Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite Launches New Mobile Learning SIG

ascilite is proud to announce the launch of a new Mobile Learning SIG (ML-SIG). The new SIG is headed by Thom Cochrane and Vickel Narayan from the Centre for Learning & Teaching at the Auckland University of Technology.

The aim of the ML-SIG is to explore the intersection of Mobile learning, new pedagogies, the Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning (SOTEL), Design-Based Research (DBR), and authentic learning.

Mobile device ownership is ubiquitous, leading many HE institutions to explore a BYOD approach to mobile learning.  However, most Mlearning projects are devie centric and focus upon re-purposing content for delivery to small screens and substitution of pre-existing pedagogical strategies. The potential of mobile learning is to enable new collaborative connected pedagogies and professional portfolios.

The ML-SIG will explicitly explore the boundaries of current knowledge and approaches to mobile learning, and develop a global collaborative network of mobile learning researchers interested in exploring and implementing the frontiers of mobile learning.  It will also explore the unique affordances of mobile devices for student-generated content and student-generated contexts via such technologies as collaborative media production and sharing, VR, AR, geolocative and contextual sensors, drones and wearable technologies.

SIG Activities

If you would like to be kept up to date on the ML-SIG and its activities, simply complete this opt-in form.

ascilite Live! Webinar: Improving student learning outcomes through virtual internship based teaching

Developing students’ professional skills is critical for their future success in the workplace. This webinar introduces virtual internship based teaching as a methodology that enables students to develop skills and knowledge though an immersive virtual learning environment in which students assume the role of virtual interns.

The webinar will outline the process used to develop successful virtual internship environments, showcase the multi award winning “Balancing Life” virtual internship programme developed at the University of New England Business School, and outline the benefits of this teaching strategy.

Date & Time

Tuesday, 24 May at 12pm AEST.  You can view your local time zone here. Register below and you will receive login details for the session by email.


Dr Leopold Bayerlein is a Senior Lecturer in Financial Accounting at the University of New England Business School. Leopold has a strong research interest in accounting education and curriculum development and has received several national awards for his innovative teaching strategies, including his development of Balancing Life.

Mrs Naomi McGrath is a Learning Designer at the UNE Business School. She has extensive experience in gamification and the development of multimedia focused learning activities. Naomi’s research interests are in the gamification of higher education, and she is a co-recipient of this programme’s 2015 ascilite innovation award.

How to Register

You can register here for this webinar. After registering, you will receive an email with login details for the session.

Call for Proposals: Special Issue of AJET 2017

The editors of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) welcome expressions of interest from individuals or teams interested in guest editing a special issue of the journal in 2017.

Expressions of interest of up to 500 words should include the following information:

  • Names and affiliations of guest editor(s), including experience and brief biographical details
  • Proposed special edition theme, including possible topics
  • The relevance of the theme to the scope and coverage of the journal
  • The significance of the theme in advancing the field of educational technology in higher education.

Full proposals will be requested from shortlisted EOIs selected by the AJET editorial board.

Please email your expression of interest to A/Prof Michael Henderson, AJET joint Lead Editor by 10 June 2016.

Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment SIG) News: Next Webinar

The next e-Assessment webinar will be held on 1 June 2016. The topic of this session will be Adaptive comparative judgement grading project-based assessment. Adaptive Comparative Judgment (ACJ) offers an alternative to marking, especially for performance assessments for which achievement can be difficult to describe in mark schemes. This webinar will look at how ACJ delivered through online technologies can be a valid and highly reliable alternative to traditional analytical marking.

You can register for the session here.

Webinar recording available

The video recording of the webinar Reframing Assessment: This time it's personal conducted on 4 May is now available for viewing. This session covered the culture of the single mark or grade needs to change and this webinar explored how a focus on assessment is the way to begin a transformation in attitudes and practices.

View the recording and download resources here.

ascilite 2016 – 2019 Strategic Plan Finalized

The ascilite Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2019 has now been finalized after incorporating comments from members and consulting with ascilite's Life Members. The final version is now available on the website and may be viewed here.

The Strategic Plan is a critical document that informs the Society and the ascilite Executive of its strategic and operational focus over the next 3 years.   In March of this year, Life members were invited to provide feedback on the draft strategic plan developed by the Executive at their meeting in February.  Their feedback was incorporated in the plan and this version was put to the wider ascilite community for further comments in April.  The ascilite Executive Committee then considered these comments and finalized the plan at the April Executive meeting.


Call for Papers: mLearn 2016, the 15th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning Conference

The paper submission due date for mLearn 2016 is 30 May 2016. Other dates are as follows:

  • Open for paper submission: 1 March 2016
  • All submissions due: 30 May 2016
  • Notification of acceptance: 25 July 2016
  • Last day for early-bird registration: 8 August 2016

The conference takes place on 24 – 26 October 2016 at the University of Technology Sydney, New South Wales and details are available on the conference website. You may also register for the conference here.

Submissions are invited for long papers (8 pages), short papers (3 pages), posters (250 words), panels (500 words), doctoral Consortia (4 pages) and practitioner's presentations (300 words). Further information and templates can be found here.

All submissions will be double blind peer-reviewed by an international review committee. Following the review process, all accepted submissions (Long papers, Short papers and submissions for all other categories) will be published in the Conference Proceedings by IAmLearn, with an ISBN. Publication will be contingent on registration by at least one author at the mLearn 2016 conference. The mLearn 2016 Proceedings will be available on open access via the IAmLearn website, in addition to the soft copy which will be provided to all conference delegates. Authors of accepted submissions will also have the opportunity to revise their papers for submission to a Special Issue of the peer-reviewed International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning.

Enquiries may be made by email here.

Call for Papers: ACSME 2016

The Australian Conference on Science & Mathematics Education is being hosted by the University of Queensland this year and submissions are now open. The conference theme is The 21st Century Science and Maths Graduate: What is the place of our STEM graduates in the world? How do we prepare them?

You are invited to submit a proposal for a talk, poster or workshop. Further information is available on the ACSME website here including a list of free workshops offered on Friday, 30 September.

Registration for workshops will be available on the ACSME website closer to the date. We look forward to welcoming tertiary science and mathematics educators from across Australia to this exciting annual conference, and hope to see you here in sunny Brisbane in September!

Australian Research Council – Engagement and Impact Consultation Paper

The Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Department of Education and Training are currently conducting a consultation the purpose of which is to seek the views of stakeholders on a framework for developing a national assessment of the engagement and impact of university research.

Those interested are invited to provide responses and their views on a range of questions associated with the definitions and scope, key issues and types of engagement and impact indicators detailed in the consultation document available here.

Feedback should be provided by email to the ARC by 24 June 2016.

Final Conference Programme Available for the International Mobile Learning Festival 2016

The finalized conference programme for IMLF2016: Mobile Learning, Emerging Learning Design & Learning 2.0 is now available. The conference will be held on 27 – 28 May 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. You can view the programme here.

Job Vacancy: Manager, Learnline Development and Training, Charles Darwin University

  • Office of Learning and Development
  • Continuing appointment
  • Level 9/10 $100,148 – $119,052 plus 17% Superannuation

Charles Darwin University is an internationally renowned university delivering Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) at several campuses and online. Based in beautiful, tropical Darwin, we are an innovative and technology-enabled University ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide and 31st for universities under 50 years of age, by the Times Higher Education Supplement.

We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled leader to help shape our students’ experience and lead the University’s deployment of Learnline – a dynamic suite of technologies that enables our learner engagement and teaching practices. Learnline is built upon the Blackboard LMS and includes a range of associated products and services, such as; virtual classrooms, help-services, training and analytics. This suite continues to expand and mature, making this an exciting opportunity for someone enthusiastic about the future of technology-enabled learner engagement.

As Manager, LDT you will lead an expert team responsible for facilitating online course delivery, training and support, system maintenance and upgrades, resource development and contributing to strategic initiatives. To achieve this, you will work closely with HE and VET staff, other internal system and information providers, and external product suppliers. You belong to a management team that encompasses academic planning and policy, professional development, quality assurance and innovative media production.

A strong communicator and relationship developer, you encourage innovation, embrace change and negotiate competing priorities, while also ensuring service delivery requirements are met. Ideally you have a completed post graduate qualification in education or information technology and have technical expertise in the effective application of learning technologies. Paramount is your demonstrable leadership in providing excellent service.

To apply, please register your application in the General Staff vacancies in Jobs@CDU or phone Gary Carpenter, Manager Strategic Recruitment on (08) 89466027.

Post Doctoral Fellowship Position, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver

A post doctoral Fellowship is available within the Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.

The primary purpose of the ISTLD is to inspire, support, and enhance faculty-led inquiry into all aspects of teaching and learning at SFU. By “faculty-led inquiry” we mean research that is initiated by faculty members and related to ideas or questions about teaching and learning in a specific course, more than one course, at the program level or across programs. This work is supported through the Teaching and Learning Development Grants program and through related work of faculty members and graduate students affiliated with the ISTLD.

Full details are available here.  Applications close 30 June 2016

Job Vacancy, Learning Technology Tutor, University of Auckland

  • Campus: Grafton & Tāmaki
  • Part-time (.6FTE) Fixed Term, 12 months
  • Salary Level: TTS

The University of Auckland is seeking to appoint a Learning Technology Tutor to assist with providing a range of user support for a number of learning technologies.

The Learning Technology Unit (LTU) supports FMHS undergraduate and postgraduate programs, working with staff to support their teaching and learning requirements. We offer pedagogical and technological expertise to enhance teaching and learning. We support a range of delivery formats (face-to-face, blended and online) and media (print and digital) to maximize opportunities for students to learn. Our partners include academic and professional staff, FMHS students and external stakeholders.

We are seeking a self-directed person who understands the role technology can play in delivering a compelling, effective, and transferable learning experience. The tutor will provide end user support for a broad range of software, produce high quality, engaging and relevant printed and digital user support collateral. Experience with Chalk and Wire, Canvas, Articulate Presenter, CourseBuilder or similar software is preferred. Experience supporting or delivering face-to-face or online training strongly desired. You will work as part of a highly productive, engaging and fun team of LTU colleagues. You must demonstrate strong interpersonal skills through relationship within the faculty, the University and outside organisations or key stakeholders.

Our ideal candidate will have an undergraduate degree in an education, health, or related discipline and at least one year of experience in a user support or learning design role. Previous tertiary teaching experience is also desirable. You must have intermediate MS Office skills, and be comfortable working across multiple operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS) and types of hardware (laptops, desktops, smart phones, tablets). As developing training materials is an important element of this role, strong communication skills are a must.

The University has an equity policy and welcomes applications from all qualified persons. It is also committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students.

Applications for this position close Tuesday 31 May 2016. You can view and apply for this job here. Please ensure you submit a cover letter with your CV.

Job Vacancy: Learning Technologies Developers, The University of Notre Dame

The University of Notre Dame Australia is seeking Learning Technologies Developers – 2 position (Fremantle-1 and Sydney-1). These positions report to the Manager, Learning & Teaching Office and is responsible to the Director of the Learning & Teaching Office.  Please note that the closing date for applications is 18 May 2016.

The duties of these positions include, but are not limited to:

  1. developing and delivering professional development for staff so that they can apply appropriate pedagogical approaches and learning and teaching strategies through the Learning Management System (Blackboard), enabling them to create high quality blended and online learning experiences for students;
  2. providing level two helpdesk support with Blackboard and other educational technologies;
  3. working with the Application Administrator(s) to test and develop improvements in Blackboard mediated learning and teaching opportunities;
  4. actively participating in relevant meetings and committees, as required, with a view to supporting the strategic directions and developing associated documents related to the quality of curricula, learning and teaching and e-learning environments/infrastructure;
  5. developing and fostering a service-orientated approach including liaising with Schools and academic support areas to provide advice and consultation support for the design, development and evaluation of curriculum and learning resources;
  6. developing and delivering programs in the Graduate Certificate in University Teaching;
  7. working with the Academic Integrity Working Group to finalise the development and evaluation of the Academic Integrity Modules, and supporting staff in the implementation of these modules;
  8. carrying out activities to develop scholarship and research expertise relevant to the discipline; and
  9. other duties as directed by the Manager, Learning and Teaching Office.

For more information and application pack please visit the Freemantle or Sydney links.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members