Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Transforming Assessment SIG webinar: e-Portfolio approach for knowledge sharing and competencies development

3 August @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST

0700 universal time | 8am UK | 3pm Singapore/Hong Kong | 7pm New Zealand

Presenter: Dr Milena Krumova (Associate Professor, Technical University Sofia, Bulgeria and Director of the European Institute for Technologies, Education and Digitalisation (EITED).

Please refer to the website for further information and registration at

ASCILITE Learning Analytics SIG Webinar: Leveraging learning analytics to promote student-teacher interactions in online and blended learning

Date and Time: Thursday 18th August 2022 – 3pm – 4pm AEST | 1pm Singapore/Hong Kong | 5pm New Zealand

This interactive session is led by Lisa-Angelique Lim, who is a postdoctoral researcher in the area of automated feedback with the Connected Intelligence Centre at the University of Technology Sydney.

This webinar continues our series on “Breaking down the complexity of learner interactions using learning analytics”. Throughout the year the LA SIG will focus on Moore’s (1989) three types of interaction (student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and student-to-content), and how these can be explored using learning analytics.

In this session, we focus on the communication of feedback as a way to foster student-teacher interactions in online and blended learning. Feedback is well-documented to be critical for students’ learning and performance in any setting – especially, feedback that is timely and personalised to students’ progress. However, challenges to implementing effective feedback processes are presented when teaching in large cohorts or cohorts where students are learning remotely. In this interactive session, we discuss how it is possible to leverage learning analytics for providing timely and personalised feedback and support to all students in both online and blended settings, to enhance learning, as well as to promote student-teacher interactions. You will also hear from teachers who have used a learning analytics feedback tool called OnTask, to scale the communication of personalised feedback and support to their students.

You can register for the webinar via this link.

To join the ASCILITE LA-SIG Teams site to participate in the ongoing conversation, please send an email to Hazel Jones

Reminder:  ASCILITE 2022 Registration

Register for live or virtual attendance

Early Bird Registration closes: 20 Oct 2022

Reminder:  Melbourne EdTech Summit

Education Unlimited – Think Big, Drive Change, Transform Learning

8 & 9 August 2022 | Deakin Downtown

Celebrate Education Innovation with 2 days of bold ideas, discussion and debate. Reconnect with your peers and learn along with the industry’s big thinkers.

This is Australia’s premier education technology summit. A space for passionate educators, some of the greatest education technology companies, and education innovation experts from across Australia.

The 2-day pass includes a future-focused plenary featuring over 40 speakers and a networking reception.

Our friends at EduGrowth are extending the members rate to the ASCILITE community.

Normally $499, ASCILITE Discount $329 – a saving of $170.
Simply add the code ASCILITE at checkout.

Learn more

Reminder:  CRADLE Seminar Series

Programmatic assessment, hype or necessary development?

When: Tuesday 9 August 2022
Time: 2.00pm-3.30pm (AEDT)
Where: Online
Cost: This is a free event

Register Now

Please join the CRADLE Seminar Series to hear from Professor Lambert Schuwirth, Flinders University, on views of programmatic assessment. 

Programmatic assessment has gained popularity rapidly. That begs the question whether it is really a necessary development and an improvement to existing practices or just a fad that will disappear as rapidly as it has come. Whether programmatic assessment is the answer to the many problems with traditional assessment in modern education remains to be seen. It is certainly not a single method or a silver bullet, but it is a set of principles underlying assessment design. These principles seek to make assessment more meaningful for the provision of feedback and more credible in the support of high-stakes decisions.

Programmatic assessment is therefore not the same as assessment for learning, but the two have some logical links. In this presentation, I will explore how programmatic assessment addresses some of the major concerns with traditional assessments and how it therefore aligns better with current views on education.

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