Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Invitation to complete the ascilite 2015 Member Survey

ascilite is once again seeking feedback from members through the 2015 ascilite member survey. The purpose of our biennial member survey is to obtain feedback from members on ascilite's services and related activities.

The data collected from the survey is also used to inform the next cycle of strategic planning (2016 – 2019) for the society.

Survey results will be reported to members through the fortnightly bulletin, website and other means and members will also be informed about what ascilite is doing in response to the feedback it receives.

We greatly value your feedback and contribution to the future of ascilite and invite you to complete the survey via the anonymous link here.

Members who complete the survey may choose to enter a draw to win a gift to the value of $200. The survey should take approximately 15 – 20 minutes of your time.

The survey link will remain open until 28 April 2015 (exended from 24 April).

ascilite Live! Webinar: Developing Your Professional Portfolio for CMALT Australasia



This free webinar is designed to provide information and support to CMALT candidates, in particular those looking to complete their portfolios in 2015. If you not currently a CMALT candidate but are interested in developing a professional portfolio and obtaining peer recognition for your work in learning technology, you are also welcome to attend.

Ascilite members who have applied to join the 2015 CMALT Community of Practice are also encouraged to attend.

CMALT enables people whose work involves learning technology to have their experience and capabilities certified by peers and to demonstrate that they are taking a committed approach to their professional development.

You can find-out more about ascilite's accreditation scheme here.


Hennie Yip, from the ALT (UK) CMALT Development Group, will provide an overview of the professional accreditation scheme, the support available for candidates and guidance to individual candidates towards the completion of their professional portfolios.  Hennie is an Educational Development Officer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The CMALT Australasia scheme is offered in partnership with the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) in the UK.

The session will be moderated by Dr Janet Buchan, ascilite Executive Committee member and CMALT Australasia contact.

Date & Time

Thursday 23 April from 12pm to 1pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

For your local session time please go here.  You can register below for the session and you will receive a confirmation email with login details after you have registered.

How to Register

You can register for this webinar here. After registering, you will receive an email with login details for the session.

e-Assessment SIG News


Next Transforming Assessment Webinar

Topic: Development of 4D farms to improve student learning and safety

Date & Time: 6 May 2015, 07:00 UTC.  Visit the website to find your local time zone.

Presenter: Stuart Barber, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Abstract: Eleven high-resolution, panoramic four-dimensional (4D) virtual farms from across Australasia have been developed. These 4D farms and associated learning resources support student learning before, during and after student visits to properties. This presentation will provide an overview of the material, its current and potential use within veterinary and agricultural curricula and student assessment. The session will cover the background and goals of the project, and include demonstration of the website and associated learning modules.

Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, Dean Learning and Teaching, RMIT University and Dr Mathew Hillier, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation, University of Queensland, Australia.

For further information, time zone conversions and registration visit the website.

Recording released for "Virtually Enhanced Language Teaching" Webinar

This webinar, presented on 1 April by Scott Grant of Monash University, Australia, explored the Virtually Enhanced Languages (VEL) project including background and practical examples of assessment activities within the 3DMUVE environment used for Chinese language and culture learning. You may view the recording here.


Call for Papers: The Second International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers (ICETC2015)

ICETC2015, which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand 20 – 22 May 2015, includes presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.  The submission deadline for papers is 15 April 2015.

All registered papers will be submitted for potential inclusion in IEEE Xplore, with selected papers to be published in journal special issues.  Expressions of Interest to organize workshops, tutorials or special sessions may beemailed to

For further information on the conference, visit the website.

Call for Papers: DeL 2015: Technology, Culture, Practice

DeL 2015 aims to explore forms of learning that take place in digital contexts within and beyond HE institutions. Applications are now invited for panel discussions, workshops or short paper presentations on the following themes for presentation at the conference to be held in London, 16 – 17 September 2015.

  • Cross-disciplinarity
  • Understanding practice & culture
  • Engaging students in digital spaces
  • Digital identity
  • Digital scholarship

The deadline for applications is 15 April 2015 and full details are available on the website.

Call for Papers: ihe2016 University of San Francisco

ihe2016 is the world’s second international research conference about iPad use in Higher Education (HE). You are invited to join scholars, learning technologists and practitioners from across the globe to share insights into teaching practice and student learning in an interdisciplinary and collaborative interchange of experience.

The conference seeks to provide a common forum for the varied forms of research on the use of iPads in HE and to explore innovative models of learning using the iPad.

The submission deadline is 31 August 2015. For further information visit the website here.

Job Vacancy: Educational Development Manager, Macquarie University

Macquarie University is seeking to appoint a highly engaged, active professional to lead a small team of Educational Developers in promoting the enhancement of the academic programs of the University through the provision of professional learning programs and projects.

You should be someone who can provide strategic and scholarly advice, consultancy and practical assistance on best-practice in innovative pedagogies and technology-enhanced learning environments and national policy and practice matters in higher education.

For application information visit the website here and to make further enquiries, email Helen Carter or call +61 2 9850 9454.

ALT (UK) Articles of Interest


Marvellous Mapping for Educators & Researchers

As part of Open Education Week 2015 in the UK, Dave White and Donna Lanclos from the National University of Ireland in Galway facilitated a Visitors & Residents workshop “Marvellous Mapping” for educators and researchers. Dave and Donna are on the research team that developed the related JISC infoKit. Catherine Cronin writes about the workshop and some of the thinking and discussion it stimulated. Read more >>>

#Digifest15 Event Review

Earlier in March, Jisc’s Digifest event comprised 90 speakers across 85 sessions. This post offers the reflections of three of the #ALTC community who travelled to Birmingham to experience #Digifest15. Read more >>>

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