Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Call for Special Issue extended

AJET has extended the Call for Papers for the Special Issue on “Partnerships for scaled online learning and the unbundling of the traditional university”.   Authors are invited to submit studies, reviews and conceptual articles relevant to the issue by 22 March 2020. Further details are available here.

In addition, the journal has announced two additional Calls for Papers for the following two Special Issues in 2020:

  • Learning Analytics: Pathways to Impact
  • Smart Learning Environments

Further details on these calls are also available on the journal website here.

New TELall blog post on “Micro-credentialing – a point in time glimpse of the Australasian Sector”

In our latest blog post, Prof Michael Sankey (Griffith University) and Dr Ratna Selvaratnam (Edith Cowan University) review a white paper published by ACODE titled ‘Micro-credentialing as a sustainable way forward for universities in Australia: Perceptions of the landscape’. The paper reported on the outcomes of a survey conducted in July 2019, among the ACODE membership on the current state of readiness of Australasian HE institutions in relation to a coherent micro-credentialing strategy.

Read the full blog post here.

TELedvsors SIG update: Slowchat

This month TELedvisors are replacing their end of month webinar with a slow chat that involves five questions spread over a day and interacting online via Twitter and in the Moodle forum. #TELedvisors #SlowChat.

Date: 27 February 2020
Time: 11am AEST in Twitter and on the TELedvisor Forum

Reminder: ASCILITE Live! webinar: Using modern technology to enhance in-class learning, presented ASCILITE Innovation Award Winner

Date & time: Friday, 14 February 10 – 11am AEST and 8 – 9am Singapore. You’ll find session start times for other time zones here.

Abstract: This session will introduce examples of how students are using technology and devices in Physiology and Anatomy, in a way that facilitates individualised experiences and enhances learning. Virtual and Augmented Reality, Serious Games, Holograms, Activities and other initiatives will be discussed, along with the research and evidence into their effectiveness.

Presenter: ASCILITE Innovation Award Winner, A/Prof Christian Moro, Bond University.

A/Professor Christian Moro has incorporated a range of technological tools to enhance student learning, including virtual and augmented reality, within his medical and biomedical classes. He is a former secondary science teacher with educational experience in Australia and the United Kingdom. Christian currently sits as the Science Lead of the Bond University Medical Program with his educational interest revolving around maximizing the provision of hands-on activities coupled with gamification and online content.

Christian is one of Australia’s most awarded tertiary academics, and in 2019 alone received the Australian Teaching Excellence Award (AAUT, AOLT & Universities Australia), The Australian Financial Review Higher Education Award, the Physiology Society’s David Jordan Teaching Award (UK) and the ASCILITE Innovation Award.

Registration: You can register for this webinar here.  Pre-registration allows us to send you a friendly reminder and a link to the session recording, should you be unable to attend.

Link Sharing: Please share this link with colleagues who may be interested in attending the session.  ASCILITE webinars are open to members and non-members at no cost.


Engineering Serviceable Learning Analytics, a presentation by Professor Phil Winne

Date: Thursday 20 February 2020
Time: 8:00 – 9:00am (ACDT)
Place: Jeffrey Smart Building JS3.13A, City West Campus & via Virtual Classroom, University of South Australia

To register for this event, go to Eventbrite here.

The Teaching Innovation Unit at Uni SA has a special pleasure to welcome Professor Phil Winne from Simon Fraser University, Canada, who is a world-renowned expert in the area of educational psychology, focusing on self-regulated learning (SRL), metacognition, and feedback. Professor Winne will be visiting the Centre for Change and Complexity (C3L) for a few days in February and kindly accepted to present his recent work around the link between SRL theory and learning analytics.

This is a unique opportunity and we encourage everyone to attend if they can.

Contemporary learning analytics share four features: gathering data, analyzing data and organizing results to construct learning analytics, distributing analytics to actors, and a goal to benefit learners directly or by changing conditions they experience while learning. This is complex work. What predicts whether learning analytics will be serviceable, i.e. lead to intended results? I tackle this question beginning with a bold claim: Nothing will happen, good or otherwise, unless the learner productively self-regulates learning. I warrant this claim using three models: how learners address tasks, learners motivations, and self-regulated learning. A synthesis of these models organizes factors needing attention when engineering serviceable learning analytics. I conclude with implications for future research, development and deployment of systems incorporating learning analytics.

About Professor Phil Winne

Phil Winne (PhD, Stanford University) is a professor at Simon Fraser University and formerly a 2-term Tier I Canada Research Chair. He researches self-regulated learning, metacognition and learning analytics; and develops software technologies to support learners and gather big data for learning science.

Phil has published more than 190 scholarly books, articles, chapters, and proceedings. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Psychological Association, the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Psychological Science. Other honors include the Robbie Case Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to educational psychology in Canada, the Barry J. Zimmerman Award for exceptional theoretical and empirical scholarship in research on studying and self-regulated learning, and the Mentorship Award for a member of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education who supports and encourages graduate students in education as a mentor of educational research.

He has served the scholarly community as President of the Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association, the Canadian Association for Educational Psychology, and Division 15–Educational Psychology of the American Psychological Association. He has been an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Educational Psychology for more than 2 decades and currently serves on multiple editorial boards including the Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Learning Analytics, Educational Psychology Review and the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Previously, he co-edited the Handbook of Educational Psychology (2nd ed.) and the field-leading journal Educational Psychologist.

You can share information about this presentation with colleagues by using this link.

Job Vacancy: Learning Designer (Flexap), University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne has an opportunity available for a full-time Learning Designer on a 3-year fixed-term basis.  The position of Learning Designer in Learning Environments will focus on the design, development and adoption of innovative and flexible solutions which enhance the quality of learning, teaching and assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The position will use sound instructional principles and methodologies oriented to best practice learning and teaching pedagogies and will be guided by the University’s Digital Learning Strategy.

Full details on the position are available on the university jobs website here.  Applications close 16 February 2020.

Job Vacancies: Swinburne University of Technology

Manager, Learning Technologies

About the role: Swinburne University is seeking to appoint a Manager, Learning Technologies for the Learning Transformations Unit to support the transformative learning agenda by taking responsibility for our Learning Technologies activities and team. The Manager will build and maintain strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders, and working under direction, will develop, implement and review the strategy and governance of Learning Technologies. This will include working closely across learning design and technology domains, and providing broad oversight of the Learning Technology team.

For further information and a position description, go here.

Applications close at 5pm Wednesday 19 February 2020.

Manager, Learning Desiger

About the role: Swinburne University is seeking to appoint a Manager, Learning Design to provide learning design expertise and support for teaching staff in developing and integrating digital learning strategies and resources into students’ learning experiences, through a capability building approach, to achieve the objectives of the University’s Learning and Teaching strategy and the Swinburne 2025 Plan.

For further information and a position description, go here.

Applications close at 5pm Wednesday 19 February 2020.

Job Vacancy: Educational Designer (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Specialisation), University of Canberra

The University of Canberra has an opening for an Educational Designer.

  • Continuing full-time
  • UC Level 8: $98,647-$110,029 + 17% super

A position description for the role is available here (PDF). This is one of five “deadly opportunities” currently available at the University of Canberra and full details are available here.

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