Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Live! Webinar: Contract cheating, e-cheating, academic integrity and ensuring digital equity

Date & time: Thursday 22 April @ 2pm – 3pm (AEST), 12pm Singapore, 4pm Auckland.  You will find the start times for other time zones here.

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“Are my students learning and taking ownership for their assessment outcomes?”

This is a common question being asked, especially in light of the shift to remote learning and the associated challenges. Academic integrity with its many facets, requires that student work is original and reflects their understanding and perspective of the learning material. At the core, it means acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility across learning, teaching and research, to shape citizens of integrity.

This webinar, which is co-sponsored by Turnitin, features experts in the field of academic integrity with a focus on contract cheating, e-cheating and assessment security in order to tackle this timely topic. It aims to inform education professionals on best practices to ensure digital equity of students’ assessment submission.

Our presenters are Chukwudi Ogoh (Turnitin), Professor Cath Ellis (University of New South Wales) and Dr. Jasmine Thomas (University of Southern Queensland).

By all means, share this page on the session with colleagues.

Learning Analytics SIG seminar: Digging deeper into the ethical use of Learning Analytics

Date & time: Thursday 22 April, 3pm – 4pm (AEST), 1pm Singapore and 5pm Auckland.   You will find start times for other time zones here.

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The ASCILITE LA SIG leaders invite you to join us in a panel discussion/webinar as part of our Digging Deeper into Ethical use of LA series.

Ensuring that learning analytics are used in an ethical way is a concept that learning analytics practitioners, teachers, designers, and researchers continue to grapple with as data becomes more prevalent in education. Building a shared understanding of how we can bring together research on this concept with policy and practice is key to being able to address this challenge.

In response, the ASCILITE Learning Analytics (LA) SIG team have put together a series of activities to explore the ethics of learning analytics in more detail. This workshop builds on an ongoing discussion of a recent white paper on the ethical use of learning analytics in Australian higher education. This background paper can be accessed the paper using this link Ethical use of learning analytics in Australian higher education

We have gathered together an expert panel to discuss these issues from different perspectives. Panelists are:

Ben Hicks is the Learning Analytics Lead for the Retention Team at Charles Sturt University and also a PhD candidate with the Connected Intelligence Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is drawn to the field of Learning Analytics by his strong interest in how mathematics interfaces with the messy parts of the world, and is passionate about all things learning and using analytics around education in a contextually appropriate manner. Ben has spent over a decade teaching in high schools across three continents and has dreams of narrowing the gap between the experience of teachers and the world of educational data. His current research interests include complex systems, causality, networks and student engagement.

Ruth Marshall is Director of R&D and Data Integrity at Australian Education Technology company Practera where she works with universities and research organisations to innovate new ways of delivering high quality work integrated learning and lifelong learning skills development at scale. Ruth started her career with a UK A.I. startup Cognitive Applications. She has since worked in the startup community in the UK, US and Australia involved in technical and executive roles with 11+ startups. Prior to her current role she spent five years as a commercialisation specialist with CSIRO/Data61. She has also held R&D, management consulting and CIO positions for large international corporations including British Telecom, Westpac, Accenture and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. She has a Bachelors degree in Computing and Artificial Intelligence from University of Sussex, England.

Simon has a career-long fascination with the potential of software to make thinking visible. His work sits at the intersection of the multidisciplinary fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Educational Technology, Hypertext, Computer-Supported Collaboration and Educational Data Science.

By all means, share this page on the session with colleagues.

New TELall blog – Trialling a satellite conference FLANZ 2021

in our latest TELall blog post, Stephen Bright (University of Waikato, New Zealand) comments on the proliferation of virtual seminars and conferences over the last year and how FLANZ (Flexible Learning Association New Zealand) considered this when they began planning for their conference, due to be held 14 – 15 April this year. Having had to cancel last year’s 2020 conference (also scheduled for April) there was lengthy discussion on how they might offer a conference that allows for limited funding and travel opportunities, COVID uncertainties, and yet still has the possibility of some face-to-face component.



Opportunity to obtain a PhD scholarship connected to an ARC project

The Queensland University of Technology is currently offering PhD scholarships connected to an ARC project: Enabling Situated Science Collaboration with Remote Sensing in Immersive Reality.

The team are looking for students with a combination of technical experience, in areas such as immersive analytics and visualisations or Unity and theory in areas such as learning sciences and CSCL/CSCW. You will find further details about the scholarships and application process here.

Kate Thompson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Digital Pedagogies
Queensland University of Technology

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