Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE 2022 Keynote Announced: Professor Dominique Parrish

The 2022 Conference Organising Committee is pleased to announce the first Keynote for this year’s conference.

Professor Dominique Parrish is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) at Macquarie University. Her key responsibilities in this role include leading the cross-institutional advancement of excellence in digital and face-to-face learning and teaching to promote student success and graduate outcomes; overseeing the provision of students’ learning support and skill development; leading university initiatives in employability and work-integrated learning; and leading the advancement of academic staff capability.

Dominique has managed and led numerous sector, institutional and faculty learning and teaching initiatives. She has worked with industry and teaching teams to design competitive, specialised courses. Dominique has been the project manager of three National learning and teaching grants and the President of ASCILITE (Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education) from 2015-2019.

Dominique’s research interests include higher education leadership and leadership development, emotional intelligence, quality in online learning and student experience and engagement.

Dominique will be speaking about:

Rebuilding Connections: The value and purpose of connections and the role technology and emotional intelligence can play.

The past two years has seen significant change in the way universities operate and how our connections -with one another, our students, learning and the learning environment, transpire. Adapting to a “new normal” is going to require purposeful re-engagement and rebuilding of connections, to ensure we are facilitating quality learning and teaching and enabling student success.

This presentation will share insights gleaned from a range of initiatives and activities into key strategies that promote the establishment, building and strengthening of our connections. It will explore the value and importance of strong connections and how effective connections contribute to delivering on the core purpose of universities. Perceived barriers to positive connections, particularly following the challenges of the past two years will be discussed and strategies, enhanced by educational technologies to counterbalance these challenges will be explored.

Insights into staff and student connections will be presented and the affordances of technology and emotional intelligence in promoting as well as addressing potential barriers to these connections will be examined. Finally, perspectives on how emotional intelligence can be employed in TEL leadership will be shared.

Registration for ASCILITE 2022 opens in July

Final Call for Papers and Reviewers for ASCILITE 2022

This is a reminder that the call for papers for the 2022 ASCILITE conference closes on 2 July 2022.  Details are provided on the  conference website including submission types, sub-themes and presentation formats.  The submissions portal is now open to upload your papers.

If you are interested in participating as a conference reviewer, you fill find further details on the conference website here. The call for reviewers also closes on 2 July 2022.

AJET Issue Vol. 38 (2) now published

The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has released a new issue Vol 38 (2) on the importance of choosing the right keywords in educational technology publications. You will find the new issue on the AJET website here.

TELAS Peer Reviewer Certification Workshop Scheduled, 20 – 21 July 2022

The ASCILITE Executive is pleased to announce the next Peer Reviewer Certification Workshop which will take place 20 – 21 July 2022.

TELAS (Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards) is a set of internationally benchmarked accreditation standards, criteria and performance measures. The Framework is the basis for assessing, assuring, certifying and recognising the quality of online learning.

The workshop will be conducted online and split across 2 half days:

Day 1: 20 July 2022 (1:00pm – 4.30pm AEST)
Day 2: 21 July 2022 (9.30am – 1:00pm AEST)
Cost: $150 (members); $300 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee)

Further information & registration: For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website here.

The number of places available in the workshop is limited, so register early to avoid disappointment. The closing date for workshop registrations is 13 July.

ASCILITE Live! webinar: a positive approach to academic integrity and the potential future of artificial intelligence, 21 June 2022

Date and time: 21 June @ 12pm AEST

In this session, we shine a light on how academic misconduct unfolds and the potential for artificial intelligence to mitigate risk and safeguard integrity.  Distinguishing between intentional and unintentional plagiarism and taking a positive academic integrity approach focused on awareness-raising, we will also explore the relationship between technology and contract cheating and how technology such as Turnitin can support you in cheating detection. A discussion of how educators and institutions can establish new cultural norms and standards to support this endeavour, is also covered.  Join us as we explore how higher education might need to prepare for the challenges and opportunities associated with artificial intelligence.

Key takeaways

  • Considerations to help navigate the academic integrity landscape
  • Awareness of future challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence relating to academic integrity
  • Tips and strategies educators can use to detect and deter with contract cheating
  • Approaches to establishing positive norms in the classroom
  • Preventive scaffolding and skills building

Who should attend?

University teaching staff, learning and teaching professionals, and administrators are all encouraged to attend this webinar to help inform their strategy towards safeguarding academic integrity in light of technological growth.


Ishpal Sandhu, Acting Principal Adviser L&T and Senior Manager Academic Capability & Professional Development, RMIT University – Seasoned educational and professional specialist in online learning, educational technology, and digital transformation. I am a leader in change management, pedagogy, andragogy, AACSB (AOL), and provide subject matter expertise in this area. My interest and lifetime association with technology Patrick Lynch, Senior Learning and Teaching Specialist, RMIT University – Innovative learning and teaching professional passionate about academic capacity building and enhancing the student experience. My interest areas include academic integrity, chatbots, and digital assessment.

Please register for this session here.

Reminder: Invitation to ASCILITE at the Pub: Melbourne, 27 June 2022

The ASCILITE Executive would like to invite ASCILITE members to a special Melbourne networking event on 27 June at 5:30pm to be held in conjunction with the HERDSA Annual Conference. The ASCILITE community has not been able to get together in person for several years now so here’s an opportunity to catch up in Melbourne! Complimentary snacks will be available and members may bring a guest. Places are limited and registration closes 23 June or once places are filled. See you there!

For further details and to RSVP, visit the ASCILITE website here.

Learning, testing, and developing Adaptive Expertise: our learning design journey​ TELedvisors webinar, 30 June

Date and time: 30 June @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm AEST

How do you change the thinking of educators used to teaching face-to-face to equip them for the online world?

The transition from established place-based, face-to-face learning to fully online delivery modes of professional learning to educational leaders across schools in Victoria allowed us to better understand entrenched patterns. As the learning design team at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, our learner feedback and needs analysis provided insights into a preference of educational leaders toward face-to-face delivery, where most highlighted the challenge of building relational trust in an online space. As a learning design team, we were also updating the design of courses to support the development of adaptive expertise in educational leaders.

Adaptive expertise involves the transfer of advanced capabilities to solve complex problems across different contexts. Our understanding of adaptive expertise as a design team continues to develop; initially, it was highly theoretical and superficial. As a team, we went on different journeys with each course to test design approaches, to coach our subject matter experts and content development teams on effective strategies to support adaptive expertise. Each approach varied in degrees of success. As a team, we collaboratively reflected, critiqued, and learnt from our experiences. Through the development of our individual adaptive expertise, we have been able to engage in continuous improvement, and personal growth.

Currently, our approach to support the development of adaptive expertise, in a range of flexible modes, is through the use of an adapted task classification based on the Open University’s Activity classifications approach.

Our working theory of improvement is that the use of a balanced mix of different tasks across the classifications, in line with Universal Design for Learning, will better support the development of adaptive expertise. In addition, using the task classification provides structured language and definitions to describe learning experiences, monitor the quality of content, as well as modelling the approach in our platform in a way that is visible so learners can incorporate it into their own teaching practice.

As a work in progress, our journey is already yielding positive results. Subject matter experts and content developers have noted the improved clarity of conversations, individuals are glad that we can be explicit about our design methodology, as it provides insight into the quality of content we are looking for. The classification also informs our quality monitoring and evaluation approaches in a way that involves a shared language. Internally, we are seeing improved team cohesion, where both learning designers, digital experience designer and digital learning project officers have a shared understanding and language to provide feedback and monitor expectations.

Participants of this online seminar will get to reflect on their own learning design approaches and will be exposed to strategies to support the development of complex skills related to higher order thinking and professional identity.

Featuring Lis Conde Hernandez and Sheryl Maher, learning designers in the Learning, Development and Innovation Unit of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (Education and Training Victoria).


You can login to this session here.  Pre-registration is not required and members / non-members are all welcome to attend!

Reminder: Mobile Learning SIG #ASCILITEMLSIG monthly open webinar featuring @David_Sinfield, 24 June

Date and time: 24 June @ 10:00am – 11:00am AEST

In this session, presented by Dr David Sinfield (Auckland University of Technology) on the topic of “Where Art Meets Science”, David will be using a video “How I use mobile technology in the field for research documentation” as an example for discussion. All are welcome!

You can find-out more about the Mobile Learning SIG here and you can join the session here.

Reminder: Transforming Assessment SIG webinar: e-Assessment Awards: Showcase of selected winners (2022)

Date and time: 6 July @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST | 0700 universal time | 8am UK | 3pm SG/HK | 7pm NZ.

This is a joint Transforming Assessment SIG and eAssessment Association session.

This session will feature short presentations and an opportunity for questions with selected international eAssessment Award

  • Best Formative Assessment Project 2022.
  • Best Summative Assessment Project 2022.
  • Most Innovative Use of Technology in Assessment 2022.

There will be time for Q&A.

Please refer to further information and webinar registration at


Job Vacancy: Learning Analytics Lead, Charles Sturt University

Reference no: 495578
Work type: Continuing – Full Time
Location: Other, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Wagga Wagga
Categories: Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, Professional

  • Provide leadership and oversight of the Subject Experience Survey
  • Help develop analytics dashboards and reports for use in planning, learning design and teaching practice
  • Make recommendations, lead continuous improvement initiatives and build internal capability

The Role

  • Continuing, Full Time
  • Level 9 – $117,157 to $123,793 pa (plus 17% superannuation)
  • Bathurst, Orange, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Remote (by negotiation)

You will work closely with key stakeholders in the Office of Planning and Analytics, the Division of Learning and Teaching and the Division of Information Technology to develop and implement university learning analytics, standards, policy, procedure, and products including analytics dashboards and reports.

You will inform Faculty leaders on the integration of course and subject performance data in subject evaluation for academic staff, curriculum design and development processes. You will also lead the development of evidence-based advice to diagnose specific and systemic quality issues and make recommendations to lead the improvement of process and practice.

To be considered in this role you will ideally have a tertiary qualification (ideally in a quantitative or technical field like Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics, or Mathematics), with extensive experience in the collection, management and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, including demographic, interview, questionnaire, online behaviour and learning outcome data, as part of research or evaluation.

You will also be familiar with using survey software such as Survey Monkey, analysis software such as Excel, SPSS and nVivo, and presentation software such as Tableau, preferably in a higher education context.

To be successful you will have:

  • Postgraduate qualifications and/ or extensive managerial experience
  • Ability to liaise, consult and lead to achieve business outcomes
  • Extensive experience in the collection, management and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data
  • Ability to foster strong and impactful relationships with team members and business stakeholders
  • Clear and concise communication style, flexible to suit the appropriate audience

Application Requirements

Applicants are expected to apply online and address the selection criteria in the position description. If you experience difficulties applying online or for further information on completing the application process please visit our how to apply page or contact us.

Evidence of having received a full course of a COVID-19 vaccination approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration is required as a condition of entry onto Charles Sturt University campuses.  Accordingly, evidence of vaccination or a valid exemption is a condition of employment at Charles Sturt University.

Full details are available on the CSU website here.  The closing date for applications is 7 July 2022.

2022 EDEN Annual Conference is now on

The 2022 EDEN Europe Conference (European Distance & eLearning Network) annual conference titled Shaping the digital transformation of the education ecosystem in Europe is being hosted by Tallinn University in Estonia from 20 – 22 June 2022.

This yearʼs conference is intended as a continuation of the efforts of EDEN to support educators by providing a space to explore the issues and insights that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For further information and to attend online, visit the EDEN website here.

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