Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Issue Vol 34 (1) 2018 Now Published

We are pleased to advise a new issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology for 2018 has been published. The editorial for the issue and the articles it contains are available from the AJET website

As always, we thank the wonderful team of associate editors who facilitate the reviews and author revisions. The associate editors are Associate Professor Shirley Agostinho, Dr Thomas Donald Cochrane, Dr Linda Corrin (University of Melbourne, Australia), Dr Helen Farley, Associate Professor Paul Gruba, (University of Melbourne, Australia), Professor Judi Harris (William and Mary School of Education USA), Dr Chwee Beng Lee (Western Sydney University, Australia), Dr Jason M Lodge (University of Melbourne, Australia), Associate Professor Lina Markauskaite (The University of Sydney, Australia), Dr Stephen Marshall (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and Dr Michael Phillips (Monash University, Australia).

We would also like to acknowledge the authors for their contributions to AJET and for the support we received from them in preparing papers for this issue.

Assoc. Prof. Michael Henderson, Assoc. Prof. Eva Heinrich and Assoc. Prof. Petrea Redmond
Lead Editors, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

Latest TELall Blog – Focus on Literacies

In the latest post on ASCILITE’s blog, Wendy Taleo with crowd-sourced input from the ASCILITE TELedvisors SIG discusses how the community created activities to focus on Digital learning capabilities which Bower (2017) identified as one of 13 concern clusters relating to Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) design.  Take a read and don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there.

TELedvisors SIG Webinar recording available

The TELe-SIG’s March webinar about Student Voice in Learning Design kicked off our 2018 series of webinars in great style.

Karin Barac from Griffith and Meg Colasante from La Trobe shared their research and experiences in exploring student and staff perceptions of TEL   If you missed it, the recordings – with discussions – are available at:

Also keep an eye out for the SIG’s April webinar scheduled for Thursday 26 April at 11am AEST.  This session will look at academic resistance to professional development and ways to engage them.  More information on this session will be available soon.

All the best
Colin Simpson
Co-convenor TELedvisors SIG

Important Dates for ASCILITE 2018

The ASCILITE 2018 Conference Organizing Committee has published important submission dates for the 2018 conference, scheduled for 25 – 28 November at Deakin University. The final touches are currently being made to the Call for Papers guidelines so keep your eyes on the conference website.

Call for papers Opening soon
Call for reviewers closure Friday May 25
Call for papers closure Friday June 8
Reviews to be completed Friday July 13
Notifications to be sent to authors Week starting Monday July 23
Authors advice (accept/decline offer) Friday August 10
Final papers/submissions due Friday September 7
Authors registration deadline By close of early birds – October 12

Reminder: New Open Educational Practices SIG Invites Members

ASCILITE’s new Open Educational Practice Special Interest Group (OEP-SIG) has been approved and you may sign-up to be kept abreast of any new developments in the SIG by completing this simple sign-up form here.

This SIG will undertake activities to connect, collaborate, curate, and advocate around OEP in Australasia as a way of addressing what is perceived to be a low level of national awareness, contrasted sharply by some really excellent practice that should be shared.

If would like more information about the OEP-SIG visit the emerging website here and you may email the SIG co-convenors Dr Carina Bossu and Adrian Stagg if you have need more information.

ASCILITE fika session recording available: Is the LMS still fit for purpose?

A ‘fika’ webinar session was conducted on 21 March 2018 that provided for a group discussion on the efficiency of LMS for teaching and learning by engaging with those who have raised this issue in the ASCILITE community and beyond.  You will find the recording of the session here.

Learning management systems (LMS) are adopted by tertiary education providers to be the conduit through which courses are delivered. However, debates about the capacity of the LMS to meet all the required current and future needs of both students and educators have become more pronounced over the past few years, as evidenced by contributions in recent ASCILITE conferences.

The word ‘fika’ is a Swedish word that refers to a coffee break with family, friends or colleagues and implies chatting over a break or, in this case, via the webinar capabilities.


ASCILITE 2018 & IEEE TALE 2018 Partnership

An offer to attend both conferences at member rates—and a chance to win a free flight between the two conference venues*.

IEEE TALE is the IEEE Education Society’s flagship Asia-Pacific conference, catering to researchers and practitioners with an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education as well as those interested in the innovative use of digital technologies for learning, teaching and assessment in any discipline. In 2018, this major international conference will be coming to Australia for the first time. It is slated to take place in Wollongong, New South Wales from 4 to 7 December 2018—the week after ASCILITE 2018, which will be held at Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria from 25 to 28 November 2018.

By reciprocal arrangement, attendees of ASCILITE 2018 will be entitled to register for IEEE TALE 2018 at member rates, and vice versa. Scholars with an interest in technology in education are invited to take advantage of this offer to attend two of the premier conferences in the field. For your convenience, direct flights are available between Melbourne’s Essendon Airport and Wollongong’s Illawarra Regional Airport on JETGO Australia (a TALE 2018 sponsor). Those who register for both conferences by 8 October 2018 will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a free one-way or return flight on JETGO*.

Registrations for both events are expected to open soon.

*Conditions apply.<

Job Vacancy: Educational Designer, University of Canberra

Work with the University’s Teaching and Learning directorate. This is a full-time Continuing Position – UC7, Salary Range $84,644 – $91,699 + 17% Super. You will find full details here and you may also email Yvonne Wisbey or call 02 6206 8376 with questions.

The closing date for applications is Friday 27 April 2018.

Two PhD scholarship opportunities, Monash University

Two PhD scholarship opportunities are available at Monash University in the Faculty of Education:

  • Feedback for Learning
  • Digital Distraction

Outstanding candidates are invited to apply for these generous scholarships. The successful applicants will join experienced research teams at Monash University under the supervision of A/Prof Michael Henderson. The successful candidate(s) will work closely within a small team and be mentored in research skills and publication. The deadline for applications is 16 April 2018.

Further details are available here.

A PhD Scholarship opportunity, Deakin University

A PhD Scholarship opportunity has become available in Assessment in Higher Education with the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning, Portfolio of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Deakin University and you will find further details here.

The PhD student will be based at Deakin University’s Melbourne City Centre, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne; and will work with researchers in the Centre and have a variety of topics to consider.

If you know of any specific domestic and international students who may be interested, please forward accordingly, and thanks.

All initial enquiries can be made to Dr Helen Walker, Research Manager CRADLE on 03 92445448.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members