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Our trade exhibition will be located in the Gardens Theatre Foyer from 8am until 3pm from Monday until Wednesday. Come and visit the following companies during your breaks to see what services and products they can offer your organisation.

Yellow Edge - Elluminate Live!

Pay a visit to the Yellow Edge - Elluminate Live! booth and answer this question:
Which concurrent modes of communication are catered for by Elluminate Live! ?
Hint - there are four communication modes.
You can win one of three prizes in a prize draw, provided you have the correct answer noted. Three months, two months or one month Free Trial of Elluminate Live! for 25 seats.
Prices will be drawn at the Yellow Edge - Eluminate Live! Conference Lunch on Wednesday 7th December


Apple University Consortium Wireless Cafe

Need to check your emails and catch up on important business? Visit the Apple University consortium Wireless Café for free use of Apple notebooks with wireless access.
The Learning Edge

The Learning Edge

Pay a visit to our booth to discover how The Learning Edge’s digital rights management and recently released copyright management functionality can assist your institution. Our representatives look forward to demonstrating these exciting developments to you.
Desire to Learn
Teachers Union Health

ascilite 2005 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education