Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Fortnightly Bulletin, 17 February 2014



Final Reminder: ascilite Community Mentoring Program Applications

This is the final reminder that ascilite is accepting applications up to 21 February 2014 from prospective mentors and mentees for its Community Mentoring Program (CMP). In addition, a webinar on the CMP was condcuted  on 11 February 2014 and you may view the recording here.   Full details about the CMP are also available on the ascilite website.

ascilite Welcomes New Institutional Members

ascilite welcomes Curtin University which has taken out a 3 year institutional membership.  The University of Wollongong also has taken out a second institutional membership in the Faculty of Social Sciences.  This is in addition to the existing institutional membership in the Faculty of  Science, Medicine & Health.  Several other universities are in the processing of joining ascilite's institutional membership program.


Rapid Course Design Today for Tomorrow’s Learners!

Swinburne University is excited to offer a free, Open Online Course on the Carpe Diem learning design process developed by Professor Gilly Salmon. 

Carpe Diem is a proven collaborative and rapid course development method for effective learning design.  Whether it be adapting an existing course for online delivery or ensuring a course is designed for future learning, Carpe Diem is an essential method for those interested in improving learning and teaching.

“Carpe Diem is based on 13 years of research into collaborative design for technology enhanced learning …I am delighted that this MOOC brings Carpe Diem agile, rapid team developments for effective learning design to the broader education community” – Professor Gilly Salmon.

Participants in the course will:

  • Learn about the Carpe Diem process
  • Apply the method to their own learning course design
  • Engage and collaborate with other participants in the creation of E-tivities
  • Reflect on learning design and the application of Carpe Diem to practice

Join the growing number of practitioners applying Carpe Diem and transforming the learning and teaching experience.  Course commences on the 10th of March, 2014.  For further Information visit the website or send an email inquiry.

Call for Papers: ICICTE 2014 Conference

The International on Information Communication Technologies in Education takes place 3 – 5 July 2014 in Kos, Greece.  The deadline for paper proposals is 21 February.  Further information is available at

Lancaster University Launches Distance Learning PhD Programs

The Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University (UK) recently launched two unique distance learning PhD programs in the following:

  • Higher Education Research, Evaluation and Enhancement.  Designed for professionals working within higher education institutions around the world;
  • Education and Social Justice.  Designed for professionals world-wide who are working to promote social justice in or through education (in its broadest sense).

Students will complete the part-time program entirely online, over four to five years.  Participants can study from home whilst in full or part-time employment and do not need to visit the Lancaster campus, making the program ideal for international students.

Lancaster boasts one of the best Education Departments within the UK, with internationally renowned researchers/practitioners, and was ranked 10th in the UK and 1st in the North West of England in the Guardian University Guide 2012.

Applications are now invited to join the second cohort of students who will commence the program in Autumn 2014.

For more information, please visit the website.

Call for Papers: Special issue IJ-ISME

A Call for Papers is now open for a special issue of the International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education (IJ-ISME) on Science Communication in the Undergraduate Curriculum with Guest Editors Dr Susan Rowland, Dr Kay Colthorpe and Stephanie Beames.

The International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education (IJ-ISME) is pleased to announce a special issue planned for 2014 on Science Communication. This opportunity will enable authors to contribute to the wider discourse around communication skills in undergraduate science and mathematics education and development of scholarship in learning and teaching (SoTL) in higher education. The ability to communicate science effectively is widely regarded as one of the key attributes science graduates should possess, and this was reflected by the prominence of science communication in the recently published Science Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement

This special issue of IJ-ISME will highlight the essential nature of science communication in the undergraduate curriculum and will act to inspire academics from all science disciplines to consider the role of science communication within their curricula. We are calling for papers that provide evidence-based examples of activities that build communication skills and which can be built upon by academics across the science disciplines.  Papers should be between 3000-6000 words in length. Guidelines for authors are available here.

Important dates: Abstracts are due 7 March 2014. Interested authors should initially submit a 250-word abstract for consideration by email. This expression of interest is to help ensure that the final edition addresses a broad range of disciplines and challenges.

Manuscripts are due by 28 April 2014 and reviews returned in April, with final versions due 30 June 2014

This special issue will be published online in October 2014 in conjunction with the 20th Australian conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME).

Positions Vacant: Digital Education, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is recruiting a range of new posts in digital education and learning analytics, building on our outstanding track record in informatics and digital education practice.

The posts are based within the Digital Cultures and Education research grouping within the School of Education, with the Chair in Learning, Analytics and Informatics being shared between the Schools of Education and Informatics.

Chair in Learning, Analytics and Informatics (Vacancy ref. 025068) Chair in Digital Education (Vacancy ref. 025029) Lecturer in Digital Education (Vacancy ref. 024988) Closing date: 28 February 2014

These posts represent one element of a broader University investment: we are also recruiting Chairs in Technology Enhanced Science Education within the College of Science and Engineering (vacancy ref: 024331), as well as a number of Chancellor¹s Fellowships in Education with a focus on Learning Analytics and Digital Education (vacancy ref: 024144 closing date 7 February 2014).

Full details are available here.

Position Vacant: Research Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington

The Faculty of Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand has a vacancy for a Research Fellow, Flexible Learning Design and Educational Resilience, at the

Victoria University of Wellington is seeking a research fellow to lead a one-year project in educational resilience that includes both effective development of a community of inquiry to explore resilience in teaching (eg in case of an earthquake), and also development of new, flexible science content for use in a range of learning and teaching environments.

For further information, and to apply for the position, please visit the website and use ref A036-14Q The closing date for applications is Monday March 3rd, 2014.

ALT News Digest 292

Association for Learning Technology Fortnightly News Digest 292 was issued on 7 February 2014.  ALT's journal – Research in Learning Technology is open access. Articles from the past 20 years are available here.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members