Deakin University, Burwood campus
Deakin University, Burwood campus

Conference welcome reception and ascilite awards venue, Melbourne Town Hall
Conference welcome reception and ascilite awards venue, Melbourne Town Hall

Conference dinner venue, Grand Hyatt Melbourne
Conference dinner venue, Grand Hyatt Melbourne

Deakin University, Burwood campus
Deakin University, Burwood campus


The ascilite 2008 conference will be held at Deakin University's Melbourne Campus at Burwood, Australia. Over recent years an extensive redevelopment and refurbishment program has transformed it into an architecturally dynamic and award-winning campus. The conference will take place in the newly completed Central Precinct which features multi-functional and flexible lecture theatres, teaching spaces and support facilities.

Take a virtual tour of the Burwood campus: high resolution, low resolution

Deakin University, Melbourne Campus at Burwood
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125

Campus location map, campus map (PDF - 269 kb)

Welcome reception and ascilite awards ceremony
The ascilite 2008 welcome reception and ascilite awards ceremony (6pm to 8pm) will be held at the Melbourne Town Hall (map), close to several conference accommodation locations in the city centre, on the corner of Collins and Swanston streets. The reception provides an opportunity to meet fellow delegates and network in a relaxed, social setting prior to the start of the conference program.

The reception features the presentation of annual ascilite awards. Nominations for ascilite awards are now open. For more information please review the awards page on the ascilite website. The submission deadline for receipt of entries is Friday, the 29th of August 2008.

Conference dinner
The ascilite 2008 conference dinner will be held at the Grand Hyatt (map) in the heart of Melbourne at 123 Collins Street, just a short walk from many conference accommodation options. The dinner provides an opportunity for conference delegates to meet and enjoy a three course meal and entertainment together.

Melbourne is renowned in Australia as a capital of sport and culture. Accordingly, the theme selected for the conference dinner is sport and culture. Delegates are encouraged to dress with the theme in mind and enjoy the occasion. For more inspiration in the lead up to the event visit:

Free conference shuttle bus
Shuttle buses will transfer delegates to and from conference accommodation in the heart of Melbourne and the conference venue in Burwood.

Depart CBD hotels at 8am
Depart Burwood for CBD Hotels at 5pm

Monday, Tuesday
Depart CBD hotels at 7.30am
Depart Burwood for CBD hotels at 5.45pm
One bus will depart Burwood for CBD hotels at 6.45pm at the conclusion of the ascilite AGM on Monday

Depart CBD hotels at 7.30am
Depart Burwood for CBD hotels at 4.30pm
Depart Burwood for Tullamarine Airport at 4.30pm

The buses will shuttle between the hotels and will all be marked as ascilite Conference Shuttles for delegates to find their way onto them easily. The drop off and pick up point at Burwood is the turning circle at Central Precinct.

Delegates staying at Punt Hill Apartments Burwood
Depart Punt Hill Apartments for Welcome reception at 5.30pm
Depart Melbourne Town Hall for Punt Hill Apartments at 8.15pm

Depart Punt Hill Apartments for Conference Dinner at 6.20pm
Depart Grand Hyatt Melbourne for Punt Hill Apartments at 11pm

Tram, bus and train
The number 75 tram from Southern Cross Station (Spencer Street Station) or Flinders Street in the city centre stops right outside the campus on the Burwood Highway. The number 70 tram from the city to Wattle Park is also an option with a 10 minute walk to the campus.

Buses connect with a number of suburban train stations. Bus number 767 departs from Box Hill Station on the Lilydale/Belgrave line or Jordanville on the Glen Waverley line. Bus number 732 departs from Box Hill Station or Upper Ferntree Gully both on the Belgrave line.

You can plan your trip with the Viclink journey planner or TravelSmart planner.

For delegates who will be driving to the conference free car parking has been arranged in the multi level car park, levels 3,4 & 5 adjoining the main conference building where registration, exhibition and the keynote plenary venues are situated.
Please note delegates who park outside of this dedicated car park will be required to purchase a daily parking permit from ticket machines available for $4.70.