Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


TELAS Information Session & Reviewer Certification Workshops Scheduled

The ASCILITE Executive is pleased to announce dates for the next TELAS information Session and Peer Reviewer Certification Workshop. TELAS (Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards) is a set of internationally benchmarked accreditation standards, criteria and performance measures. The Framework is the basis for assessing, assuring, certifying and recognising the quality of online learning.

We run a 2 hour information session for those interested in learning more about TELAS:

Date: 22 June 2022
Time: 1 – 3pm (AEST)
Cost: $30 (members and non-members)
Further information & registration: For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website here.

The next certification workshop will be online and therefore split across 2 half days:

Date and Time:
Day 1: 20 July 2022 (1:00pm – 4.30pm AEST)
Day 2: 21 July 2022 (9.30am – 1:00pm AEST)
Cost: $150 (members); $300 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee)
Further information & registration: For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website here.

The number of places available for the information session and workshop are limited, so register early to avoid disappointment. Registration for the info session closes 17 June and for the workshop, the closing date is 13 July.

New Wavelength Podcast Available

In this episode of the ASCILITE Wavelength Podcast, we talk with the leaders and participants of the ASCILITE Women in Academic Leadership Initiative; how the initiative developed, its outcomes and where to next.

You can listen to this podcast and view previous episodes here.

Invitation to ASCILITE at the Pub: Melbourne, 27 June 2022

The ASCILITE Executive would like to invite ASCILITE members to a special Melbourne networking event on 27 June at 5:30pm to be held in conjunction with the HERDSA Annual Conference. The ASCILITE community has not been able to get together in person for several years now so here’s an opportunity to catch up in Melbourne! Complimentary snacks will be available and members may bring a guest. Places are limited and registration closes 23 June or once places are filled. See you there!

For further details and to RSVP, visit the ASCILITE website here.

ASCILITE Live! A positive approach to academic integrity and the potential future of artificial intelligence

Date and time: 21 June @ 12pm AEST

In this session, we shine a light on how academic misconduct unfolds and the potential for artificial intelligence to mitigate risk and safeguard integrity.  Distinguishing between intentional and unintentional plagiarism and taking a positive academic integrity approach focused on awareness-raising, we will also explore the relationship between technology and contract cheating and how technology such as Turnitin can support you in cheating detection. A discussion of how educators and institutions can establish new cultural norms and standards to support this endeavour, is also covered.  Join us as we explore how higher education might need to prepare for the challenges and opportunities associated with artificial intelligence.

Key takeaways

  • Considerations to help navigate the academic integrity landscape
  • Awareness of future challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence relating to academic integrity
  • Tips and strategies educators can use to detect and deter with contract cheating
  • Approaches to establishing positive norms in the classroom
  • Preventive scaffolding and skills building

Who should attend?

University teaching staff, learning and teaching professionals, and administrators are all encouraged to attend this webinar to help inform their strategy towards safeguarding academic integrity in light of technological growth.


Ishpal Sandhu, Acting Principal Adviser L&T and Senior Manager Academic Capability & Professional Development, RMIT University – Seasoned educational and professional specialist in online learning, educational technology, and digital transformation. I am a leader in change management, pedagogy, andragogy, AACSB (AOL), and provide subject matter expertise in this area. My interest and lifetime association with technology allows me to innovate, develop or recommend technology to support learning or processes.

Patrick Lynch, Senior Learning and Teaching Specialist, RMIT University – Innovative learning and teaching professional passionate about academic capacity building and enhancing the student experience. My interest areas include academic integrity, chatbots, and digital assessment.


Please register for this session here.

Learning Design SIG webinar on approaches to professional skills building across degree programs

Date and time: 17 June @ 12pm AEST

Where does learning and development of professional skills come from within a university degree program? The short answer is everywhere. A system of connecting experiential learning and professional skills development with student reflective blogs has been established within various courses and degree programs at UNSW. This presentation will focus on the process of building student awareness of their professional skills development and graduate attributes through experiential learning opportunities via assessment tasks authentic to discipline and reflective practice/ePortfolio pedagogy within coursework. This work was initially generated in courses within the medical science degree program and then translated across various courses and degree programs at UNSW. The value of using badging and microcredentialling to recognise these skills in job ready graduates will be discussed. Patsie will present an institutional badging/microcredentialling framework model which she led and developed with BadgeCop – a UNSW community of practice, supported with UNSW Scientia Education Investment Funding.


Professor Patsie Polly (SFHEA) is a UNSW Scientia Education Fellow and Co-Director of the Scientia Education Academy, Education Focussed Academic Champion and Professor in Pathology, within the School of Medical Sciences, UNSW Medicine, UNSW Sydney. Patsie is recognised nationally and internationally as a scholar. Patsie is an invited international ePortfolio AAEEBL Board member and national ePortfolios Australia Committee Member.

Patsie infuses her extensive medical research experience into educational practice by strategically integrating innovative adaptive lessons, ePortfolio pedagogy and collaborative communities of practice for students to learn career-relevant professional skills. Patsie leads BadgeCop, a community of practice focussed on micro-credentialing at UNSW.


Pre-registration is not required to attend the session and both members and non-members are welcome.

ASCILITE Live! webinar recording available “Doubling engagement with professional learning by choosing your own adventure: the Modular Professional Learning Framework (MPLF)”

The latest ASCILITE Live! webinar session held on 19 May 2022 is now available for viewing.

In this session, the University of Sydney team, which received an ASCILITE Innovation Award in 2021, highlighted the team’s reimagined continuing professional development (CPD) program for educators: the Modular Professional Learning Framework (MPLF).

The MPLF allows instructors to choose their own adventure through 21 bite-sized two-hour modules on effective and applied teaching practices. Built in collaboration with faculties and subject matter experts from across the institution, modules model hybrid and blended teaching, promote reflection, and focus on evidence-based practical applications covering diverse concepts including student engagement, educational technology, inclusivity and diversity, peer review, groupwork, assessment, and even career development. Modularisation, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, allows educators to design their own CPD journey, and allows us to quickly adapt and share professional development. Educator engagement is up 75% with 3400+ module completions in two years, including uptake by two other institutions.

View the recording

Mobile Learning SIG #ASCILITEMLSIG monthly open webinar featuring @David_Sinfield

Date and time: 24 June @ 10:00am – 11:00am AEST

In this session, presented by Dr David Sinfield (Auckland University of Technology) on the topic of “Where Art Meets Science”, David will be using a video “How I use mobile technology in the field for research documentation” as an example for discussion. All are welcome!

You can find-out more about the Mobile Learning SIG here ;and you can join the session here.

Reminder: Call for Papers and Reviewers is open for ASCILITE 2022

This is a reminder that the call for papers for the 2022 ASCILITE conference is now up and details are provided on the conference website. Full details on submission types, sub-themes and presentation formats are available on the conference website and the submissions portal will be opening soon to upload submissions. The call for papers closes on 2 July 2022.

If you are interested in participating as a conference reviewer, you fill find further details on the conference website here. The call for reviewers also closes on 2 July 2022.


Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning conference, 19 – 20 July 2022

The Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L, UniSA) is excited to announce its first face-to-face (in person) conference – Change and Complexity in Learning. It will take place from Tuesday 19 July to Wednesday 20 July in Adelaide at the University of South Australia.

Education sits on the edge of a new age of innovation, with broadening access and growing opportunities for learning. All sectors – primary, secondary, tertiary, and corporate – face growing complexity as they respond to new technologies and globalisation. This conference, hosted by C3L, the top edtech research centre in Australia, will feature engaging panels and world-renowned keynote addresses on the most urgent challenges and opportunities facing today’s education systems.

Conference registration is $150. For more details visit the UNISA website here.

Fully online Graduate Certificate in Digital Learning at the University of South Australia’s commences 25 July

Digital learning is now relevant more than ever. The University of South Australia’s next offering of the fully online Graduate Certificate in Digital Learning starts in July. You will need to enroll by 18 July as teaching commences 25 July. There are 4 courses covering a range of digital learning concepts including online learning environments, learning analytics, and innovative learning practices for learners in a digital age. For a limited time in 2022, this program is available to domestic students at a heavily reduced fee as a result of government subsidies. For further details visit the University website here or email David Caldwell, the Program Director.

esearch Participants on the role, work and professional identity of learning designers in our region

QUT Ethics Approval Number 2021000051

Do you identify as a learning designer at an Australian, New Zealand, Pacific Islands or South-East Asian university? Would you like to share your experiences as a learning designer?

If yes, then we would love to invite you to complete a short 15 – 20 minute survey about the role, work and professional identity of university learning designers in the post-pandemic era.

This research is being conducted by Sharon Altena, Queensland University of Technology, Rebecca Ng, University of Wollongong and Meredith Hinze, The University of Melbourne. For more details about this research see our Participant Information Sheet or contact one of the researchers.

Thank you for considering this request.

Sharon Altena (QUT),
Rebecca Ng (UoW),
Meredith Hinze (UM),

Comments are closed.

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