Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE Live! webinar: Getting your papers accepted @ASCILITE 2019

Date: 8 July 2019, 12pm AEST. For other time zones please go here.

Synopsis: What’s unique about the conference streams in ASCILITE 2019? What gets a paper accepted? What do reviewers look out for? This webinar provides some highlights about the conference streams, and the writing standards to aim for in getting a paper accepted. Some insights about what reviewers will be looking for will be shared. Bring your questions and ideas for discussion at the webinar.

Presenter: Rebekah Lim (Associate Professor and Director). Rebekah is the Co-Chair of the conference organising committee for ASCILITE 2019 and the Director of the Teaching & Learning Centre at the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) where ASCILITE2019 is to be hosted. Rebekah leads the T&L Centre in areas of academic development of lecturers, academic support for learners and the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning. Her research interests include professional identities, teacher learning and technology-enabled pedagogy.

Register: You can register for the session here.  Pre-registration will allow us to send you a link to the session video recording.

Reminder: ASCILITE 2019 Call for Papers closes 26 July 2019

The ASCILITE 2019 Conference Organizing Committee would like to remind you that contributions describing critical perspectives on the use of educational technology under the themes and submission types outlined on the conference website here are due 26 July 2019.

The 36th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education Conference will be hosted by the Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore, from 2 –  5 December 2019.

All submissions must be made via EasyChair. If you have any queries, please email the conference organisers.

Final Call for EOIs to attend the annual ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School

This is the final call for EOIs to attend the annual ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School which will be held 2 – 4 September 2019 at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW. This event, which will be hosted by UNE, will feature guest speakers and presenters including Professor Barney Dalgarno, Associate Professor Michael Henderson, Associate Professor Sue Gregory and Dr Chris Campbell.

The aim of the ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School is to:

  1. Provide support and guidance to participants in developing and progressing Technology Enhanced Learning research initiatives including but not limited to:
    – Formulating a relevant and effective TEL research project.
    – Collecting appropriate TEL research data.
    – Identifying what data is most appropriate for TEL research.
  2. Assist participants to identify and plan a contemporary TEL research project.
  3. Enable opportunities for participants to link with like-minded collaborators from other universities and potentially to establish viable cross-institutional research collaborations.
  4. Guide participants in developing a grant application or research plan for a TEL research project. This would include both projects that have already been conceptualized as well as new projects that have not yet been conceived.

At the end of the ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School participants will:

  • Have gained a sound understanding of current topical areas and methodologies for TEL research
  • Have broadened their professional networks
  • Have a well-developed and comprehensive plan for a TEL research project
  • Appreciate how to be successful in publishing manuscripts in journals
  • Be able to confidently review a manuscript and provide constructive feedback;
  • Have a strategy for identifying potential funding opportunities and developing funding applications

The ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School is most suited to:

  • Early to mid-career researchers
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) enthusiasts
  • Teaching intensive academics
  • ASCILITE mentors and mentees
  • Anyone interested in applying for a TEL research grant
  • Anyone interested in TEL research collaborations and cross-institutional research projects
  • Academics seeking to incorporate research into their TEL practice and approach
  • PhD supervisors

This 3-day Research School, which includes lunches, morning and afternoon teas and 2 nights accommodation (2 & 3 September 2019), is $750 for ASCILITE members and $950 for non-members (less $230 if accommodation is not required). The Research School will begin at 12:30 pm on the 2 September and finish at 3pm on the 4 September.

Expressions of interest to attend the 2019 ASCILITE Research School are due by 5 July 2019. Please note that there are limited places available so don’t be disappointed, register today.

EOI outcome notifications will be sent by 16 July 2019 and successful applicants will be provided with registration and payment options at that time.

If you have any further questions, please email Sue Gregory at the University of New England or Chris Campbell at Griffith University.

Transforming Assessment (eAssessment SIG) News

Next webinar: Making technology enhanced assessment effective: what works?

A joint post-conference panel webinar organised with the Assessment in Higher Education conference secretariat will be conducted on 17 July 2019.  The Panel Chair will be Prof Sally Jordan (Open university, UK) and panel presenters are Mira Vogel (King’s College London) on “Students and assessors in conversation about authentic multi-modal assessment”. along with Maria Rosaria Marsico (University of Exeter) on “Online tools to enhance students experience: assessment”.

For further information and to register visit the SIG website.

2018 TA-SIG Recordings Available

Video recordings are available for all 2018 sessions and the e-Exam Symposium. A special thanks goes to all the speakers from our 2018 series and to those who presented at the e-Exam Symposium held in November 2018. The 2018 webinars may be accessed here and the e-Exam Symposium 2018 recordings may be accessed here.

Request for support: Safe Exam Browser and Moodle HQ integration project

We are posting on behalf of Thomas Korner, Innovation Management & Head of Moodle Service, ETH Zürich in regards to their free, open source “Safe Exam Browser” (SEB) co-developed with Moodle HQ and which you will find here.

The next phase of development for SEB will entail significant improvements to the core integration of SEB with Moodle. This will bring usability improvements, improvements to reliability and the streamlining of the process for setting up and running secure e-exams in Moodle. This will simplify and strengthen the running of secure e-exams in campus labs and via bring your own laptops.

Plans are now in place with Moodle HQ and are formally part of the Moodle roadmap. All that is required now is the funds to implement it. Currently the project has been crowd funded to 65% with universities in Europe having committed significant funding.

Your support for this exciting digital assessment initiative would be greatly appreciated, work from which we will all benefit. Contribute a little or a lot – it all helps.

For further information or to pledge funds to support this valuable digital assessment project please email Thomas Korner.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members