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Registration opens 1 July 2005.

Proceed to the secure online registration form.
Download a pdf of the registration form to complete manually.

Registration FeesEarlybirdStandardLate
On or before
After 10/10/05
and on or
before 22/11/05
After 22/11/05
Full ascilite member$475$535$585
Full Non-member$585$635$685
Full day$180$180$180
Half day$90$90$90

All prices are inclusive of GST

Conference Entitlements

Full registration fees cover attendance at all sessions Monday 5 December to Wednesday 7 December, morning and afternoon teas, lunches, one set of proceedings, conference satchel, attendance at the Welcome & Awards Reception and the Conference Dinner. Additional tickets for guests are $45 for Wlcome & Awards Reception and $100 for dinner.

Student registration fees cover attendance at all sessions Monday 5 December to Wednesday 7 December, morning and afternoon teas, lunches, one set of proceedings, conference satchel and attendance at the Welcome & Awards Reception. The Conference Dinner is an additional $100.

Day registration fees cover attendance at all sessions on one selected day, morning and afternoon tea and lunch, one set of proceedings and conference satchel. Attendance at the Welcome & Awards Reception and the Conference Dinner is an additional $45 and $100.

Workshop registrations cover attendance at one selected workshop. Morning or afternoon tea is included in the full day and half day workshops and lunch for the full day workshops.

Cancellation Policy

Registration cancellations will not be accepted unless made in writing to the conference secretariat, either by mail, fax or email. Cancellations received by 11 November 2005 will be refunded less 25% administration costs. No registration refunds will be made after this date other than in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the organisers. As an alternative to cancellation, your registration may be transferred to another person from your organisation. The secretariat must be advised in writing, at least 48 hours prior to the conference.
*Delegates are responsible for their own travel and insurance coverage.

To become an ascilite member, anytime, please view the 'How to join' pages at http://www.ascilite.org.au/howtojoin.html. If you become a member of ASCILITE prior to Conference registration you gain access to member rates.

ascilite 2005 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education