Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Live! Webinar: 23 Things for Research – An International Collaboration

Date and Time: 19 March 2020, 11 am AEDT. You will find start times for other time zones here.

Abstract: The newly launched 23 Things programme is an international collaboration of University of Surrey in the UK and University of Otago as well as Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. The course consists of 23 “things” such as presentations, blogs, workshops etc., each highlighting a useful tool that a researcher, particularly, a doctoral supervisors and students, may not have encountered before or may want to develop further. The team releases a blog post each week with two new “things” for participants to work through according to a timetable or at their own pace. Most importantly, this version of the programme is collaborative, participants work in “pods” with colleagues around the world. The webinar session aims at sharing this newly developed idea, reporting the work in progress by demonstrating how the programme functions and highlighting the significance of the programme.


Dr Kwong Nui Sim, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr Mike Rose, University of Surrey, New Zealand
Dr Kim Brown and Dr Sarah Stein, University of Otago, New Zealand

Registration: You can register for this webinar here. Pre-registration allows us to email you a quick reminder prior to the session.

Latest TELall Blog – Reflections on the ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School

In our blog’s latest post, Sandy Barker reflects on her experiences at the 2019 Research School hosted by the University of New England last September. As Sandy puts it “Taking a step back over the Christmas break has given me time to reflect on the exciting opportunities I had last year. Apart from graduation in April as one of the first cohort of UniSA’s Graduate Diploma in Education Studies (Digital Learning), the research school would have to be the highlight of my year.  Here is a reflection that I wrote at the time.”


Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment) SIG Webinar Recording & Resources

The TA-SIG’s webinar resources about “Online Knowledge Maps for assessment and feedback” are available for viewing and downloading.  The session was conducted on 4 March and was presented by by Prof. Gary Velan (University of New South Wales, Australia).

Concept and knowledge maps have the potential to improve student learning and understanding by promoting meaningful learning and critical thinking. However, providing manual feedback on students’ maps is not feasible for large classes. Knowledge Maps is a web-based platform developed at UNSW that has also been integrated with Moodle. The platform can be used to create, edit and share maps, as well as providing automate feedback on students’ inputs. This webinar described the affordances of Knowledge Maps and explored the evidence of its effectiveness as an assessment tool in higher education.

To access the video recording and slides, go here.

Reminder: AJET Call for Special Issue extended

AJET has extended the Call for Papers for the Special Issue on “Partnerships for scaled online learning and the unbundling of the traditional university”. Authors are invited to submit studies, reviews and conceptual articles relevant to the issue by 22 March 2020.

In addition, the journal has announced two additional Calls for Papers for the following two Special Issues in 2020:

  • Learning Analytics: Pathways to Impact
  • Smart Learning Environments

Further details on these calls are also available on the journal website here.


Call for Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) Special Issue Proposals

The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) is calling for proposals for 2021 special issues, especially on contemporary themes associated with effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment.

The expectation is that the special issue would be of interest to an international audience. To propose a special issue please download the Special Issue Proposal form from the JUTLP website and email the completed Special Issue Proposal form to Dr Alisa Percy.

Special Issue Proposals are due by Friday 17th April 2020.

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