Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE 2019 Conference: 28 Days to go!

It’s not too late to register for ASCILITE 2020 in Singapore on 2 – 5 December.   The conference organizing committee at the Singapore University of Social Sciences is busy scheduling presenters who have been accepted for this year’s conference. This includes 131 double blind peer reviewed full papers, concise papers, posters and pechakucha presentations along with 13 blind peer reviewed panels/symposia, debates and experimental sessions. There will also be up to 5 pre-conference workshops (separate registration required).

You can view the draft conference schedule here and the pre-conference workshops here.

There’s still time to register, book your flights and head over to Singapore to join your peers for this great, once a year, networking event.

Transforming Assessment SIG News

The next Transforming Assessment webinar on TeSLA: multi-factor verification for online assessment is scheduled for 6 Nov 2019. This session will look at the TeSLA project; a large, European Union funded project to develop a suite of embedded e-authentication tools for online assessment. The session explores what was done and what was learnt.

Further information and registration please visit the TA-SIG website here.

The Transforming Assessment webinars are part of a series of free events covering a range of assessment and e-assessment topics. Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, DVC Academic, University of Canberra and Dr Mathew Hillier, Academic Lead: Digital Assessment, University of New South Wales.  Further information on this and future events, recordings of past sessions, links to resources and participation/technical help on using the virtual seminar system can be found on the SIG’s website at

New Business Education SIG approved

The ASCILITE Executive has approved a proposal for the establishment of a Business Education SIG to be launched at ASCILITE 2019.  The SIG convenors will be Dr Harsh Suri, Senior Lecturer, Learning Futures at Deakin University, Audrea Warner, Professional Teaching Fellow Institution at the University of Auckland and Ms Danielle Logan, Learning & Teaching Consultant (Design) at Griffith University.

An ASCILITE SIG focussing on Business Education will encourage, empower and enable business educators to raising a collective voice for informing relevant professional bodies and accreditation agencies about the strengths of emergent, design based, nuanced approaches to research that are amenable for deepening our understanding of learning affordances of technology rich environments. Being an integral part of ASCILITE will also enable business educators to learn from the members of other disciplines who have been relatively more successful in raising the profile of scholarship of technology enhanced learning within their disciplines. Further, it will provide a fertile ground for business educators to engage in interdisciplinary research.

An invitation to join the Business Education SIG will be made available in the coming weeks and at the ASCILITE 2019 Conference where the SIG will be explaining it’s aims and plans for 2020.  Membership in ASCILITE SIGs is free and open to ASCILITE members and non-members alike.  Preliminary inquiries may be directed to Harsh Suri.

Open Network Learning webinar recording

A video recording of the ASCILITE Live! webinar conducted on 31 October is now available for viewing.  You can access this recording, along with several other webinars conducted this year on the ASCILITE website here.

in the latest webinar on 31 October, the subject of Open Networked Learning (ONL) was presented by Lars Uhlin, an Educational Developer at Karolinska Institutet and Linköping university and Mälardalen university along with Jörg Pareigis, Head of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Karlstad University, where he is also Assistant Professor in Business Administration.

ONL is an open online course organized by Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University), Maria Kvarnström (Karolinska Institutet), Jörg Pareigis (Karlstad University), Lars Uhlin (Karolinska Institutet and Linköping University) and Lotta Åbjörnsson (Lund University) in collaboration with colleagues at other universities in Sweden and abroad. The course is aimed at teachers, course designers, educational developers and educational technologists in higher education. It offers opportunities to explore the potential of open networked learning with colleagues from around the world in a multidisciplinary and cross-cultural context and builds on problem based learning.

The course is a truly connected course, which makes use of an innovative digital learning environment particularly designed for the course in WordPress and other social media tools such as Twitter. During the webinar, two of the course organizers as well as former participants shared their experiences, learnings and challenges in relation to organizing and participating in ONL, a course, a community, an approach.

Reminder: Invitation to participate in the 2019 ASCILITE SIG Survey

If you are a member of an ASCILITE SIG and you haven’t already participated in the biannual SIG survey, please do so at the survey link below.

The survey is designed for SIG members to ensure that ASCILITE SIGs remain relevant to their members. It will also help ASCILITE and the SIG leaders better understand your needs within ASCILITE SIGs.

If you are a member of more than one SIG, you are welcome to complete one survey for each of them, but if you only have the time to complete one survey, then please choose the SIG that you have the most familiarity with.

If one of the SIGs you are a member of is the Learning Design SIG, please note that this year it has not been included in the survey, so please do not answer any questions (except for Q1) in relation to the LD-SIG.

You will find the survey here:


ALT News Digest 527 and 528

The Association for Learning Technology (UK) News Digest is published weekly online. News Digest 527 was issued on 21 October 2019 and News Digest 528 was issued on 28 October 2019 .  ALT’s journal – Research in Learning Technology is open access.

EDEN Newsletter (October)

The European Distance and eLearning Network Newsletter is published monthly. EDEN has more than 180 institutional members and over 1,100 members throughout Europe. Their October newsletter is available here.

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