Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite Live! Webinar Recordings Available

Digital Learning without Connectivity, 21 March 2016

As universities move increasingly online, they risk further marginalising those students without access to reliable internet. Very often these students are already marginalised and may include those in remote Indigenous communities, those in rural, regional and remote Australia, FIFO DIDO workers employed in the mining sector and of course, incarcerated students. This webinar reported on a project that won an ascilite Innovation Award in 2015 and that enables incarcerated students to access digital higher education. The session covered some of the challenges encountered when students try to engage with formal learning without internet access and provide some strategies to educators for engaging this cohort.

The session was presented by Helen Farley, Associate Professor (Digital Futures) at the Australian Digital Futures Institute at the University of Southern Queensland.

You can access the recording here.

Introducing the New Learning Design SIG, 29 March 2016

This webinar introduced the new ascilite Learning Design SIG using the current working definition of Learning Design from the Larnaca group. The session was an opportunity to share and exchange ideas and recent research in Learning Design. Possible synergies and networking opportunities among SIG participants were explored.

The session was presented by SIG leaders Eva Dobozy and Leanne Cameron.

You can access the recording here.

Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment SIG) News

Topic: Reframing Assessment: This time it's personal (a joint session with the Higher Education Academy)

Date and Time: 4 May 2016, 7am UTC.  You will find your local time zone here.

Presenters: Associate Professor Abby Cathcart, Principal Fellow of the HEA (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) and Dr Darrall Thompson, Learning Futures Fellow (University of Technology Sydney, Australia).

Abstract: There have been many major projects, initiatives and frameworks developed to enhance assessment practice at institutional, national and international levels. However, we need a deeper conversation about the significant barriers to implementation. Compliance pressures in both research and teaching can tend to cause a surface approach in even the most dedicated academics. It is proposed in this webinar to both present and engage with these challenges with a focus on transforming assessment. The concept that assessment methods have a significant backwash effect is clear when we see that the predominance of high stakes exam-based assessment throughout school years of study encourages both parents and children to focus on marks and grades as the only determiner of value and progress. The single mark given conflates the reasons for differentiation between students’ performances and obscures the diversity of orientation that may inform future study and employment. The culture of the single mark or grade needs to change and this webinar proposes that a focus on assessment is the way to begin this transformation.

Register for the session here.

Recording available for webinar held 6 April 2016

A video recording of the webinar held on 6 April 2016, titled "Meaningfully embedding program (Degree) learning goals in course work: Review at UNSW Business School" presented by Danny Carroll, University of New South Wales, Australia is available for viewing and downloading here.

New Institutional Member

ascilite welcomes Lincoln University, New Zealand as its latest institutional member. Lincoln joins over 20 other institutions that have take advantage of institutional membership in ascilite. Institutions can join with as few as 10 individuals or through the 20, 30 or unlimited membership categories.  Find-out more at


Serious Games & Learning: An annotated bibliography: Free download

The University of Newcastle (Australia) through its DICE network. has published its "Serious games and learning: An annotated bibliography" which is available as a free download. DICE is intended for scholars interested in digital identity, digital footprint, curation of online presence and serious games for learning. It investigates new frontiers in digital engagement and education to produce research and resources, e.g. apps and games for today’s learner. You can view and download the report here.

Job Vacancy: PhD study in Learning Analytics – Positions and Scholarships available, University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is seeking applications for PhD study in the area of learning and academic analytics. A number of scholarships are being targeted to support study in this area (valued at $26,288 per annum). Students with backgrounds from a range of disciplinary areas are encouraged to apply, including computer science, data mining, machine learning, education, educational technology, psychology, cognitive science, psychometrics and assessment.

Projects in learning and academic analytics may relate (but are not restricted) to topics such as decision support for learning, students' approaches to learning, behaviour modelling, self regulation and metacognition, quantified self, student misconceptions and confusion, intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive computing and personalisation, feedback and assessment, student progression and pathways, and place based analytics applications.

Interested applicants are invited to send an expression of interest, comprising:

  • A CV (maximum 6 pages)
  • Transcripts of academic results
  • A description (maximum 1 page) of why you would be interested in undertaking a PhD in learning analytics and how your skills and background are aligned with this area of research.

Academic supervisors will review EOIs received by the closing date. EOIs will be used to establish an applicant’s eligibility and competitiveness for being admitted to a PhD in learning analytics funded by a scholarship. Selected candidates will be further invited to make a formal application for admission to the PhD program at the University of Melbourne.

Expressions of interest (EOIs) should be emailed to Professor James Bailey with "Learning Analytics EOI" in the subject line by 15 June.

Job Vacancy: eLearning Designer, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

The Centre for Tertiary Teaching & Learning provides research-informed leadership in tertiary teaching and learning development across the university. The Centre also oversees and has responsibility for the university’s main eLearning systems (Moodle, Turnitin, Adobe Connect, and Mahara).

We are seeking an eLearning Designer to support University staff engaged in e-education across the University; facilitate staff development around eLearning design and practice; and work with University staff who are developing online, flexible, and blended activities, resources, papers, and programmes. The eLearning Designer will provide expertise concerning eLearning pedagogy and technologies and will work collaboratively with others providing teaching development and eLearning support.

The successful candidate will have a completed postgraduate qualification in a relevant field and excellent written and oral communication skills. The eLearning Designer will have experience working in the tertiary education sector and in the design of papers and programmes for online, flexible, and blended learning environments. An understanding of learning processes and the application of a variety of pedagogical approaches to the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning are essential. Good functional knowledge of eLearning systems and digital technologies are required. In addition, the eLearning Designer must be able to work with people from a diverse cultures and educational backgrounds.

Salary will be in the range of $77,535 to $88,684 per year depending on qualifications, skills and experience.

Closing date: 18 April 2016. Vacancy number: 350402. For more information and to apply, visit the university website.

Job Vacancy: Learning Media Developer, Curtin University

The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Curtin University is looking for a person interested in technology-enhanced learning who can help us develop high quality digital learning resources, curate and showcase technology-enhanced teaching, and foster the creation of a culture of innovation. There will be opportunities to be involved in ongoing and short-term projects, as well as the opportunity to bring your own particular interests to the position.

As part of our “Faculty Learning Engagement Team” you will collaborate with instructors in the creation of engaging learning environments, and help foster a climate of innovation around teaching and learning. The Learning Media Developer (LMD) position is a creative role that offers the opportunity to innovate and create learning resources in a variety of media for access on various platforms. Artifacts may include digital illustrations, interactive and computational games, short videos, webpages and occasional print material. Where possible resources developed by the LMD will be sustainable and re-useable such that instructors can maintain them independently or adapt them to new contexts. The LMD may also be seen to curate and adapt Open Education Resources resulting in sustainable media production.

To be successful you will have expertise in a variety of media production tools and the willingness to learn new tools as required. You will have an agile and adaptable approach to work that allows you to learn and adopt new methods and innovations for teaching and learning.

The application deadline for this position is Friday 22 April 2016. Further details are available here.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members