Kennedy, G., Dalgarno, B.,
Bennett, S., Judd, T., Gray,
K. & Chang, R.
Immigrants and natives:
Investigating differences
between staff and students'
use of technology
McLennan, T. & Gibbs, S.
Has the computing
competence of first year
university students increased
during the last decade?
Willems, J.
From sequential to global:
Exploring the landscapes of
neomillennial learners |
Loch, B. & Reushle, S.
The practice of web
conferencing: Where are we
Rowe, S. & Ellis, A.
Can one size fit all? Using
web-based audiographics to
support more flexible
delivery and learning
Parsons, D. & Ryu, H.
Assessing learning
technologies for software
design using CRC cards |
Saeed, N., Yang, Y. &
Sinnappan, S.
Media richness and user
acceptance of Second Life
Warren, I., Palmer, D.,
King, T. & Segrave, S.
Second Life and the role of
educators as regulators
Genat, B., Naidu, S. &
Fong, P.
Shifting perspectives about
Aboriginal health and history:
Using digital archives in an
online role play |
Palmer, S., Holt, D. &
Bray, S.
The learning outcomes of
an online reflective journal
in engineering
Steventon, G. J., Grove, P.
& Childs, M.
Shared spaces in a 'safe'
urban jungle: Juggling
pedagogical goals and
student needs and
Pearson, E., Green, S. &
Gkatzidou, V.
Enabling learning for all
through adaptable personal
learning environments |
Philip, R., Lefoe, G.,
O’Reilly, M. & Parrish, D.
A peer review model for the
ALTC Exchange: The
landscape of shared learning
and teaching resources
Timberlake, T.
Rationale, restrictions and
responses: Online academic
development to promote a
community of practice
Allen, B., Kligyte, G., Bogle,
M. & Pursey, R.
Communities in practice: A
community dimension for the
UNSW Learning & Teaching
Exchange |
Sponsor product
Pearson eCollege
(90 mins)
What students need:
Integrating effective learning
techniques with technology,
Web2.0, and beyond |
Herrington, J., Mantei, J.,
Herrington, A,. Olney I., &
Ferry, B.
New technologies, new
pedagogies: Mobile
technologies and new ways
of teaching and learning
Herrington, A.
Adult educators' authentic
use of smartphones to create
digital teaching resources
Olney, I., Herrington, J. &
Verenikina, I.
iPods in early childhood:
Mobile technologies and
story telling
Kervin, L. Mantei, J.
Taking iPods into the field to
capture and share teacher
wisdom stories |
van Zanten, R.
The value of lecture
podcasting for distance and
on campus students
Petrovic, T., Kennedy, G.,
Chang, R. & Waycott, J.
Podcasting: Is it a
technology for informal peer
McKenzie, W.
Where are audio recordings
of lectures in the new
educational technology
Cameron, D. & Van
Heekeren B.
Hello, and welcome to the
show: Applying radio's
'explaining voice' to
educational podcasting |
Mackey, J.
Blending real work
experiences and virtual
professional development
McGrath, A., Mackey, J. &
Davis, N.
Designing for authentic
relationships, content and
assessment in unpredictable
learning contexts
Griffin, T. & Thomson, R.
Evolution of blended learning
in a large enrolment subject:
What was blended and why?
Wong, A. & Fitzsimmons, J.
Factors affecting professor
facilitator and course
evaluations in an online
graduate program |
Quentin-Baxter, M., Kelly,
J., Probert, S., MacMahon,
C. & Ferrell, G.
A model for evidencing the
benefits of technology
enhanced learning in higher
education in the UK
Cox, G.
Defining innovation: what
counts in the University of
Cape Town landscape?
Browne, T. & Jenkins, M.
Achieving academic
engagement? The landscape
for educational technology
support in two UK
Schneider, A., Applebee,
A. C. & Perry, J.
Leading from within:
Distributing leadership to
enhance eLearning at ACU |
Hallam, G.
The Australian ePortfolio
project and the opportunities
to develop a community of
Steel, C.H., Ehrmann, S,C.
& Long, P.D.
Creating community
engagement around the
concept of ePortfolios: An
innovative planning process
Gunn, C. & Peddie, R.
A design-based research
approach for eportfolio
initiatives |
Sponsor product
Echo 360
(45 mins)
Echo360: An introduction to
lecture recording,
EchoSystem and Lectopia
JISC Presentation
(45 mins)
The Joint Information
System Committee: A
summary of UK funded
activity |