Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Volume 32, Issue 2 Now Published

We are pleased to advise that the second issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology for 2016 has been published.   The editorial for AJET Issue 32(2) and the articles it contains are available from the AJET website.  In addition, if you would like to comment on the Editorial, you may do so by visiting this link on the ascilite website where you can read the full Editorial and leave your comment.

As always, we thank the wonderful team of associate editors who facilitate the reviews and author revisions. The associate editors are: Associate Professor Shirley Agostinho; Dr Thomas Donald Cochrane; Dr Helen Farley; Dr Chwee Beng Lee; Dr Lina Markauskaite; Dr Stephen Marshall; and Dr Petrea Redmond. We also thank our dedicated copyeditors Antonina Petrolito and Kayleen Wood.

We would also like to acknowledge the authors for their contributions to AJET and for the support we received from them in preparing papers for this issue.

Eva Heinrich , Michael Henderson, Barney Dalgarno
Lead Editors, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment SIG) News: Next Session

Topic: Central challenges in transforming assessment at departmental and institutional level. Live stream of the AHE2016 keynote by Prof Sue Bloxham, University of Cumbria.

Date & Time: 7am UTC, 30 June 2016 (with a panel discussion scheduled for 13 July)

Abstract: This special webinar is a live stream from the floor of the Assessment in Higher Education conference secretariat seminar day on 30 June 2016 in Manchester UK.  Please note, the start time for the live stream is different from that of our normal webinars! (See links below).

This will be followed up with a panel review session on 13 July featuring three speakers from the day chaired by Sally Jordan, Open University UK:

  • Sally Brown (Leeds Beckett University) & Kay Sambell (Northumbria University): 'Changing practice on feedback at an institutional level'
  • Amanda Sykes (University of Glasgow) & David Morrison (Plymouth University): 'Half as Much but Twice as Good: Constructing Effective Written Feedback in Any Subject'
  • Juliet Williams (University of Winchester): 'Changing colours: what happens when you make enhancement an imperative?'

Further information and register for the live stream on 30 June here and for the panel session on 13 July go here.

Recording Available

A recording has now been released of the webinar "Adaptive comparative judgement for grading project-based assessment" held 1 June. Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ) offers an alternative to marking, especially for performance assessments for which achievement can be difficult to describe in mark schemes. This session explored how ACJ delivered through online technologies can be a valid and highly reliable alternative to traditional analytical marking. You may view the recording here

Next ascilite Live! Webinar: Writing Effective Research Funding Applications

Time & Date

29 June 2016 from 12pm – 1pm AEST.  For your local time zone go here.


Grant writing can sometimes seem like a dark art! Most applications are dismissed by reviewers, not because the project is not worthy, but because the application is poorly written. This session will show you how to address some of those fundamental issues to ensure that your application gets serious consideration. It will also describe how you can work with colleagues to maximise your chances of success. The presenter will describe her grant writing journey, moving from funding failures to funding winners (well, sometimes at least!)


Helen Farley is an Associate Professor (Digital Futures) at the Australian Digital Futures Institute at the University of Southern Queensland. She is currently leading the USQ-led Collaborative Research Network (CRN) project with ANU and UniSA to develop a Mobile Learning Evaluation Framework.

She was also the project lead of the OLT-funded ‘From Access to Success’ project which developed an internet-independent version of Moodle that will enable electronic access to course materials and activities for those students without internet access. This project has been so successful that Helen and ADFI were awarded $4.4 million through the Australian Government’s Higher Education Participation and Pathways Program to take the Moodle and notebook computers to Indigenous and non-Indigenous incarcerated students across Australia.

Helen has many years’ experience as an educator in Higher Education and as a researcher of educational technology. Her research interests are focused around the use of mobile technologies, virtual worlds and using technology to promote participation in Higher Education.

How to Register

You can register for this webinar here. After registering, you will receive an email with login details for the session.


Job Vacancy: Professional Teaching Fellow, The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland is seeking to appoint a Professional Teaching Fellow (PTF) to collaborate with academic staff across the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in order to enable and ensure high quality teaching. This position is located in the Learning Technology Unit, an educational services unit within the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

The Learning Technology Unit (LTU) works with staff to support their teaching and learning requirements by sharing our pedagogical and technological expertise to enhance teaching and learning. We support a range of delivery formats (face-to-face, blended and online) and media (print and digital) to maximize opportunities for student learning. Our partners include academic and professional staff, FMHS students and external stakeholders.

We are seeking a self-directed person who understands the role technology can play in delivering a compelling, effective, and transferable learning experience. The PTF will develop online and blended teaching and learning materials for undergraduate and post-graduate courses. Our ideal candidate will have a masters degree or higher in education, adult and higher education, eLearning, or relevant health discipline. They will have tertiary teaching experience in health professions or eLearning and demonstrable understanding of eLearning best practices.

Experience with Chalk and Wire, Canvas LMS, Articulate Presenter, CourseBuilder or similar software is preferred. You should have strong MS Office skills, and be comfortable working across multiple operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS) and types of hardware (laptops, desktops, smart phones, tablets).

The University welcomes applications from all qualified persons and is committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students.

Applications close on 15 July 2016 and further details are available here.. Please ensure you submit a cover letter combined with your CV.

Job Vacancy: Educational Researcher (Student Experience), The University of Queensland

Two experienced and highly skilled candidates are sought to support Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and IT staff to develop, design and implement student focussed curriculum which enhances the student experience.  The roles will contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching quality through the provision of best-practice pedagogical advice.

Each person would be expected to have knowledge of course design, assessment and evaluation particularly in relation to blended learning and the incorporation of educational technologies.

These are full-time, fixed term appointments for two years at HEW Level 7.  Application details and the position description can be accessed here.

To discuss this role please email Mark Reedman or call Mark on +61 7 3365 3886.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members