Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Special Issue: Digital Equity Vol. 35 No. 6 (2019) now published

We are pleased to advise a Special Issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology was published in the final days of 2019. The editorial for the issue and the articles it contains are available from the AJET website. As always, we thank the wonderful team of associate editors who facilitate the reviews and author revisions.

Special thanks go to our Guest Editors; Julie Willems (Monash University), Helen Farley (University of Southern Queensland) and Chris Campbell (Griffith University).

The associate editors are Dr Thomas Donald Cochrane, CfLAT Centre for Learning And Teaching Auckland University of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand; A/Prof Linda Corrin, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia; Dr. Eamon Costello, National Institute for Digital Learning Dublin City University, Ireland; Dr Christopher E Dann, University of Southern Queensland, Australia; Dr. Teresa S Foulger, Arizona State University, United States; Associate Professor Paul Gruba, University of Melbourne, Australia; Professor Judi Harris, William and Mary School of Education, United States; Dr Henk Huijser, Queensland University of Technology, Australia; Associate Professor Matthew Kearney, STEM Education Futures Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)., Australia; Dr Chien-Ching Lee, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore; Associate Professor Jason M Lodge, University of Queensland, Australia; Associate Professor Lina Markauskaite, AJET Associate Editor The University of Sydney, Australia; Associate Professor Stephen Marshall, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Dr Michael Phillips, Monash University, Australia; Dr Kate Thompson, Griffith University, Australia; Professor Joke Voogt, University of Amsterdam/ Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.

Associate Prof. Michael Henderson, Associate Prof. Eva Heinrich and Associate Prof. Petrea Redmond, Lead Editors, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

AJET Articles selected in top 10 Best Journal Reads for 2019 (NIDL)

For the 4th year running, AJET has contributed the No1 article in the selection of the top 10 open access journal articles for the year. The list is compiled by the National Institute for Digital Learning (Dublin City University) as part of their “National Good Reads from 2019 Top 10 Open Access Journal Articles”.  Details can be found here.

New TELall Blog Post on Digital Equity

In the first TELall blog post for 2020, Julie Willems, Guest Editor of the AJET Special Issue on Digital Equity (just published), discusses the special issue and invites readers to join the ASCILITE Special Interest Group on Digital Equity.  You can read the blog here.

Reminder: EOIs invited in ASCILITE’s 2020 Community Mentoring Program & Information Webinar

This is a reminder that applications (Expressions of Interest) in the 2020 Community Mentoring Program are now being accepted and are due by 1 February 2020.

The ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program (CMP) aims to provide mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including technical, academic development, learning development, faculty academics, early career researchers, graphic designers and programmers.

The program has been operating since 2003 with over 165 members having taken part to date. You will find full details of the program on the ASCILITE website here along with the application forms. For those with a keen interest in the program, an information session webinar will be conducted in the new year.

CMP Information Webinar

Those interested in finding out more about the CMP are welcome to join an information webinar scheduled for 23 January 11am – 12 pm AEDT.  You can login to the session here. (Pre-registration is not required).  As this will be an interactive session, we encourage participants to log in ten minutes ahead of the start time to ensure their microphone and speakers are working properly.


Abstract Submissions Invited for EDULEARN20

EDULEARN20 (12th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies) will be held on the 6 – 8 July 2020 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain and abstract submissions are due 12 March 2020.

Abstracts should be submitted online here.

Over the last 12 years, EDULEARN has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists. Every year, EDULEARN brings together over 800 delegates from 80 different countries.

The event provides an ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education and new learning technologies.

EDULEARN20 Proceedings will be reviewed for their inclusion in the Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions are already indexed. Also, a DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.

The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference

The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference is hosted jointly by the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) and the University of South Africa, from 10 to 13 August 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The 2020 conference aims to advance the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning in higher education by focusing on HETL’s four core areas:

  • Global networking and interdisciplinary collaboration,
  • Research, innovation, and academic publishing,
  • Higher education development and capacity building, and
  • Human rights and social justice.

Unisa has a 146-year history and brings a wealth of skills, knowledge and experience in higher education in general and specifically in open and distance education while being on the cusp of embracing electronic teaching and learning to support its distance learning character and to meet the demands on the higher education system as needed by South Africa, the African continent, and the developing world.

For details, visit the website here.

Job Vacancy: Computer Science Educational Technologist, ANU

  • Job no: 535106
  • Work type: Fixed Term
  • Location: Canberra / ACT
  • Categories: Professional
  • Classification:  ANU Officer Grade 6/7 (Administration)
  • Salary package: $80,756 – $92,957 (part time is pro rata) per annum plus 17% superannuation
  • Terms: Full/Part time, Fixed term (12 months)
  • Full or Part time position with flexible working hours.

An exciting opportunity exists to join the Research School of Computer Science (Australian National University) as an Educational Technologist. These roles will work together as a team alongside other professional staff in the College to provide course support to identified Course Convenors running large-scale Computer Science courses, with a particular focus on our foundation courses.

We are seeking applications from people with a Computer Science or Information Technology background who have an interest in education and possess quality administrative skills. These are new roles, which have capacity to accommodate individual areas of strength and professional focus for successful applicants. Generous opportunities for professional development, networking and mentoring are available.

For further information visit the job ad here.

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