Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILTE Learning Design SIG webinar on Experiential Learning and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Date and time: Friday 19 November  @ 12 – 1pm AEDT | Singapore 9am | New Zealand 2pm.  For other time zones go here.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is rapidly changing the way we live, work and learn. Business systems and process are becoming more streamlined and increasingly run by algorithms, AI and robotics. As a result, the industry requires new and additional skillsets from graduates. As equally as important as industry specific ‘hard skills’ are the ‘smart, soft’ behavioural skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, decision making, problem solving and empathy.

This presentation, delivered by Torrens University Australia Senior Learning Experience Designers, Dr Anu Khara and Nikki Donald, focuses on how experiential learning theory, supported by the innovative use of technology can support students develop these smart soft skills using simulated and first person scenarios.

Anu and Nikki will also present a collaborative project lead by the Product Innovation team at TUA to create, develop and implement authentic learning experiences using Extended Reality (XR) technology. The project is redefining the student learning experience in hospitality education for both practical, applied skills and smart soft skills, including empathy, conflict resolution and customer service. Combining research and technology to create an informed learning design strategy, the project aims to transform students learning experiences as the university embraces a digitally transforming future of higher education.


Dr Anuradha Khara and Nikki Donald are Senior Learning Experience Designers with Torrens University Australia. They lead, guide and manage teams of Learning Experience Designers and are SME’s in curriculum design contributing to faculty decision making and course accreditation.

Anu holds a PhD in Education. Her passion for Computer Programming and French language took her to France where she completed French Language Teachers’ Training Program and a Master’s degree in Computer Assisted Language Learning. The combination of these two programs helped gear her up to be an educator who understands the relationship between content, pedagogy and effective ways to integrate technology to make learning engaging.

Nikki is currently studying for a Masters of Education: Innovation and Change. She has 20 years’ experience in design and adult education, including corporate training, VET and Higher Ed. She is passionate about ed-tech, social justice and First Nations Reconciliation. Nikki is committed to designing learning experiences that empower students and instigate positive social change.

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Update on TELAS Information Sessions & Reviewer Certification workshops

Additional TELAS (Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards) information sessions and Reviewer Certification workshops are now being scheduled.

Two Information Sessions have now been conducted, the first with 31 participants on 2 Sept and the second on 29 Sept with 38 participants. A third session has now been scheduled for 18 November from 2pm – 4pm AEST and you can register for this session here. There is a $30 admin fee to attend the session.

In addition to the information sessions, a TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop has been scheduled for 20 – 21 January 2022. The workshop takes place online over two half-days and a registration fee has been set at $150 for members and $300 for non-members (which includes a one-year membership). There is also an optional Reviewer Certification fee available for those who wish to become TELAS Certified Reviewers.

Further details on TELAS information sessions, reviewer workshops and registration are available on the TELAS website.

Reminder: CMALT BootCamp 15 -18 November

The CMALT Boot Camp explores an international Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) professional accreditation framework – the Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT). Concepts and example applications will be outlined in a pre-reading guide, an introductory webinar and illustrated by a webinar panel of current CMALT holders. This will be followed by a two-day online workshop where participants will establish the outline of their own ePortfolio as critical reflective evidence for potential CMALT accreditation.

The boot camp is suitable for anyone interested in applying for CMALT accreditation to gain international recognition for expertise in TEL and is held over 4 days (1 – 2 hours per day)

Pre-reading for the boot camp includes:

The boot camp schedule is as follows:

  • Intro webinar (Monday 15 November, 12pm -1pm AEDT)
  • Webinar panel of expert practitioners (Tuesday 16 November @ 12pm – 1pm AEDT)
  • Interactive online workshop part 1 (Wednesday 17 November @ 12pm – 2pm AEDT)
  • Interactive online workshop part 2 (Thursday 18 November @ 12pm – 2pm AEDT)

You can register for the Boot camp here.


CMALT Australasia is a certified membership scheme offered in partnership with the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) UK. The scheme is a form of professional accreditation which enables people whose work involves learning technology to have their experience and capabilities certified by peers, and to demonstrate that they are taking a committed approach to their professional development.

As a certified member of ALT you can increase the impact of your professional record or CV and use “CMALT” as post-nominal letters.  The basis of the accreditation process is a portfolio which contains both evidence and reflection in relation to a number of key criteria.

CMALT certification means you obtain professional recognition and attain Certified Membership for your experience and capabilities in the field of learning technology.

Associate Professor Thomas Cochrane
Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education
The University of Melbourne

ASCILITE 2021 Conference registration close soon

This is a reminder that registration closes soon to attend the ASCILITE Conference on 29 November – 1 December 2021 at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW. The conference will be a hybrid event with a mixture of face-to-face and virtual.

If any attendee who registers to attend in person is unable to attend due to new travel restrictions, their registration will be converted to virtual attendance and a refund of the difference will be provided.

For further information and to register, visit the conference website. If you have any questions about registration fees and bookings, please email the conference organisers at

Invitation to attend the ASCILITE Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for ASCILITE will take place via zoom during the annual conference on Monday at 11am AEDT.  All current members are cordially invited to attend the meeting.  You will find the zoom link in the agenda which is located here.  Check the conference agenda for any change to the meeting time closer to the event.  The login will also be available in the conference agenda. We do hope you can join us where we present the 2021 Executive election results, review ASCILITE’s financial position and seek approval from members for next year’s budget.


Call for Abstracts – SoTEL Symposium 2022

THE 2022 SoTEL Symposium will take place on 16 – 18 February 2022 to present a showcase of student learning supported by technology as a showcase of student learning supported by technology. After the success over the last four years, we are excited to announce that the 5th SoTEL Symposium will be held online.

The Symposium brings together educators, primarily from the secondary and tertiary sectors, to:

  • Share and demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of using digital technologies to enhance student learning;
  • Establish research clusters and communities of practice to enable like-minded people to explore, evaluate and advance the use of digital technologies in student learning environments in all disciplines;
  • Provide an annual forum for practitioners to present the results of their work to peers and other interested parties.

Attendance and presentation at the annual Symposium is open to all educators from the secondary and tertiary sectors, those from the vocational education and training sector, government departments, and private training organisations, including the defence forces.

The symposium features 6 Trendsetter/Keynotes and a presentation stream of Pecha Kucha’s with live discussion and 500 word abstracts published in the Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (PJTEL). 2021 Abstracts can be seen at

An early-bird rate for attendance is available at $25 per day or $75 for the 3 days.

The abstracts deadline is 26 November. For further information, visit the SoTEL website.

2021 National ITP Research Symposium (NZ)

The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand has decided to move online the 2021 National ITP Research Symposium, along with colleagues at WelTec and Whitireia. Dates remain 25 and 26 November. More information can be found on the OPNZ website here. The symposium is free for all staff attending from any one of the ITPs across the country.

United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) webinars – on now!

The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) has parallel free events in November for National Distance Learning Week. Between 8 – 12 November USDLA has a comprehensive program of webinars. Their focus this year is exploring some of the terminological ambiguities around blended, hyflex, flipped modes of learning. Some of these sessions are scheduled for those in NZ who like their professional development before breakfast! Details are available on the USDLA website.

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