Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Conceptualising Horizons Workshop

Date and time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm AEDT | Auckland 6:30pm | Singapore 1:30pm, 15 February 2022

You are invited to attend a presentation of the final draft STEEP trends crafted from responses provided by participants in the Contextualising Horizon sessions at the 2021 ASCILITE Conference. You need not have participated in these previous sessions to take part.

The intended outcomes of the upcoming session include:

  • Confirmation and finalisation of the 2021 – 2022 Australasian STEEP trends
  • Identification of the learning and teaching technologies and trends best positioned to assist institutions in addressing the trends

Prior to the session, we encourage everyone to review the Padlet with the current STEEP trends and to use commenting to provide feedback or to supplement the information.

Contextualising Horizon is an ASCILITE initiative to benchmark and map the social, technological, economic, environmental and political (STEEP) trends and impacts on the tertiary sector across Australasia and to identify the learning and teaching technologies and strategies to inform strategic discussions. The project is based on the Educause Horizon Report methodology with the aim of informing a regional picture of educational technology trends. Two sessions were held at the 2021 ASCILITE Conference resulting in the nomination of the 2021 – 2022 STEEP trends.

Please register for the session here.

Australasian Open Educational Practice SIG: 2022 Webinar #1: Open Publishing and the Value of Access

Date and time: 11am – 12pm AEDT | Auckland 1pm | Singapore 8am,15 February 2022

Join the OEP Special Interest Group (SIG) for the relaunch of its SIG webinar series. The first researcher will be Jessica Thiel, a PhD candidate with the Digital Media Research Centre at QUT who will discuss flaws in the traditional market for publishing textbooks and education resources and cover the complexities of the ecosystem which supports traditional publishing and how it often involves knowledge creators assigning the rights to their work with students paying high prices to access education materials with no control over the choice of the content.


The ASCILITE Business Education and Learning Analytics SIG Special Webinar

Date and time: 12pm – 1pm AEDT | Auckland  2pm | Singapore 9am, Monday 21 February, 2022

The BE-SIG is excited to host the webinar “Using Learning Analytics to Support a Pedagogy of Care in Business Schools”. Business Schools are characterised by diverse and often large student populations. In this webinar we will explore how we can use learning analytics to support the care of our students.

You can join this session here.

Reminder: ASCILITE’s Latest Wavelength Podcast now available

The new edition of ASCILITE Wavelength Podcast service is now available.

In this episode, Michael Cowling chats with Sally Kift about scholarship of learning and teaching and what is needed for tertiary education to continue to innovate. We feature the first of a three-part series examining the work of staff addressing academic integrity at the coal face. “The Student Voice” examines student support services.

Episode Two

You’ll find all podcast episodes on the ASCILITE website along with additional information on the service  Wavelength is a community-contributed podcast, and we invite members of the ASCILITE community and affiliates to produce and contribute segments for the podcast. Details for how you can get involved are available on the ASCILITE website here.


Position available: Principal Research Assistant, University of Queensland

  • Academy for Medical Education
  • Part-time (40%- hours flexible)
  • HEW7- Fixed term for 2 years

This is an exciting opportunity to work as a member of the UQ Teaching Innovation Grant project team on the following project- Visualising digital footprints to enhance learner engagement in work-integrated learning (WIL). The role will provide high-level educational mixed-methods research expertise for the project working closely with the multidisciplinary project team and student partners in the Medical School and School of Veterinary Sciences.

The ideal candidate will have experience in educational research, having worked in the higher education sector or health sciences/medical or veterinary sciences clinical learning environments, skills in the management and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data sets including digital records of student engagement in workplace-based assessment tasks, strong communication skills to work closely with team members including students in a co-design capacity.

Further information is available on the UQ Jobs website closing date for applications 15th March. If you would like to discuss this role please contact Assoc Prof Helen Wozniak

Call for Research Participants in Conceptualising a Sense of Belonging

  • Conceptualising a sense of belonging in first year undergraduate fully online courses
  • PhD Candidate: Sharon Altena
  • Griffith University Ref No: 2021/903

Do you teach first year fully online course/class/unit at an Australian University?

Do you design and facilitate students’ sense of connectedness and help them “fit in” as a member of your online class?

If yes, then I would love to hear from you, to participate in a Griffith University PhD research study being conducted under the supervision of A/Prof Sarah Prestridge, A/Prof Jeannie Allen and A/Prof Chris Campbell. If you are interested in participating in this study, please complete this short 5 minute confidential online survey.

Thank you for considering this request.
Sharon Altena
PhD Candidate

Survey Invitation on Engaging in Curriculum Delivery for Student Understanding

Are you an academic or professional staff with any experience in the delivery of higher education curriculum?

Dear Colleague,

Are you able to spare 10 – 15 minutes to anonymously share your views on how you engage with curriculum delivery for student understanding? If so, please access the information statement and survey in the link below:

Please share widely with your colleagues in higher education, both nationally and internationally. We thank you for your valuable time and contribution to enhancing student learning experiences.

This study has been approved by the Griffith University Research Ethics Committee (GU Ref No: 2021/198) in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct and Human Research.

If you have any questions regarding the study, please email Sarah-Jane Gregory (Survey Co-lead).

Kind regards,

The Curriculum Literacy Project Team

CRADLE Seminar Series: Making Assessment Work for Learning

Date and time: 2pm – 3.30pm AEDT | Auckland 4pm | Singapore 11am, Tuesday 22 February 2022. This is a free event.

Join CRADLE (Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning) for an online seminar by Prof. Roseanna Bourke, Massey University, on Making Assessment Work for Learning.

Lifelong learning requires a person to have strong self-assessment skills if they are to plan for their own learning, and to self-assess that learning in work and life settings beyond the formal higher education setting. To encourage self-assessment for learning, tertiary educators need to break the circuit of students’ reliance on traditional assessment methods by creating opportunities to share the control and power of assessment. By doing this, educators encourage learners to become more critical and self-reflective with an ability to assess their own learning long after the course has ended. In this seminar, I explore how to steer undergraduate and postgraduate students away from simply keeping their eye on the grade and the marking criteria, towards a focus on their learning, understanding and application of knowledge.

My fundamental aim as a tertiary educator is to increase students’ positive experiences of assessment that support their meaningful growth and learning. The concept of collaborative partnership in assessment is one means to achieve this end. However it challenges standard university policies, given it shares power over assessment. Arguably this contests typical Western understandings of expert knowledge and assessment, particularly if the partnership truly represents the diversity of knowledge and experience that students bring to the partnership. This seminar explores examples of assessment partnerships, and the resultant intended and unintended consequences for policy, practice, and student experience.

Assessment methods that enable students to ‘access’ their learning, rather than focusing on being able to simply ‘assess’ their learning are presented. Strategies that include ipsative assessment, self-assessment, student development of criteria, ePortfolios,’give back’ assessments, YouTube assessment methods are explored.

You can register for this event here.

Nominations invited for the Harold W. McGraw Prize in Education

The The Harold McGraw in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education is inviting nominations for the prestigious McGraw prize in education. The selection panel is looking for outstanding individuals who have dedicated themselves to improving education and whose accomplishments are making a huge difference in the lives of students. Individuals can be nominated now through 11:59 p.m. ET on 1 March 2022 in three categories: pre-K-12 education, higher education, and learning science research. Each winner will receive an award of $50,000 and a prize sculpture.

These three McGraw Prizes will be awarded 3 November 2022 in New York City, circumstances permitting, with an accompanying virtual celebration. Winners are chosen over two rounds of judging and ultimately by an independent panel of esteemed judges who are leaders in the field. For questions or more information, visit the nomination page or email us.

ALT (UK) News Digests

For those interested in what’s happening with technology enhanced learning in the UK, ASCILITE’s peer organisation – the Association of Learning Technologies, publishes a fortnightly News Digest.  Links to their latest News Digests are as follows: Issue 638 released on 31 January and Issue 639 released on 7 February.

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