Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite 2014, Dunedin, New Zealand 23 – 26 November, 2014

Thanks for the many excellent workshop proposals! We're looking forward to putting together a great workshop program this year.

We have an exciting lineup of keynote and invited speakers. Carmel McNaught (Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research at the Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Shane Dawson (Learning and Teaching Unit, University of South Australia and SoLAR) need little introduction to the ascilite community but check out all the details on the website.

Submission Deadlines

Don't forget! Submissions for concise and full papers, posters and the new sharing practice symposia all close on 30 June.  To help you get started check out the ascilite webinar listed below: Writing up a Storm for ascilite 2014.

Great Early Bird Rates

Registrations are now open so be sure to take advantage of the excellent earlybird rates which are open until 3 October.  For updates, stay tuned to the website and follow us on Twitter @ascilite14.  We look forward to giving you a very warm southern welcome.

Jenny, Bronwyn and the ascilite2014 Conference Team.

ascilite Live! Webinar: "Writing up a storm for ascilite 2014"

10 June 2014, 3pm – 4pm NZST

For your local time zone please click this link.


What are the components of a good conference paper? What are the reviewers looking for? How do you get started and what are the steps? Key points to remember and steps when writing a good conference paper will be covered in this session. Some examples of good writing will be shared. Bring your questions and suggestions. Six key steps for writing a conference paper will be shared:

  1. Know the audience
  2. Focusing the paper
  3. Where does the writing begin?
  4. The abstract
  5. Structuring the paper
  6. Where does the writing end?


Jenny McDonald
MB ChB, DipGrad PhD

Jenny is co-convenor for the 2014 ascilite conference. She is a Lecturer based in the Student Learning Centre at the University of Otago and her professional and research interests include: educational technology development, student use of technology, tutorial dialogue and feedback, automated assessment and tutorial systems.

How to Register

To register, simply email the ascilite Secretariat with "webinar registration" in the subject line followed by your full name and institution and whether or not you are a current member. Please note that registrations close Monday (today) at 5pm AEST and login details will be sent shortly after that.

Behind the Scenes: ascilite Executive Committee

executive-committee-may-2014The ascilite Executive Committee met in Brisbane on 22 and 23 May to review current activities and formulate future plans for the society. The Executive Committee meets face-to-face twice a year, once in May and again at the annual conference. Interim meetings throughout the year are conducted online.

The Brisbane meeting involved a great deal of team work with Executives dividing into working groups to develop strategies and action plans. An important working group was Sustainability & Conference Management. Another was Communications & I.T. Infrastructure. These two teams quickly got down to work, formulating a range of action plans that will keep Executives busy for the remainder of the year.

New CMALT accreditation procedures were finalized and a range of important ideas to assist future conference conveners were developed.   In addition, strategies and technologies were identified to further enhance ascilite’s exciting new website and a launch date was also set. The website is a major part of ascilite’s overall I.T. infrastructure redevelopment. The Executive also looked at the next steps in ascilite’s current NATA project that will advance network engagement for members of professional associations and networks.  All in all, the meeting was highly productive and Executives felt that real progress was made.


TLHE 2014 Conference

TLHE 2014 (International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education), with the theme “Innovation in educational approaches: theory, practice and research” will be held at the National University of Singapore, from 9 to 11 December 2014.

The conference aims to provide a platform to disseminate research findings on various aspects of innovation in educational approaches at tertiary level. In particular, it aims to focus on the ways in which theoretical positions and empirical findings on innovation can inform daily classroom practice, curriculum design, assessment, and other key aspects of education.

At the same time, the conference invites contributions that aim to explore and share innovative educational approaches in order to enhance teaching and learning. The conference will be of relevance to various groups at tertiary level: academics, educational researchers, teacher educators, tertiary education administrators, curriculum developers, learning designers, educational technologists, and others.

Click here for details on confirmed keynote speakers.

Deadline to submit extended abstract has been extended to 31 July 2014.

Further details and registration are available on the website.

Victoria University 2014 Learning & Teaching Seminar Series

The next seminar in Victoria University's Learning & Teaching series is ‘Bonsai Networking: Pruning your Professional Learning Networking Tools’.  The seminar presenter is Joyce Seitzinger.

WHEN: Monday 16 June 2014, 12:30-1:30pm
WHERE: A219, Footscray Park campus, Victoria University.

You may RSVP by email to and further information on the event is available on the website.

Latest Article from the ALT Online Newsletter

ALT (UK), which has a partnership agreement with ascilite has added another article to its new online newsletter that may be of interest:

I Feel the need,..the need for Assistive Technology by Shirley Evans.

ALT News Digest 300

Association for Learning Technology Fortnightly News Digest 293 was issued on 30 May 2014.  ALT's journal – Research in Learning Technology is open access. Articles from the past 20 years are available here.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members