Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

TELedvisors SIG News

The TELedvisors SIG will kick off its 2018 activities with a webchat to discuss members’ research interests and explore opportunities for collaboration.  The discussion will run from 12 noon AEDT on Thursday 15 February for an hour. If you can’t make it, there’s also an active post on our discussion forum about it.

Stay tuned for information about our upcoming first webinar of the year as well – most likely on the first Thursday in March.

Warm regards,Colin Simpson
SIG Leader

New TELall Blog Post – Cogitations on ePortfolio in the age of LinkedIn

In this latest blog post, Michael Sankey (Western Sydney University) discusses ePortfolios in the age of Linkedin and examines the question of whether or not ePortfolios are still relevant for both individuals and institutions. Read more >>

AJET Call for Papers for Special Issues

Call for Special Issue (2019): “Re-Examining Cognitive Tools: New Developments, New Perspectives, and New Opportunities for Educational Technology Research”

This special issue seeks to rekindle and re-energise scholarly interest in, and dialogue around, the concept of educational technologies as cognitive tools for learning, with a particular focus on higher education and other post-secondary education contexts. A major goal is to encourage researchers and practitioners to take a fresh look at the concept and its possible applications in light of developments in technology, learning theory, pedagogy, instructional design, cognitive science, and psychology that have taken place since it was first popularised in the early 1990s.

While full manuscripts are not due until 1 August 2018, prospective authors are strongly encouraged to make initial contact with the guest editors well ahead of that date (ideally prior to June 2018), providing them with a brief proposal or abstract outlining the nature, content, and aims of the article they intend to submit.

The full Call for Papers is available here (HTML version) and here (PDF version), and queries may be directed to the guest editors at  Full details of the call may also be found on the AJET website here.

Call for Special Issue (2018): “Designing, using and evaluating learning spaces – the generation of actionable knowledge”

Guest editors

This special issue will include papers that consider the design, use and/or evaluation of learning spaces and contribute actionable knowledge for future learning spaces. Learning spaces are fundamental to engagement in tertiary education. They are growing more complex: as sites where the physical/material, digital and social come together and where the needs and activities of multiple stakeholders (students, teachers, managers, designers, etc.) co-exist. Understanding how such spaces function is also complex. Research often needs to combine multiple methods and multiple data sources. To generate actionable knowledge, researchers also need to consider who is in a position to create and improve learning spaces, and what kinds of knowledge can inform and improve their actions. For example, spaces are ‘brought to life’ by individual self-managing students, students working on group projects, teachers using conventional lecturing or facilitation methods, infrastructure managers, library, IT and Ed. Tech. staff, architects, furniture makers and interior designers. There are overlaps and differences in the knowledge needed by users, managers and designers if they are to co-create better learning spaces.

This special issue provides an opportunity to: bring together researchers in learning technology and learning spaces; examine learning spaces as technologies for learning; foreground the spatial aspects of learning with technology; consider ideas about learning as physically, digitally, socially and epistemically situated; explore ways of making research-based knowledge easier to share and use.

Further details of the call may be found on the AJET website here.


The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) invites proposals for special issues

The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is calling for proposals for 2019 special issues, especially on contemporary themes associated with effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment.

The expectation is that the special issue would be of interest to an international audience. To propose a special issue please download and complete the Special Issue Proposal template and return to Associate Professor Dominique Parrish by email by Monday 30 April 2018.

Call for Papers – The 7th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT2018)

The Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET) is holding its seventh International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT2018) to provide a forum for researchers in technology and education areas to publish new research findings and exchange insights and experiences on related topics.

The conference will be held on 12 – 14 December 2018 in Auckland, New Zealand.

You are invited to present at EITT 2018 to share your expertise and innovative practices with your peers, professional practitioners and researchers from various disciplines around the world. The first six EITT conferences have been successfully held with EITT2012 in Beijing; EITT2013 in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA; EITT2014 in Brisbane, Australia; EITT2015 in Wuhan, China; EITT2016 Tainan, Taiwan; and EITT2017 in Osaka, Japan.

Founded in 2003, the Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET) is a non-political, non-profit academic organization. The mission of SICET is to establish and strengthen international academic connections, exchanges, research, and studies in educational technology for teaching and learning, as well as to promote the application of educational technology in education.

Job Vacancies, Deakin Learning Futures

Deakin Learning Futures is currently looking for a number of candidates for new positions in the team:

Director Teaching Capability (Academic Level D)

The Director, Teaching Capability will lead University initiatives to develop, deliver and refine a comprehensive suite of programs to grow and sustain professional development of Deakin teaching teams.  Find-out more >>

Lecturer Digital Innovation (Academic Level B)

The Lecturer Digital Innovation will Contributing to academic leadership in teaching and learning in higher education, and particularly in the areas of digital literacies, educational technologies and learning design. Find-out more >>

Senior Educational Designer (Professional HEW 8)

The Senior Educational Designer will work collaboratively with academics, other design teams and divisional staff in the design and development of stimulating and innovative learning experiences in a variety of pedagogically focused learning modules within Digital innovation projects.  Find-out more >>

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