Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Live! webinar: Authentic Assessment in Business Education – a panacea for a hybrid teaching world?

Date & Time: 17 February @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm AEDT, 8am UK/IE and 4pm SG/HK and 0800 universal time. Note that the duration of the session is 1.5 hours.

This panel session is jointly presented by the Transforming Assessment and Business Education SIGs (ASCILITE).

Join a panel of International Business Educators as they explore why, when looking for rationalisation and cost savings, increased student engagement, the development of transversal skills and protection from contract cheating, authentic assessment design in Business programs that assures learning and meets rigorous accreditation requirements has become the focus of considerable attention during the pivot to hybrid and online learning.

To register, visit the TA-SIG website here.

Reminder: Call for Expressions of Interest in the Inaugural Women in Academic Leadership Initiative

Applications for the inaugural ASCILITE Women in Academic Leadership Initiative (2021 – 2022) are now being accepted via Expressions of Interest due by 1 March 2021. The Women in Academic Leadership Initiative aims to provide mentoring opportunities for academics at levels C and D (or equivalent), with mentors from Levels D and E. The initiative will bring together its members via a community approach to support each other to progress in academia.

Applicants must be current members of ASCILITE and maintain their membership for the duration of the two year initiative.

ASCILITE members were emailed details of this initiative in a Special Announcement on 3 February 2021.

Full details of the initiative and the application forms are available here and below are details of an information session webinar scheduled for 19 February 2021

Information Session Webinar, 19 February 2021 @ 1pm AEDT

If you are interested in this initiative, you are welcome to attend an information session in which the initiative will be introduced. Attendees will hear from two successful leaders in the field on technology-enhanced learning in higher education and the facilitators will discuss the process for applications, the initiative’s expectations and the aims of the initiative as well as answer any questions you may have. If you would like to join the discussion, use this login link.

Blog post: Standing on the shoulders of a giantess: Women in Academic Leadership

Petrea Redmond (USQ), Elaine Huber (UofSyd), Chris Campbell (Griffith) and Sue Gregory (UNE), leaders of the Women in Academic Leadership Initiative have co-authored a blog post that discusses the initiative in the context of gender imbalance in university senior academic positions. You can read the complete post here.

New TELall blog post: How do educators and educational technologists think about data as evidence to support their work?

In the TELall latest post, Simon Knight (UTS), Anissa Moeini (UCL), Alison Clark-Wilson (UCL), Rita Prestigiacomo (USyd) look at the question of what educators and educational technologists think about data as evidence to support their work.  This question is central to work being undertaken by colleagues at UTS and internationally. Evidence and data are increasingly emphasised in educational contexts, with the spread of What Works centres such as the Educational Endowment Foundation (UK), Evidence for Learning (Australia), the What Works Clearinghouse (USA), international (PISA), national (SATS, NAPLAN, etc.) alongside local (formative assessment) data.



University – Industry MOOC leading to a free Certification of Achievement on Educational Data Literacy

In the wake of the Covid-19 global pandemic, emergency remote teaching has become the new reality for school education around the world. As a result, educational data, that is the rich data footprint that students generate through their interactions in digital learning environments, has increased exponentially. This unprecedented crisis has brought to the forefront the urgent demand for Educational Data Analytics (EDA) as a key enabler to seize the opportunity, through the use of educational data generated during teaching and learning (including assessment), to better support individual learners in technology-supported remote teaching. Furthermore, online learning environments and education data-driven practice and assessment raise challenges such as ethical issues and implications, especially in terms of privacy, security of data and informed consent that should be addressed via transparent and well-defined ethical policies and codes of practices.

A new version of the Learn2Analyse University-Industry Massive Online Open Course (MOOC on Educational Data Literacy is offered by the Learn2Analyse Consortium.

The course combines theory on collecting, analysing, interpreting and using educational data (including issues related to ethics and privacy) with practice on applying educational data analytics on three different e-learning platforms, namely, Moodle, the eXact Suite and the IMC Learning Suite. he new version incorporates:

  • self-assessed assignments based on real-life scenarios to offer deeper understanding of the educational data field; and
  • an upgraded assessment mechanism leading to two levels of Certification of Achievement on Educational Data Literacy (EDL). Level A requires the learner to have acquired a basic set of competences for EDL and Level B requires demonstration of a higher expertise assessed through hands-on assignments based on simulated practice scenarios.

The Learn2Analyze MOOC is developed with co-funding by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances, Agreement n. 2017-2733 / 001-001, Project No 588067-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA). The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission will not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Enrol on the MOOC

The MOOC is now open for enrolments at the Learn2Analyze MOOC platform for a start date of 1 March 2021, lasting for 9 weeks and leading to a free Certification of Achievement in Educational Data Literacy at two different levels.

Learn to Analyze Educational Data and Improve your Blended and Online Teaching to earn your free Certificate of Achievement in Educational Data Literacy in Level A: core EDL competences or Level B: advanced EDL competences

Professor Dirk Ifenthaler
Chair of Learning, Design and Technology
University of Mannheim

*The Learn to Analyze Educational Data and Improve your Blended and Online Teaching MOOC supports the development of both core and advanced competences for Educational Data Analytics of Online and Blended teaching and learning. It is ideal for e-learning professionals (such as instructional designers and e-tutors) of online and blended courses, school leaders and teachers engaged in blended (using the flipped classroom model) and online (during the COVID19 crisis and beyond) teaching and learning, and university students (undergraduate/postgraduate).

13th Southern Hemisphere Delta Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Maths & Statistics

On behalf of the organising committee, we are delighted to share the first announcement of the 13th Southern Hemisphere Delta Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics to be held on 22 – 25 November 2021 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

For the first time, the conference presentations will be made online via video conferencing. Delta attracts an international audience of academics interested in mathematics and statistics education, including disciplinary specialists, education theorists, and tertiary education practitioners across the mathematical sciences and engineering. Traditionally, the conference focuses not only on the dissemination of practical initiatives but also on research outputs, which are published as double-blind peer-reviewed articles in the special issue of the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

The submission deadline is 6 April and you can make your submission to the journal here and for the full double-blind peer-reviewed papers in the conference proceedings you must make your submission by 13 August..

Registrations will open on 18 February 2021. Early-bird conference registration fee is NZ $120 before 30 September 2021, while the standard conference registration fee is NZ $150 after 30 September 2021.

For further information about the conference, see the website here.

The local Organising Committee members are Stephanie Budgett, Rosalind Cameron, Tanya Evans, Phil Kane, Rachel Passmore, Cami Sawyer and Kerri Spooner.

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Institutional Members