Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Transforming Assessment SIG webinar: Frenemies – ChatGPT within Assessment

Date: 10 April 2024
Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm AEST
Register here.This session explores the educational shift towards collaborative and co-constructive learning paradigms, emphasizing the challenge of assessing these in the context of rapidly advancing Generative AI technologies like ChatGPT. It presents five innovative assessment designs being piloted in university classes to bridge the gap between collaborative learning and individual assessment, utilizing Gen AI as both a tool and a participant in the learning process. These strategies aim to maintain the authenticity of assessments while fostering a symbiotic relationship between students and AI, reflecting a move towards assessments that support real-world, collaborative, and individual learning outcomes.

Presenter: Matthew Wysel (University of New England, Australia)

ASCILITE Business Education SIG Webinar: Empowering reflective assessment in business: Navigating the AI frontier

Date: 12 April 2024
Time: 12:00-1:00pm AEST

Reflective assessments are an important tool to help students develop and grow as learners, in preparation for the world of work after university. In this webinar, the Business Education Special Interest Group will consider reflective assessment in the age of generative AI (GenAI) and large language models (LLMs). These new tools can create fantastic stories and narratives given a prompt – so how should assessments involving reflection change?

In this webinar, the Business Education SIG leaders will examine how reflection-based assessments can encourage authentic student engagement and how GenAI and LLMs can be ethically used by students during a reflection task. We will also discuss how rubrics can be designed to encourage students to complete their own work and discourage plagiarism and cheating.

Zoom link:

Final Call: Mentors needed for the Women in Professional Leadership program

We are seeking a couple of additional mentors for this year’s WiPL program. If you are a professional (HEW8 or above) working in a leadership role in a learning design or similar role please consider joining us. WiPL is run over 2 years and an 18 month period. Expression of Interest can be sent to the program coordinator Hazel Jones or by completing the form here.

For more information about the WiPL and CMP programs please see the information available here.

Applications will close on Monday 8th April.

Open Educational Practice (OEP) Digest – March 2024

Read the latest national and international news from the OEP SIG here.

Final Call: Face-to-Face TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop

The Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) are a set of internationally benchmarked standards designed to assess the quality of online learning, particularly in relation to the tertiary sector. They provide institutions with the means to assess and evaluate the affordances of their online learning environments and thereby guide quality enhancements.

The next on-campus TELAS Reviewer Certification Workshop is now open for registration.
Location: The workshop will be conducted at the University of Sydney
Date: Friday 12 April 2024
Time: 9-4.30pm (AEDT)
Cost: $330(members);  $480 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee).

Cost includes food.

For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website.

Please direct any queries and/or expressions of interest to

Applications to host the ASCILITE 2026 Conference

We are seeking expressions of interest from potential conference organising committees to host the 2026 annual conference. ASCILITE conferences are a central aspect of ASCILITE and provide opportunities for delegates to meet with international and national peers to exchange ideas, research and practice in educational technology. Conferences provide a forum for the presentation of refereed papers, short concise papers, symposiums, posters, pecha kucha and workshops. The conference also provides memorable opportunities for social interaction and networking.

There are a number of expectations of conference organising committees including:

  1. Justification for the conference location and a brief explanation as to why the venue chosen would attract delegates.
  2. Identification of strategies for marketing and attracting 450-500 delegates to the conference.
  3. Liaison and collaboration with the ASCILITE treasurer throughout the organisation of the conference particularly in relation to the budget.
  4. Ongoing communication and collaboration with the ASCILITE executive.
  5. The inclusion of an ASCILITE executive member on the conference organising committee.

If you would like to discuss hosting the conference with a member of the executive please reach out to Sandra Barker and/or Hazel Jones.

A copy of the hosting proposal guidelines are available here.

Closing Date: The deadline for proposals is 30 June 2024 although preliminary proposals are welcome prior to that date.


Links to news from our MOU partners


FLANZ 2024 Conference Call for Submissions Extended

All submissions now due on Sunday, 28 April 2024.

Our theme this year will be Evolving Practice in Flexible Learning which will be covered under the following streams:

  • Evolutionary practice, flexible methods and pathways
  • Technologies and models
  • Professional development and training
  • Sustainable practices
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion

We invite the following types of submissions, which will be peer-reviewed:

  • Full paper
  • Practice paper
  • Poster
  • Workshop proposal
  • Work Integrated Learning Plenary proposal

If you are interested in reviewing submissions, please express your interest by writing to .

Further details about the conference are available here.  Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who may be interested in being part of this conference.

Open Access Publishing Association: Call for Editors

The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is seeking expressions of interest for a series of Senior and Associate Editors for three-year terms. JUTLP is listed in Scopus (Interim 2023 CiteScore 3.5; was Q2 and CiteScore of 2.7 in 2022) and Web of Science. For more information, is available here. We have position descriptions for each broad role, noting multiple vacancies in some categories as listed in the expression of interest document.

Editor Vacancies are for:
Senior Editor, Educational Leadership and Management (1)
Associate Editor, Curriculum and Assessment (1)
Associate Editor, Educational Technology (1)
Associate Editor, Student Experience (1)
Associate Editor, Educational Leadership and Management (2)
Associate Editor, Educational Psychology (2)
Associate Editor, Special Issues (2)

Key Dates 
Expressions of interest close: 30 April 2024
Internal review and shortlisting: 14 May 2024
Interviewing shortlisted candidates by Zoom: from 14 to 30 May 2024

Contact the Secretary for further advice and questions.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members