshops

This year, we’ll have three post-conference workshops running on Thursday 7 December. These are open to delegates (separate registration required) and non delegates. Here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • Pedagogy GO with location-based mobile learning games facilitated by Roger Edmonds
  • Transforming exams – hands on with the technology facilitated by Mathew Hillier, Andrew Fluck and Martin Coleman
  • Mobile virtual reality facilitated by Thomas Cochrane and David Sinfield

All the details about the post-conference workshops.

5. Opportunities to connect

We’ve put together a diverse social program to give you plenty of opportunities to connect with your colleagues and experience the best Toowoomba has to offer. The highlight of the social program will be the conference dinner. With a theme of Open, you’re invited to Remix, Reuse or Repurpose your outfit. Join us at Picnic Point for great food, good company, and spectacular views of the Lockyer Valley. We’ll be releasing details about the welcome reception, dine around and closing reception soon.

Social program information.

What are you waiting for?

Register now and join us in Toowoomba, 4 – 6 December!

Two New TELall Blog Posts – “Becoming an Open Practitioner” and “Equity & Diversity”

You will find two fascinating new posts on the ASCILTIE TELall blog this week. One is Steps in Becoming an Open Practitioner written by Carina Bossu, Lecturer Learning and Teaching (OEP), University of Tasmania and the second is Equity and Diversity, written by Julie Willems (RMIT University) and Helen Farley (University of Southern Queensland).

  • In her blog post, Carina explores several concepts and approaches related to being an open practitioner in today’s higher education context. Carina was awarded an ASCILITE Fellowship in 2016 based on, among other things, her work with Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) both nationally and internationally. Read more >>
  • Equity and diversity are two very important considerations in higher education, and especially in the arena of technology. These are research topics that do not necessarily give kudos to the researcher, but they are ethically important considerations not only for students, but also for educators and professional staff, the institutions within which we work, and for our broader society. Read more >>


5th WorldCALL Conference, CALLing all the CALLers Worldwide, Chile

We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal for the 5th WorldCALL Conference, to be held in Concepción, CHILE, from 13 to 16 November 2018, hosted by the Universidad de Concepción. The 5th WorldCALL Conference welcomes contributions from researchers, teachers, practitioners, technology experts and professionals working in Computer Assisted Language Learning that concern rationale, theories, research, pedagogies and innovative practices using technology for first/second/foreign language teaching and learning.

As an international association, WorldCALL provides a worldwide platform for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice in education and training; enhances the opportunities for knowledge and skills transfer to nations currently underserved in the area of CALL; and serves as a forum for exchanging information and forging professional relationships among educators, researchers and industry leaders from around the world. WorldCALL has held an international conference every five years since its first conference in Australia in 1998. Since then, conferences have been held in Canada in 2003, in Japan in 2008 and in the UK in 2013.

We invite proposals for paper presentations, pre-conference workshops, symposia, poster sessions, technology showcases, and vendor exhibitions.  For more information about the call for proposal submissions, please click here. For further information about the 5th WorldCALL Conference, please visit our website

We look forward to seeing you in Concepción, Chile, in this 5th gathering of the WorldCALL International Association, 13 – 16 November 2018; so note these dates on your calendar and make arrangements to attend.

Emerita Bañados-Santana
Chair, Local Organising Committee
WorldCALL 2018

Feedback for Learning: Closing the Assessment Loop (Webinar)

Feedback for Learning: Closing the Assessment Loop is an OLT-funded, multi-institutional study between Monash University, Deakin University and the University of Melbourne. We are hosting a webinar on Thursday 30 November to share findings and practice implications from the project.

This concise 45-minute webinar will explore current educator and student experiences of feedback, and discuss strategies to develop and support effective feedback designs. Experienced feedback researchers A/Prof. Michael Henderson (Monash University) and A/Prof. Phillip Dawson (Deakin University) will lead the webinar.

To assist us in promoting this event, we would be grateful if you could share and/or promote the below invitation to attend the Feedback for Learning Webinar to your members.

For further information about the Feedback for Learning: Closing the Assessment Loop project, and to preview some of our findings, please visit our website here.

If you have any questions, please email us.


A/Prof. Michael Henderson, Monash University, Faculty of Education
Prof. David Boud, Deakin University, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning
Prof. Elizabeth Molloy, University of Melbourne, Department of Medical Education, Melbourne Medical School
A/Prof. Phillip Dawson, Deakin University, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning
Dr Michael Phillips, Monash University, Faculty of Education

Call for Participation, 5th International Mobile Learning Festival (IMLF2018) Mobile Learning, STEM and Transdisciplinary Education

The 5th International Mobile Learning Festival (IMLF2018) will be held in Singapore 8 – 9 June 2018.

Building upon successes of the previous conferences, we continue to explore Mobile Technologies and Emerging Learning Design in the context of school, higher and corporate education. In 2018, we give special attention to, and explore STEM and other emerging transdisciplinary initiatives in education and research, and make strategic links with mobile and emerging learning technologies.

The IMLF2018 will be an exceptional platform for sharing information on contemporary approaches to human development and education at all levels, STEM, learning design across many disciplinary boundaries, mobile learning, and Learning 2.0+ from around the world. The conference will feature evidence-based developments led by mobile and emerging learning technologies and paradigms, and explore their relationships with STEM.

Tertiary and school teachers, education policy makers, researchers, education publishers and designers, research students, learning technology developers and human capital agencies are all encouraged to attend and engage with colleagues at the IMLF2018. Your participation will contribute to the discussion and exploration of the most important developments in mobile learning and emerging learning technologies and paradigms and STEM (and STEAM, STREM, SEED, etc.) education.

The conference speakers will provide unique perspectives on technology, STEM and human learning, and highlight practical enhancement of human agency through embedding of mobile and emerging technologies in learning design. The IMLF2018 will explore concepts, practices and issues that provide pathways for effective integration of mobile and emerging learning technologies in STEM education at all levels and environments such as, open, self-directed and flexible learning, blended learning, flipped learning, MOOCs, and socially-networked learning. The foci will be on the four key elements of an effective learning design: Resources, Activity, Support and Evaluation, and engage in examination of enabling conditions and articulation of coherent strategies for advancement of mobile and emerging learning design and their adoption in STEM and other transdisciplinary learning activities.

Building on our standard format, which includes keynote speakers, invited speakers, paper presenters and industry presentations, the IMLF2018 will introduce virtual presentations.

In addition to a special issue of a good journal in the field, we plan to write the 2nd volume of the Mobile Learning Design Theories and Applications book to be published by Springer.

Submit your proposals and papers before 15 February 2018 for review and consideration for inclusion in the conference programme. Suitable papers will be included in the book of proceedings. A smaller number of best papers will be reviewed and included in a special issue of a journal and the 2nd volume of Mobile Learning Theories and Application book.

Important Dates

  • Abstract/Full Paper Submission Deadline: 15 February, 2018
  • Registration Deadline for Participants: 1 March, 2018
  • The Main Conference Dates: 8-9 June, 2018
  • Workshops and the PC meeting: 7 June, 2018

Job Vacancy: Pro Vice Chancellor (Education), Murdoch University

  • 5 year fixed term full time position
  • A competitive salary commensurate with experience will be offered to the successful candidate
  • Ref: 1886A01/201884

Find your passion at Murdoch and join us at an exciting time of great innovation as we implement our new Strategic Plan. Murdoch seeks to shape the world through the creative force of education and research.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Education’s (DVCE) portfolio, leads the University’s academic programs and academic mission with respect to Learning and Teaching activities; academic policy development; implementation and the review and the maintenance of world class academic standards through robust course management, quality assurance, benchmarking and continuous improvement processes.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) reports to the DVCE and supports the University’s student and education strategic plan to achieve our strategic goal to provide an outstanding education experience for every student leading to our graduates being innovators, fully prepared for their future careers. To achieve this goal, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) will work in close collaboration with other members of the University Senior Executive, School Deans, Directors, Staff, Students, External Partners and other key stakeholders to ensure that high-quality strategic initiatives are developed and successfully implemented.

The ideal candidate for this position will have effective collaboration and people skills, a strategic mindset, an excellent track record of delivering high quality outcomes and a drive to succeed. Candidates should have excellent understanding of the Australian and global higher education system and the challenges facing universities.

Murdoch University’s core goals are: to educate free thinkers who thrive in society and are sought after by employers; and, to provide life changing solutions for the world’s big challenges through our outstanding translational research and innovative practice.

We value workplace diversity and inclusion, and strongly encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, women, and individuals with disability. Applicants who have support or access requirements, are encouraged to contact our People and Culture Office for further information and support.

To Apply

Please submit a cover letter, a CV and a statement addressing the selection criteria (found in the Position Description) via the Apply Online button here. Emailed applications will not be accepted.  You will find the full job description here.

Position contact: Professor Romy Lawson, Deputy Vice Chancellor Education on +61 8 9360 7614 or at

Job Vacancy: Academic Development Coordinator, Postgraduate Learning Design Group, UTS

UTS has a bold vision to be a world-leading university of technology. We are a dynamic and innovative university in central Sydney, consistently ranked the top young university in Australia. With a culturally diverse campus life and extensive international exchange and research programs, UTS prepares graduates for the workplaces of today and tomorrow.

UTS has a strongly practice-focused, experiential learning and teaching framework called ‘learning.futures’ which has enabled UTS to rethink the experience of all our students in every faculty. As part of this framework, the postgraduate.futures initiative is now reinventing the experience of postgraduate-by-coursework learners at UTS. In a 21st century University of technology, postgraduate students engage in flexible and strongly digitally supported learning, designed for their needs.

A new Learning Design Team was established by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) in 2016 to pilot these new approaches to the postgraduate-by coursework learner experience. With the phase 1 pilot complete, the postgraduate.futures team is now expanding.

The Academic Development Coordinator will be an essential role in this new team.

You will be responsible for supporting academics as they gain new skills in learning design and course development. You will coordinate a training program and series of events to develop the skills of academics in all faculties of the university. You will lead an online community of UTS Staff, develop and maintain support resources and utilise effective communication channels with academics.

You will maintain high standards of service delivery to an increasingly expanding client base.

You will have previous experience with one or more learning management systems and online media production tools as well as a good working knowledge of staff learning and development. You will need to build partnerships with internal and external clients and colleagues, and will have a strong commitment to client needs and customer service.

This role attracts 17% superannuation (pension) in addition to the base salary.range $85,691 to $94,795pa (HEW 7).  Employee benefits include flexible work practices, child care centres, generous parental leave and salary packaging opportunities. This position is full-time and appointment will be made on a fixed term basis for three years.

Prior to commencing your application for IRC102016, please review the Position Description and the relevant selection criteria here.

Job Vacancy: Manager, Learning Technologies and Innovation, Edith Cowan University

The Centre for Learning and Teaching delivers a comprehensive suite of services and programmes that promotes high quality learning and teaching outcomes for students and academic staff. Based predominantly at the Joondalup Campus, the Centre for Learning and Teaching plays a key role in designing and implementing future teaching and learning strategies and enhancing the student experience.

The Learning Technologies and Innovation team lead the development and support of technology enhanced learning, including the oversight of the learning management system and related eco-system. They actively support academics and students to adopt the suite of technologies and promote innovative use of emerging technologies.

The Role

The Manager, Learning Technologies and Innovation plays a key strategic role in technology enhanced learning at the University. The Manager, Learning Technologies and Innovation will lead the design, implementation, training and ongoing refinement of ECU’s approach to technology-enhanced learning and technology integration across the University. The role is focused on the continued development and implementation of technology enhanced learning strategies, and includes managing relationships with external partners. The Manager, Learning Innovation works closely with the Pro- Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Managers within the Centre to align operations, strategy, policy and procedures and works collaboratively with University staff to enhance learning and teaching. The incumbent will model a scholarly approach to learning and teaching and actively engage with research opportunities.

Key Criteria

  • Completion of a relevant doctoral qualification, or equivalent qualifications or research experience, preferably in higher education, educational technology or a related field;
  • At least five years’ experience in the strategic development, management and operation of digital learning and current and emerging technology projects, tools and platforms;
  • Demonstrated expert knowledge in learning including technology tools, infrastructure, staff development, scholarship, practice and strategic planning, and a record of applying this knowledge in the leadership of technology enhanced curriculum design;
  • Demonstrated ability to engage, develop and maintain relationships with external and internal stakeholders; • Demonstrated record of achievement as a leading teaching practitioner and scholar with a reputation for skills, knowledge and expertise in digital learning at a national and/or international level;
  • Excellent skills in face-to-face presentation and communication and the ability to work cooperatively with and influence people from diverse backgrounds;
  • Record of nationally and/or internationally recognised scholarship in learning and teaching and associated grants, with evidence of quality and impact;
  • A strongly collaborative approach, with a record of having achieved high level goals through teamwork.

You will also demonstrate personal attributes that are congruent with the University’s values of Integrity, Respect, Rational Inquiry and Personal Excellence.

Benefits & Remuneration

This full time, ongoing position attracts remuneration of $117,573 to $135,570 plus 17% University superannuation contribution.

ECU supports a work/life balance for staff. Benefits such as flexible working arrangements may also be negotiated to meet your personal circumstances.

For information on the benefits of working at ECU, please visit our Employment Opportunities website.


Interested applicants are welcome to call Professor Angela Hill (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education) on (61 8) 6304 2550 for more information.

How to Apply

Please upload your resume along with a statement (maximum of 3 pages) addressing the key criteria listed above. The closing date for applications is Wednesday, 6 December, 2017 at 11:30pm (AWST).

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members