Following highly successful conferences in Auckland'02, Adelaide'03, Perth'04, Brisbane'05, Sydney'06 and Singapore'07, Melbourne is the venue for ascilite's 25th annual conference. Hosted in Melbourne by Deakin University, ascilite 2008 will address many important questions of relevance to the ascilite community.
The ascilite 2008 conference theme is 'Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?' The ascilite 2008 conference provides a set of critical and pressing questions to prompt you in your thinking and shape informed approaches. We invite you to reflect on past and current conceptions of the nature and dynamics of the educational technology landscape and ask you to consider your place in the following ways:
You are invited to develop proposals for full papers, concise papers, posters and workshops, noting a key date: the submission deadline for papers and workshops is 30 July 2008.
To explore the range of topics and perspectives we expect to be represented at ascilite 2008, please browse ascilite's journal AJET and the proceedings from previous ascilite conferences that are linked to the ascilite conferences web page including: