Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Appoints New Lead and Associate Editors

The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) is a highly ranked international open access journal. It is steered by three Lead Editors and a team of Associate Editors. The journal is also guided by a Management Committee and Editorial Board and supported by two copy editors. Together, AJET manages over 500 article submissions each year, has over 3000 registered subscribers, and in the last 12 months has had 91,000 article downloads.

Recently the ASCILITE membership was invited to express their interest in joining AJET as a Lead or Associate Editor. Subsequently, a selection panel was formed consisting of the following members:

  • Michael Henderson, AJET Management Committee and AJET Lead Editor (Monash University)
  • Rob Fitzgerald, AJET Editorial Board member (University of Canberra)
  • Dominique Parrish, AJET Management Committee and ASCILITE President (University of Wollongong)
  • Allan Christie, AJET Management Committee and ASCILITE Treasurer (Blackboard Asia Pacific)

New Lead Editor

As a result of the interview process, the selection panel and Lead Editors are pleased to announce that Dr Chwee Beng Lee from the University of Western Sydney has accepted a three year post as an AJET Lead Editor. Chwee Beng will be replacing Professor Barney Dalgarno who will now be stepping down from his role as Lead Editor. Chwee Beng joined AJET as an Associate Editor of AJET in late 2015 and her fellow Lead Editors A/Prof Michael Henderson and A/Prof Eva Heinrich are delighted to have Chwee Beng as part of the Lead Editor team. Chwee Beng is the current Director of Higher Degree Research, has a wealth of experience in editing journals. has won teaching awards in Singapore and Australia, and is committed to the dissemination of rigorous research that can guide best practice.

Special Thanks to Outgoing Lead Editor

The AJET Management Committee and Lead Editors would also like to take this opportunity to extend their deepest gratitude to Professor Barney Dalgarno for his enormous contribution to AJET over the course of his three years as Lead Editor. In addition to his regular duties as a Lead Editor, Barney was instrumental in upgrading AJET’s online platform, migrating the journal’s archives to the new platform and establishing the journal’s online review procedures.

New Associate Editors

The Lead Editors are also pleased to announce the appointment of three new Associate Editors: Ass/Prof Matt Bower, Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University; Dr Paul Gruba, School of Languages and Linguistics, The University of Melbourne; Dr Jason Lodge, Melbourne Centre for The Study Of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne. All three associate editors have a wealth of experience and expertise that will continue to strengthen the journal.

Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment SIG) News: Next Session

Topic: Keys to transforming assessment at institutional level: selected debates from AHE2016.

Date and Time: 13 July, 7am UTC. You will find your local time here.

Abstract: This webinar takes the form of a follow up panel review featuring three speakers from the Assessment in Higher Education conference secretariat seminar day held on 30 June 2016. The panel will be chaired by Sally Jordan (Open University UK) with speakers including:

  • Sally Brown (Leeds Beckett University) & Kay Sambell (Northumbria University): Changing practice on feedback at an institutional level
  • Amanda Sykes (University of Glasgow) & David Morrison (Plymouth University): Half as Much but Twice as Good: Constructing Effective Written Feedback in Any Subject
  • Juliet Williams (University of Winchester): Changing colours: what happens when you make enhancement an imperative?

Further information and register for this panel session is available here.

Recording of Last Session Released

The video recording of the last session from 30 June, titled Central challenges in transforming assessment at departmental and institutional level is now available for viewing. This special webinar was a live stream of the keynote Live stream of the AHE2016 keynote by Prof Sue Bloxham (University of Cumbria) from the floor of the Assessment in Higher Education conference secretariat seminar day on 30 June 2016 in Manchester UK. You will find the recording here.

Early Bird Registration Now Open for ASCILITE 2016

Online registrations for ASCILITE conference are now open here.  Take advantage of the great Early Bird rates available this year and join your peers in Adelaide for what will be another amazing conference.  A detailed conference schedule is some months away but several of this year's exciting speakers are profiled on the conference website.

If you have any questions regarding the conference, you will find the contact details of conference organizing committee members here.   Membership inquiries should be directed to the ASCILITE Secretariat.

Video Recording Available of ASCILITE Live! Webinar on Grant Writing

A video recording of the ASCILITE Live! webinar presented by Helen Farley (University of Southern Queensland) on 29 June is now available for viewing here.

This session covered grant writing and how it can sometimes seem like a dark art! Most applications are dismissed by reviewers, not because the project is not worthy, but because the application is poorly written. This session showed participants how to address some of those fundamental issues to ensure that their application receives serious consideration. It also described how to work with colleagues to maximise the applicant's chances of success.


Call for Papers: 4th International Mobile Learning Festival (IMLF2017)

IMLF2017 will be held at The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China. Building upon successes of the previous conferences, we continue to explore Mobile Technologies and Emerging Learning Design in the context of school, higher and corporate education. The IMLF2017 will be located in an exceptional venue for sharing information on contemporary approaches to human development and education at all levels, learning design, mobile learning, e-learning, and Learning 2.0 from around the world. The conference will feature evidence-based developments led by mobile and emerging learning technologies and paradigms.

Tertiary and secondary school teachers, education policy makers, researchers, education publishers and designers, research students, learning technology developers and human capital agencies are all encouraged to attend and engage with colleagues at the IMLF2017. Your participation will contribute to the discussion and exploration of the most important developments in mobile learning and emerging learning technologies and paradigms.

The conference speakers will provide unique perspectives on human learning, and highlight practical enhancement of human agency through embedding of mobile and emerging technologies in learning design.

IMLF2017 will explore concepts, practices and issues that provide pathways for effective integration of mobile and emerging learning technologies in education at all levels and environments such as, open, self-directed and flexible learning, e-learning, blended learning, flipped learning, MOOCs, and socially-networked learning. The focus will be on the four key elements of an effective learning design: Resources, Activity, Support and Evaluation, and engage in examination of enabling conditions and articulation of coherent strategies for advancement of mobile and emerging learning design.

Building on our standard format, which includes Keynote speakers, Invited speakers, Paper presenters and Industry leaders presentations, IMLF2017 will also see the introduction of Doctoral Consortiums and Virtual Presentations.

Important Dates

Abstract/Full Paper Submission Deadline: 15 December 2016
Registration Deadline for Participants: 15 January 2017
The Main Conference Dates: 9 – 10 June 2017
Workshops and the PC meeting: 8 June 2017

For further information email the programme committee.

Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education with Technology Enhanced Learning Stream

This year ACSME will be held at the University of Queensland on 28 – 30 September; the first time in Brisbane. The ACSME audience comprises approximately 200 Science and Mathematics teaching academics from across Australia and the largest stream at ACSME this year is “technology-enhanced learning”.

Further information about the conference is currently being added to the website and there is a story on the UQ Science webpage.

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Institutional Members