Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Call out for ascilite2015 Conference Paper Reviewers

You are cordially invited to be a reviewer for ascilite2015 and to have this contribution acknowledged in the conferences proceedings. To become a reviewer, please login or register in the ascilite conference system and proceed as follows:

  1. After confirming your registration, go to "my profile" which is the link on the right site of the page
  2. Activate the role "Reviewer" at the end of the page
  3. Enter your "Reviewing interests” in the entry box, which will be used to assign papers in an area of your interest and expertise.

The reviewer role contributes greatly to the quality of papers presented at the conference and reviewers provide critical and supportive feedback to authors to help them improve their submissions. We understand your heavy workload and other commitments, and would be very grateful if you could find the time to referee a maximum of 2 papers for the conference.

The organising committee is happy to report that papers are already being submitted and we look forward to your participation as a reviewer!

best regards,
The ascilite2015 Organising Committee

Are you thinking of writing a paper for this year’s ascilite conference?

Are you new to writing conference papers? Have you had limited conference paper writing experience? Then you may be interested to watch the webinar Writing up a storm for ascilite 2014. This webinar was presented in June 2014 for ascilite members by Jenny MacDonald, with Alan Soong the moderator.  Jenny was Convenor of the ascilite2014 conference.

The webinar is available on ascilite's YouTube Channel here.


International Mobile Learning Festival Proceedings Available

The organizers of the International Mobile Learning Festival held in Hong Kong from 21 – 23 May wish to extend their appreciation to everyone who attended and supported the conference.

According to the organizers, the quality of speakers and papers presented was very high. Over the next couple of months they will be working with the best papers to include them in a special issue of the “Interactive Learning Environments” SSCI ranked journal, or “Mobile Learning: Theories and Applications ” a book to be published by Springer.

In the meantime, the conference proceedings may be accessed here.

Opportunities for PhD study in assessment in higher education

The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) seeks to attract suitably qualified applicants to become PhD students and join a small team undertaking research on assessment and digital learning. CRADLE is a new centre established at Deakin University in 2015 under the leadership of Professor David Boud.

Full-time studentship

Applications are sought for a full-time PhD student to work as part of a team researching coherent assessment practices in university courses. The team is involved in research on the effects of sets of assessment and related learning practices designed to operate across units within a given program of study. A stipend at the APAI level ($31,296 in 2015) will be provided to the successful candidate. This student will commence over the next few months and be primarily based in the Melbourne CBD. Further details of this scholarship are available on the Deakin website here.  Applications close 5pm 25 June 2015.

Part-time enrolments

Applications are also sought for part-time candidates for projects in assessment in higher education. The Centre looks to enroll as students, higher education staff members who wish to undertake research on assessment as part of the Research Program of the Centre. It is anticipated that some of these will focus in their own disciplinary area or on topics that relate to challenges within their professional areas.

Qualifications and experience

While applicants do not need to hold a particular disciplinary degree, they must show high research potential, a demonstrated ability for independent study and be equipped by their previous studies to undertake qualitative or quantitative research in the social sciences relevant to assessment and learning.

Research program of the Centre.

The CRADLE website provides details of the current range of research interests. Applicants should indicate which of these areas they have an interest in.

Doctoral program

The Centre links with other initiatives in the Faculty of the Arts and Education and will build key components of a doctoral program in its specialist area. Over time it will develop an international network of research students working on assessment and learning to provide mutual support and interaction and seek to foster joint supervision internationally. It collaborates with Faculties in integrating doctoral students in programs in cognate areas of the University.


If you are interested in full-time or part-time higher degree study with the centre, please email for further information. In your email please include your area of interest, an indication of the preparation you have done that equips you for doctoral research, e.g. training, courses, experiences along with anything that demonstrates your research potential, e.g. theses, publications or other relevant documentation.

Professor David Boud
Director, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE)
Deakin University

Job Vacancy: Head of Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Wollongong

The University of Wollongong is seeking to appoint a Head of Technology Enhanced Learning (Fixed 5 year appointment; Level C/D based on experience) to provide leadership in relation to technology enhanced learning including policy development in the evolving UOW digitally enhanced, student learning environment.

For more information see

The closing date for applications is 21 June 2015

Job Vacancy: Linux Developer, University of Queensland

An opening for a Linux Developer [AUD$69-75K pa + super] has arisen to work on multiple innovative projects driving forward The University of Queensland's Teaching and Learning strategy.

Located at UQ's St Lucia Campus (Brisbane), 60% of time will be devoted to developing a new Linux based e-Exam platform and infrastructure while the remaining 40% will be on assorted e-learning tools projects.

This is a full-time, 2 year contract with the possibility of extension (pending funding).  The application deadline is 03 July 2015.

To apply, please refer to the detailed position description and application instructions at UQ jobs:

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members