Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Happy Holidays from the 2024 ASCILITE Executive Team
Welcome ASCILITE Members to our last bulletin for the year, just four days before most of us knock off for a well deserved break! And what a year it’s been, as we’ve started to move out of the pandemic and re-engage with our membership, as well as pushing forward our focus on scholarship, excellence, and policy change in the TEL space. And the numbers show our success, with over 2000+ members and a healthy bank balance, so well done to every member who’s contributed to make this happen.

For those of you that saw me during the conference, you’ll know that 2024 is going to be a big year for our society, with the executive committed to coming fully out of the pandemic and looking at how we can connect more fully with our members. We also have a new strategic plan coming together during the calendar year for endorsement at the AGM, and I look forward to speaking to many of you about that. 2024 marks the beginning of ASCILITE’s roaring 40’s, and we plan to make the most of it!

But for now, enjoy the wind down and the well-deserved break after a great birthday year for our society, and for those of you who celebrate, have a happy holidays and a wonderful new year. See you in 2024!

2024 ASCILITE President

Conference Update: ASCILITE 23

And the 2023 ASCIITE conference is a wrap. Thanks so much to everyone who joined us. We appreciated your evaluation feedback.  Some fabulous reflections and insights from participants on LinkedIn just search  #ascilite23 or #ascilite. Remember recordings will be available via the conference app or platform for months yet so you can use your holiday downtime to catch up on what you missed.

Some stats

  • 409 participants (278 in person and 129 online)
  • 69 attendees at Sunday’s pre conference workshops
  • 209 presentations submitted – 154  accepted including 38 Full Papers and 69 Concise

Conference proceedings available online CC BY
T. Cochrane, V. Narayan, C. Brown, K. MacCallum, E. Bone, C. Deneen, R. Vanderburg& B. Hurren (Eds.) (2023) People, partnerships and pedagogies. Proceedings ASCILITE 2023. Christchurch

Chery and Kathryn.

See you in Melbourne in 2024

Invitation to the Generative AI for Education Leaders Summit 2024

The Generative AI for Education Leaders Summit 2024 is the first event in Australia designed for secondary and tertiary education leaders tasked with harnessing the power of generative AI while avoiding the risks. Over two jam-packed days of content, networking and learning, you’ll meet and hear from the revolutionaries at the forefront of generative AI from both the education and technology sectors. These leaders are already using the technology to drive their organisations forward and will share insights you can implement in your institution.

The Summit will cover everything you need to take the next step in embracing this technology, from evaluating, choosing and implementing the right AI tools, to mitigating risks, understanding potential issues and discovering how you can re-skill your teams. You’ll leave the Summit prepared to improve your processes, increase efficiency, provide real benefits to students & staff, and avoid the reputational & ethical risks that come with this ground-breaking new technology. View all speakers here.

Register with VIP code ‘ASCILITE10’ to save 10% off the registration fee for ASCILITE members. Book online here or call +61 (0)2 9977 0565.


Drive Innovation: Participate in a Survey about Online Assessment in Business Education

???? Are you a student, educator, learning designer, policy maker, accreditation body representative, or employer connected to Business higher education in Australia? We need your perspective!

Join our important survey to shape the future of online assessments in business higher education. Your insights will help assess the impact of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, and other key factors influencing the quality of these assessments.

???? Just 5-10 minutes of your time can contribute to a significant study aimed at validating a framework for high-quality online assessments in Australian higher education.

Your privacy is paramount. All responses are anonymous, confidential, and non-identifying. Participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw anytime before submission. Let your voice be heard and make a difference in the realm of higher education.

???? Students who submit the survey will be invited to go in the draw to win one of 5 vouchers, each worth $50.

???? Be a part of this pivotal research and please share with colleagues in any of the above categories including your present or past students.

Survey Link:

More information about this study is available in the Participation Information Statement. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our survey administrator at

EDEN NAP Webinar – Creative Research Methodologies in Online Distance Education

Type of session: presentations with discussion
Date: Wednesday December 20th 2023 at 16:00 (CET)
More information and register here

How we do research in online distance education is changing and evolving. In this EDEN NAP webinar we will explore new and creative ways to research and advance our collective understanding in the field of online distance education.

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Institutional Members