Dobozy, E. & Pospisil, R.
'Just-in-time' virtual assignment help: A case study of first year teacher education students
Siragusa, L. & Dixon, K.
Planned behaviour: Student attitudes towards the use of
ICT interactions in higher education
Gill, L. & Dalgarno, B.
Influences on pre-service
teachers' preparedness to use
ICTs in the classroom |
McLoughlin, C. & Lee,
Mapping the digital terrain:
New media and social
software as catalysts for
pedagogical change
Richardson, J. Lenarcic, J.
& Wilkins, L.
Trigger: Bi-directional
interaction via text
messaging in a Web 2.0
student administration
Cochrane, T.
Mobile Web2.0: The new
frontier |
Davies, A. & Dalgoarno, B.
Learning fire investigation the
clean way: The virtual
O’Reilly, M. &
Wojcikowski, K.
Clinical diagnosis online
Saw, J. & Butler, M.
Exploring graphical user
interfaces and interaction
strategies in simulations |
Conole, G., Culver, J.,
Weller, M., Williams, P.,
Cross, S., Clark, P. &
Brasher, A.
Cloudworks: Social
networking for learning
Farley, A., Jain, A.,
Mulready, P. & Thomson,
Engagement and learning
through social software in
finance: The Trading Room experience
Lim, B., Hong, K.S., & Tan,
Acceptance of e-learning
among distance learners: A
Malaysian perspective
Abraham, A. & Jones, H.
Enabling authentic crossdisciplinary
through a scaffolded
assignment in a blended
Douglas, I.
Case studies or suitcases: Addressing graduate
attributes with an airline
management simulation
Takagi, A.
Intercultural communication
by non-native and native
speakers of Japanese in text
based synchronous CMC
Tasir, Z., Md. Noor, N.,
Harum, J. & Ismail, N.S.
A survey on online teaching
preference among preservice
teachers in
Malaysia: Andragogy vs
Sponsor product
The Learning Edge
(45 mins)
EQUELLA 4.0 – Content as a platform |
Lander, J. & Reid, S.
"You're breaking up …":
Responding with integrity to
the student voice in
asynchronous online
Harris, N. & Sandor, M.
Student views on
participation and interaction
in student centred on-line
discussion forums
Sahu, C.
An evaluation of selected
pedagogical attributes of
online discussion boards
Thornton, J.
Framing pedagogy,
diminishing technology:
Teachers' experience of
online learning software |
Stacey, E. & Gerbic, P.
Success factors for blended
McKenzie, J., Pelliccione,
L. & Parker, N.
Developing peer review of
teaching in blended learning
environments: Frameworks
and challenges
Simpson, M.
Attempting to realise the
potential of blended
learning: An initial teacher
education case study
Northcote, M.
Sense of place in online
learning environments |
Sims, R. Mikkelsen, L. &
Iji, P.
Poultry production online:
Where broilers and layers
encounter virtual pedagogy
Imison, M. & Hughes, C.
The virtual patient project:
Using low fidelity, student
generated online cases in
medical education
McAlpine, I., Pannan, L. &
Fitzmaurice, K.
Steps towards using an
enquiry-based blended
learning design for
curriculum change in Health
Scott, K.M., MacLean, J.E.,
Marshall, T. & Van
Asperen, P.
Medical student use of an
online formative assessment
resource |
Williams, M., Brosnan, S.
& Swan, J.
SkillQuests: Bringing real
life to the classroom with a
collaborative computerbased
instructional tool
Butler, D. & White, J.
A slice of Second Life:
Academics, support staff
and students navigating a
changing landscape
McIntosh, P.C. &
Weaver, D.
Fostering collaboration
amongst off-campus
Samarawickrema, G.,
Stacey, E. & Warren, C.
Academic staff take the
lead: Experimenting with
social software at Deakin
University |
Burden, K. & Atkinson, S.
Evaluating pedagogical
affordances of media sharing
Web 2.0 technologies: A case
Chang, R., Kennedy, G. &
Petrovic, T.
Web 2.0 and user-created
content: Students negotiating
shifts in academic authority
Carr, N.
Wikis, knowledge building
communities and authentic
pedagogies in pre-service
teacher education
Chan, A. & McLoughlin, C.
Where are we up to? A survey
of Web 2.0 uptake in a
regional high school |
Sponsor product
Blackboard Project NG |