Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

2016 Community Mentoring Program is Open for Applications

The ascilite Community Mentoring Program (CMP) aims to provide mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including technical, academic development, learning development, faculty academics, early career researchers, graphic designers and programmers. The program has been operating since 2003 with over 100 members having taken part to date.

We define mentoring as collaboration between ascilite members for the purpose of achieving an agreed goal through dialogue, action and reflection. The focus of these collaborations can be across a number of areas including:

  • Academic practice
  • Early career research
  • Teaching innovations
  • Learning design
  • Graphic design
  • Programming

Purpose of the Program

The ascilite CMP seeks to involve Inlingua participants in a professional mentoring relationship built between learners (the mentees) and experienced practitioners (the mentors). Whilst the new learners may be experienced in some areas Back of educational technologies, the ascilite Community Mentoring Program is a vehicle for enhancement cheap jerseys of specific knowledge, skills or capacities in an area of developing expertise.

The deadline for Expressions of Interest (Applications) is 6 March 2016.

Full details and application forms are available on the ascilite website including a video recording of the 2015 information session webinar.  Note that a 2016 Information Session webinar is scheduled for 12 February at 12pm cheap nba jerseys AEDT and you will find those details below.

ascilite Live! Webinar: Community Mentoring Program Information Session

Date & Time: 12 February 2016, 12pm AEDT.  For your local time zone, please go here.

Abstract: This 40 minute webinar aims to provide an understanding of how ascilite's Community Mentoring Program (CMP) works and how it can benefit both mentors and mentees.

General information on the ascilite CMP is presented ОКВЭД above in this bulletin while full details and forms are available on the ascilite website.

Whilst the new learners may be experienced in some areas of educational technologies, the ascilite CMP is a vehicle for enhancement of specific knowledge, skills or capacities in an area of developing expertise. The program has been operational since 2003 with more than 100 members having taken part to date.

Presenter: Sue Gregory is the Vice President of ascilite and the current chair of the ascilite Community Mentoring Program and ascilite Awards.  In 2012, she participated in the CMP as a Lelaki co-mentor and she has been very active in ascilite ever since attending her first ascilite conference in 2009.  Sue joined the ascilite Executive in 2012 and is currently Chair of Research in the School of Education at the University of New England (UNE), Armidale.

How to Register: You can register here for this webinar (closed). After registering, you will receive an email with login details for the session.

ascilite Executive Committee Meeting Summary

The ascilite Executive Committee meets twice each Bulletin year face to face.  These meetings are supplemented by regular online meetings throughout the year. On 1 – 3 February, ascilite Executive Committee member Chris Campbell hosted the face to face meetings at her institution; the University of Bulletin Queensland in Brisbane. While outside temperatures soared to around 36 and 37 degree, the committee spent the first day and a half drafting a 2016 – 2019 Strategic Plan based on findings from the 2015 member survey, 2015 conference survey and other key membership data. This draft Strategic Plan will be emailed to all members over the coming weeks in order to obtain member comments on the society's strategic focus over the coming years before it is finalized.

Development of a strategic plan was followed cheap nfl jerseys by the development of a 2016 Operational Plan with detailed objectives and action wholesale mlb jerseys plans for the coming year. Many other issues were discussed in the meeting including action plans for the 2016 Community Mentoring Program, the awards program, CMALT, webinars, AJET, SIGs and the 2016 conference. A 2016 communications plan was also developed by the "comms and social media" team. The composition of Executive Committee teams for each portfolio during 2016 was also finalized during the meeting. You can view Executive Committee member profiles here to see who will now be working behind the scenes to grow ascilite in 2016.


DEANZ2016, 17 – 20 April 2016

‘There and back: Charting flexible pathways in open, mobile and distance education’

The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand is pleased to anounce the biennial DEANZ conference that will showcase best practice and theory in the broad field of open, distance, flexible and mobile learning across all aspects of the education sector including the compulsory, tertiary, and professional development settings.

The conference theme "There and Back: Charting flexible pathways in open, mobile and distance education" draws inspiration from a Hobbiton-based theme and conference dinner venue.​ We have an exciting and inspirational line up of international and local experts who promise an engaging professional dialogue on using digital technologies to serve teaching and learning.


Professor Curtis Bonk 
(University of Indiana)
Keynote title: Education 3.0: The Learning World of Middle Earth is Fast Changing!
Workshop title: Engage, Number One: This is the Next Generation

Dr Dianne Forbes 
(University of Waikato)
Keynote title: Mixed media pathways: Bringing teacher education to your home town

Carolyn Alexander Bennett
Keynote title: FarNet Ten Years On: The Past, Present and Future for distance learners through the NZ Virtual Learning Network Community (NZVLNC)

Phil Garing 
Invited Talk title: Learning and Development 25-01-2016 in a commercial context; making the connection

Joyce Seitzinger 
(Academic Tribe)
Invited Talk cheap mlb jerseys title: Learner Experience Design: Discovering tools and ideas for orchestrating the learner experience

Have you registered yet?

For information and to register visit the website or contact for further details. The Early bird Registration Deadline is 15 February 2016.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members