Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Call for Papers for ASCILITE 2022 extended closing date

The call for papers for the 2022 ASCILITE conference now has an extended closing date of 16 July 2022.  Details are provided on the  conference website including submission types, sub-themes and presentation formats. The submissions portal is now open to upload your papers.

Learning Design SIG webinar on entangled pedagogy and learning design

Date and Time: Thursday, 14 July @ 4pm AEST | Singapore/Hong Kong 2pm |  New Zealand 6pm | Other time zones

Entangled pedagogy challenges the notion that technology-first or pedagogy-first framings accurately describe the complex relationships between the different elements that contribute to any educational activity. It offers a framework for thinking about how these elements inevitably shape each other, and about the kinds of approaches and knowledge that can support educators to effectively navigate the messy, emergent spaces of teaching and learning. In this talk, our presenter will use the entangled pedagogy framework to think about the implications for learning design and how aspects of educational activity are inevitably interrelated and distributed across different kinds of staff and students, both constraining and strengthening possibilities for practice. The presentation will also briefly consider some implications for faculty development, technological adoption, different modalities of teaching (e.g. on campus, online and hybrid) and ethics.


Dr Tim Fawns is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Education, University of Edinburgh and Deputy Programme Director of the online MSc Clinical Education, Director of the international Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education. He also runs a course in “Postdigital Society” for the Edinburgh Futures Institute. His main academic interests are in teaching, learning and assessment (mostly in healthcare and professional education), technology, and memory. Before his current role, he was a learning technologist, and a graphic and web designer. Tim is an Australian who went travelling one day and forgot to go back, married an Edinburgher and now has three kids who think they’re Scottish.


Please join this session in Collaborate here.  SIG members and non-members are all welcome!

New TELall blog post: One step ahead – developing an open textbook in accounting

In our newest blog post, Dr Amanda White (University Technology Sydney) reflects on the process of writing a new textbook for first year accounting using an open textbook approach. “It was like building the plane while I was trying to fly it”.


Final reminder: TELAS Peer Reviewer Certification Workshop Scheduled, 20 – 21 July 2022

The ASCILITE Executive is pleased to announce the next Peer Reviewer Certification Workshop which will take place 20 – 21 July 2022.

TELAS (Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards) is a set of internationally benchmarked accreditation standards, criteria and performance measures. The Framework is the basis for assessing, assuring, certifying and recognising the quality of online learning.

The workshop will be conducted online and split across 2 half days:

Day 1: 20 July 2022 (1:00pm – 4.30pm AEST)
Day 2: 21 July 2022 (9.30am – 1:00pm AEST)

Cost: $150 (members); $300 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee)

Further information & registration

For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website here.

The number of places available in the workshop is limited, so register early to avoid disappointment. The closing date for workshop registrations is 13 July.

Final reminder: Transforming Assessment SIG webinar: e-Assessment Awards: Showcase of selected winners (2022)

Date and time: 6 July @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST | 0700 universal time | 8am UK | 3pm SG/HK | 7pm NZ.

This is a joint Transforming Assessment SIG and eAssessment Association session.

This session will feature short presentations and an opportunity for questions with selected international eAssessment Award

  • Best Formative Assessment Project 2022.
  • Best Summative Assessment Project 2022.
  • Most Innovative Use of Technology in Assessment 2022.

There will be time for Q&A.Please refer to further information and webinar registration at


Job Vacancy: Learning Analytics Lead, Charles Sturt University

Reference no: 495578
Work type: Continuing – Full Time
Location: Other, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Wagga Wagga
Categories: Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, Professional

  • Provide leadership and oversight of the Subject Experience Survey
  • Help develop analytics dashboards and reports for use in planning, learning design and teaching practice
  • Make recommendations, lead continuous improvement initiatives and build internal capability

The Role

  • Continuing, Full Time
  • Level 9 – $117,157 to $123,793 pa (plus 17% superannuation)
  • Bathurst, Orange, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Remote (by negotiation)

You will work closely with key stakeholders in the Office of Planning and Analytics, the Division of Learning and Teaching and the Division of Information Technology to develop and implement university learning analytics, standards, policy, procedure, and products including analytics dashboards and reports.

Full details are available on the CSU website here. The closing date for applications is 7 July 2022.

ALT Annual Conference 2022, 6-8 September 2022, Manchester, UK

Earlybird registration is now open for the ALT Annual Conference 2022 and this year ALT is offering both hybrid registration and online registration options. Members of ALT (including Associate Members) are eligible for a substantial discount.

Conference themes

  • Digital transformation beyond the crisis
  • Co-creation with learners:
  • Emerging leadership for a new strategic vision
  • Developing Digital Fluency
  • AmplifyFE

Read more about the conference themes and register on the ALT (UK) website.

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