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Tuesday 6th Dec, 2005


Registration desk and coffee stop opens
ASCILITE Campus Representatives' breakfast
OJW Room


Keynote 2: 'Better Questions?"
This keynote presentation brings together perspectives from computing science and cultural theory to consider whether 'Balance, Fidelity and Mobility' are indeed the means by which agendas will be advanced for educational technology. The two presenters, Professor Erica McWilliam and Professor John Gough, will explore the usefulness or otherwise of the conference theme from their different theoretical locations, before moving on to consider what might count as 'better questions' Their presentation will be dialogic in nature, as they track their thinking about the nature and purposes of educational technology against a fluid background of contexts, ideas and applications.


The inaugural conference "Wellness" session
Register for Wellness Activities


Morning tea
X Block Gardens Theatre Foyer – served from Old Govt. House


Parallel Sessions


Room: Z504

Room: B121

Room: B117

Room: B119

11:15 - 12:45

Chinese learners and computer mediated communication : Balancing culture, technology, and pedagogy.

ICT's and Indigenous pedagogy – techniques of resistance in chat rooms

Spanning the ‘generations' – Reflections on twenty years of maintaining momentum

Importance of E-learning in Agriculture sector in developing country

Building a Culture of Learning Design: Reconsidering the place of online learning in the tertiary curriculum

Dynamics of user needs analysis in redesigning an Open Learning website: a case from Pakistan

A fusion of aesthetics, functionality and content: Showcasing the use of online unit public pages

Maintaining the momentum throughout The Campaign - Role-play in political communication

Does automated anti-plagiarism have to be complex? Evaluating more appropriate software metrics for finding collusion.

Fidelity to scholarly practice: Academic honesty and information literacy in the Faculty of Arts.

How well do students really understand plagiarism?

Can Blogs Promote Fair & Equitable Teamwork?

Blogs @ Anywhere: High fidelity online communication

Facilitating the development of lifelong learners through e-communication tools

Conversations beyond the classroom: blogging in a professional development course


The Learning Edge Lunch
Picnic Baskets for 12 people to be collected from Old Govt. House


Parallel Sessions


Room: Z504

Room: B121

Room: B119

Room: B117


Maintaining a balance whilst building momentum: Designing for millennial learners and everyone else

Exploring differences in trainee teachers' ICT literacy: Does gender matter?

The search for balance in the design and delivery of an Australian IT professional masters degree

Learning = Playing:

Interactive Learning with Game-based Design Principles

Engaging our overseas graduate IT coursework community: developing communication and critical thinking skills

What do teachers want to know about their student's eLearning? A study of 70 evaluation plans

Evaluating student centred teaching and learning strategies for Aviation students using a quality framework for online learning environments

Maintaining the momentum or trying to keep up with it? The development of the Evaluation Management System to support the enhancement of learning and teaching at the Queensland University of Technology

Challenges in evaluating Hong Kong students' perceptions of Moodle

Utilising synchronous web mediated communications as a booster to sense of community in a hybrid on-campus/off-campus teaching and learning environment.

Introducing a synchronous medium in a computer-mediated distance learning course: Towards understanding how student participation is affected

Virtual teams: surviving or thriving?

Designing For Online Communities Of Learning


Afternoon tea X Block Theatre Foyer


E Portfolio - Digital Storytelling Circle of Practice Room: B119

Design Circle
Room: B117




WebCT Conference Dinner 6:00pm departure from Gardens Point Campus


ascilite 2005 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education