Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Executive: Meet and greet in Brisbane

The ASCILITE Executive are holding their face-to-face meeting in Brisbane and are very keen to engage with individual members and staff from member institutions. We are especially interested in meeting professional staff in order raise the number sitting on the executive, however all members are welcome to come along.

We will be hosting a meet-and-greet on Wednesday 12 June from 5pm at Jimmy’s on the Mall (Queen Street Mall) – if you would like to join us please RSVP.

OEP SIG June 2024 Webinar – student-generated OER: tapping into cognitive surplus to support open pedagogy

Date: Tuesday 25th June
Time: 12:00pm AEST
Registration & more information

This interactive webinar will be a community discussion about insights from a recent journal article examining two Australian case studies about OER-enabled pedagogy through renewable assignments for creating student-generated OER. Our guest speakers are Dr Mais Fatayer (UTS) and Dr Eseta Tualaulelei (UniSQ).

LD SIG June 2024 Webinar – Higher Education partnerships and what it means for learning design, faculty engagement and learning and teaching quality

Date: 21 Jun 2024
Time:  12pm AEST

Dawn Gilmore and Chinh Nguyen will present some of the findings and overall takeaways from their research and that contained within their edited book ‘Partnering with Online Program Managers for Distance Education’, and discuss what we can learn from OPM partnerships in relation to learning design, quality of learning and teaching, and relationship management and engagement.

TELall Blog post: Digital Native Déjà Vu: Avoiding unhelpful generational generalisations around AI in education

It’s happening again! The recent emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has resulted in a new labelling of today’s young people who are growing up in a world of AI. The “Digital Natives” are being usurped by the “AI Natives”.
In discovering this new label I was reminded of the famous quote by philosopher George Santayana that “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it”.

For me, this overwhelming sense of déjà vu was prompted a few weeks ago when …..

Read more of Associate Professor Linda Corrin, Deakin University (ASCILITE Community Fellow and AJET Lead Editor) blog post here

TELedvisors SIG announce 2 part Third Space Symposium – Navigating the Third Space: working well in tertiary education

The term Third Space describes people working across and between the boundaries of traditional academic and professional roles in higher education.

People who work in the Third Space might identify as ‘ed-advisors’: learning designers, educational technologists, academic developers and many other people in roles with similar titles. Other people in the Third Space include workers in tertiary education who are developing the academic and language skills of students, research assistants and technicians, library staff and a wide array of other workers straddling these worlds.

Navigating the Third Space aims to shine a light on the valuable contributions that Third Space practitioners make, examine the ways that we work together and consolidate practical actions to raise our impact and working conditions in tertiary education.

Part 1: Global Third Space Slowposium, Friday 15th to Sat 30th November 2024 – Online
Part 2: Third Space Symposium, Sunday 1st December 2024 – University of Melbourne, Australia

More details are available here.

Join the Third Space mailing list here.

Upcoming TELAS Reviewer Certification workshops (online)

The Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) are a set of internationally benchmarked standards designed to assess the quality of online learning, particularly in relation to the tertiary sector. They provide institutions with the means to assess and evaluate the affordances of their online learning environments and thereby guide quality enhancements. For more information about TELAS visit our website.

Our workshop supports your knowledge of the standards and is the first step to being a certified TELAS reviewer. No matter what your role is at your institution you will find these workshops informative and interactive.

The next workshop will be held online (in Zoom) August 1 and 2 (10am – 1.30pm).

For fees and registration, go here.

Any questions feel free to email TELAS Admin.

Call for Contributors: Contextualising Horizon 2024

ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon Initiative invites expressions of interest for co-authors. Section co-authors are responsible for writing a two-page analysis of one of the STEEP (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political) trends or a two-page analysis of one of the educational technology and practice trends. All writing is to take place between June and August 2024. Authors will be attributed with both a byline on their section and in the list of contributors in the authorship section of the report.

Prospective co-authors should complete the report author EOI. The form provides a detail listing of this year’s STEEP and technology and practice trends and asks for a brief statement of qualifications in the areas elected.

Contextualising Horizon Seeks Educational Technology and Practice Exemplars

Contextualising Horizon seeks nomination for exemplars of the 2024 educational technology and practice trends. Exemplars illustrate the application of these technologies and practices across the sector. To nominate yourself or a colleague, complete the Exemplars Nomination Form. We also encourage you to distribute the call for exemplars throughout your networks.
The following are this year’s trends:

  • Academic Integrity/Assurance of Learning: Academic Integrity/Assurance of Learning: Strategies for ensuring ethical use of technology in educational settings for both staff and students.
  • Diversification of Topics in AI: The spectrum of topics emerging in relation to AI, including acknowledging AI’s persistence; generative AI literacy; ethics, privacy, and policy lags; and AI’s revitalization of educational technologies
  • Enhanced Oral Assessments and Vivas: Practices and models to efficiently scale, harvest data, and assess oral assessments.
  • Technology-Enhanced Work-Integrated Learning: Applying both educational and industry-specific technologies to facilitate WIL.
  • Changing Nature of Flexible/Hybrid Delivery: Building capacity and literacy of staff around the evolving learning continuum.

To nominate a colleague or to lodge a self-nomination, complete the online nomination form. You will be expected to provide contact details as well as a brief overview (approximately 350 words) of the nominated case study and to provide contact information. The URL(s) for a project website, publication, or other artifact are also welcome. The deadline to nominate is 21 June 2024.

About the Project: Contextualising Horizon aims to identify the educational technologies and practices likely to impact the Australasian tertiary sector. The Contextualising Horizon Report brings together analysis of the trends impacting tertiary education and insights and exemplars of the significant educational technologies and practices. More information and report including exemplars from previous years are available on the ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon page.


CRADLE Seminar Series: Second Handbook of Academic Integrity (2024) launch

Date: Wednesday 24 July 2024
Time: 12.00pm-1.30pm (AEST)
Where: This session will be held online. Register here
Cost: This is a free event

In this presentation you will have the opportunity to be part of the international digital launch of the Second Handbook of Academic Integrity (Springer; 2nd ed. 2024 edition).

Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton, Associate Professor, University of Calgary and Honorary Associate Professor Deakin University will lead this launch as the reference work’s editor in chief. Contributors to the handbook will be on hand to answer questions and offer insights into their contributions, including CRADLE’s Professor Phillip Dawson.
This major reference work spans three volumes, with 112 chapters contributed by 145 authors. All major topics related to academic integrity are covered including contract cheating, plagiarism, assessment security, and the impact of generative artificial intelligence on teaching, learning, assessment, and academic misconduct.
This broad and comprehensive reference work on academic integrity demonstrates commonalities and differences between regions and approaches on an international scale across many countries. It also engages with, and agitates, controversial debates such as, for example, the use of surveillance technologies to address academic misconduct and the causes of academic integrity breaches.

There is a burgeoning interest in the importance of academic integrity, how to safeguard it and how to address breaches appropriately. Join us for this compelling and this topical presentation online.

FLANZ 2024 Conference Introducing keynote Rhys Jones

Keynote theme: Radical flexibility: centring relationality and justice in pursuit of emancipatory education

Rhys Jones (Ngāti Kahungunu) is a Māori public health physician and Associate Professor in Te Kupenga Hauora Māori at Waipapa Taumata Rau / the University of Auckland. He has a leadership role in Māori Health teaching and learning across the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Rhys is recognised nationally and internationally as a leader in Indigenous health education and research. In 2005-06, he was a Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy based at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. Rhys was International Lead Investigator of Educating for Equity, a multi-centre collaborative research project examining the role of health professional education in advancing Indigenous health equity. He has received a number of teaching and learning awards, including the Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for Excellence in Tertiary Teaching in 2020.

EDEN DLE 2024 Annual conference: Learning in the Age of AI: Towards Imaginative Futures

EDEN 2024 Annual Conference will be held at University of Graz, Austria, 16-18 June. The conference theme is “Learning in the Age of AI: Towards Imaginative Futures”.

You are invited to join in a thoughtful exploration of the rapidly evolving landscape of education, as we adapt to the ever-increasing presence of AI and digital systems.

Our experiences in the journey with AI are still young and can be described as stories of trial and error, so sharing our experiences, expectations and hopes is vital. The digital revolution has ushered in exciting, promising, and imaginative changes, but it is also testing our beliefs about learning and education.

Calling all learning analytics practitioners – where in the world are you?

The Society for Learning Analytics and Research. SOLAR invites you to be a part of a new initiative: Learning Analytics in Practice (LAP). This is a 24-hour online only event that will span the globe for a continuous 24 hours (8 consecutive hours in 3 different regions). This event will focus on practical implementations of learning analytics, informal networking, innovative projects and feature institutional members.

LAP24 will kick off on June 19 at 8 am AEST and will continue around the clock for 24 hours.

Registrations are still open and more details available here.

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Institutional Members