Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE2024 Conference Update

We’ve had a record number of submissions for the 2024 conference and the proceedings editorial team is working through reviewing over 200 submissions! If you receive an invitation to review please respond positively and quickly so we can get these through timely.

Registration for the conference is now open on the website – be in quick to secure a place at the awesome Melbourne Museum for the conference dinner!

Sunday pre-conference Workshops are also now on the website – including a great selection from our Keynote Speakers.

Looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne in December!

ASCILITE Live! Webinar: The Honest Truth about being on the ASCILITE Executive

Date: Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM AEST
Join us here

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be on the ASCILITE Executive? Or perhaps are just interested to know what the various portfolios are, or what the ASCILITE executive does at their bi-monthly meetings (or in-between!)? We hold elections for the committee every year, and our 2025 election round is coming up, so in anticipation webinar coordinator Kwong Nui Sim has rounded up current ASCILITE president Michael Cowling and vice-president Elaine Huber to give the honest truth on what it’s like to be on the ASCILITE executive.

If you’ve got an interest in running for the executive, or even just want to know more about how the society operates, please join us for this session.

Business Education SIG Webinar: Empowering Business Educators for Career Advancement

Date: Friday 9 August
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST
Register here

Join the BE SIG for an insightful session designed exclusively for business educators aspiring to elevate their careers. This interactive workshop will equip you with the essential tools and strategies needed to navigate the complex landscape of academic progression. Our expert panel will share invaluable insights on professional development, networking, and innovative teaching methodologies. Whether you’re aiming for a leadership role, looking to enhance your research portfolio, or seeking ways to make a significant impact in your institution, this session is your gateway to unlocking new career opportunities. Don’t miss this chance to invest in your future and transform your journey.

TA-SIG Webinar: Assessing Teamwork: practical advice

Date: Wednesday 7 August
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST
Further information and registration hereThis webinar will provide practical advice for educators seeking to enhance their teamwork practices to meet the evolving needs of collaborative learning. We draw on the experience of academics from multiple disciplines in the UNSW community of practice on teamwork to share examples of best practices that have been successfully implemented at various stages of the teamwork process.

Presented by: Peter Neal and Nirmani Wijenayake (University of New South Wales, Australia)

ASCILITE Live! Webinar Recording July 2024: Navigating the ethical terrain of AI and research integrity (in collaboration with Turnitin)

In this recording the presenters explore and navigate

  • the ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated content in scholarly research.
  • the complexities of authorship attribution, plagiarism detection, and maintaining originality in the realm of AI-generated content.
  • the evolving ethical standards essential for upholding research integrity in the age of AI

Dr Chris Deneen
 (Enterprise Research Fellow in Education Futures, University of South Australia) and
Ralph Springett (Manager, Assessment Centre Open Polytechnic of New Zealand | Kuratini Tuwhera o Aotearoa)

Watch the recording here.

ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School

You are invited to join us at the 2024 ASCILITE research school.

The next School is planned for 28-30 October and will be hosted by UTS in Sydney.

Aims of the Research School
The aim of the ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School is to:

  1. Provide support and guidance to participants in developing and progressing Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research initiatives including but not limited to:
    – Formulating a relevant and effective TEL research project.
    – Collecting appropriate TEL research data.
    – Identifying what data is most appropriate for TEL research.
  2. Assist participants to identify and plan a contemporary TEL research project.
  3. Enable opportunities for participants to link with like-minded collaborators from other universities and potentially to establish viable cross-institutional research collaborations.
  4. Guide participants in developing a grant application or research plan for a TEL research project. This would include both projects that have already been conceptualised as well as new projects that have not yet been conceived.

You can access the expression of interest form here and/or get more information about the Research School here.

Call for member feedback

The ASCILITE executive would like to invite all members to provide us with feedback on the activities that ASCILITE undertakes, as part of our continuous improvement processes.

The activities include:

  • Webinars
  • TELall Blog
  • Awards and Bursaries
  • CMALT Australasia
  • Community Mentoring
  • Contextualizing Horizons
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGS)
  • Research School
  • Women in Academic Leadership
  • Women in Professional Leadership
  • Individual and Institutional membership

We’d like to know more about what you like, which of the activities you think we should continue, what could be improved, and whether there are other activities you want ASCILITE to add.

You can access information about these activities on the website under Get Involved or Connect.

Please complete, by 30 August 2024, the feedback form here.

AECT and ASCILITE MoU signed – Meet and Greet in planning

We are excited to announce the signing of an MoU with the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Founded over 100 years ago, AECT is a US based association which specializes in the global study and application of new technology for learning. As such, AECT partners with some of the largest global publishers in the world as well as open source AECT publishing partners to provide publications and peer reviewed flagship journals which contribute to the knowledgebase of educational technology, instructional design, and education technology research. Read a short bio here or see their website for all the details.

AECT will be hosting a virtual 1-hour “ASCILITE/ AECT membership meet and greet” which will be held sometime in August of 2024. This virtual event will be free to AECT and ASCILITE members and will be a great way to learn about the events, activities, and workshops AECT are conducting in 2024.

The specific date/time for this virtual event will be announced in the next few weeks. We would love to see a strong turnout of ASCILITE members for this event.

More information will be available in the August 19th Bulletin and on the ASCILITE homepage.


NTEU Third Space survey

The NTEU is conducting a sector-wide survey to find out more about how ‘third space’ work operates across this tertiary education sector.

The ‘third space’ describes work which often combines academic & professional elements, but which does not fit neatly within these groups. It includes people who work in education/learning design, educational technology, academic development, careers & work integrated learning, study skills development, technical & specialist work, and other types of academic-adjacent or ‘blended” work.

If you think this might be you, the NTEU want to hear from you! The survey is open to union members and non-members alike.

Take the survey.

This survey is the first stage of a larger effort by the NTEU to understand the unique circumstances and contributions of third space workers, and to find ways to better support them.

You can also join the NTEU today.

FLANZ 2024 Conference Update

The Conference Programme is now available here.

If you cannot travel to Auckland, do consider a Virtual registration for FLANZ 2024. Both session rooms for the presented programme can be joined via Zoom. This means you can access your choice of stream realtime. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the Keynote speakers, and presentations.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members