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Refereeing Process


All full and concise papers will be subjected to a double blind peer review process using an external panel of reviewers [ Advice to Reviewers ] [ Review Form ]. Having in mind the criteria outlined below, reviewers (two for each submission) will assign scores and make recommendations that will enable the Program Committee to prepare offers of acceptance or rejection to authors. The acceptance offers will specify a publication format and presentation format (options detailed above), and may include advice on mandatory revisions or desirable revisions. Owing to the tight timetable of only six weeks for the review and notification process, the Program Committee will not be able to provide specific, detailed formative feedback to authors who are not offered their first preference publication and presentation formats, or to authors of declined submissions.

Reviewers and the Program Committee will be guided by criteria summarised in three main categories:

• i. Suitability for an ASCILITE Conference
Contribution to the theme Balance, Fidelity, Mobility: maintaining the momentum?, importance and interest of the topic to Conference participants, potential to stimulate Conference discussion, impact and conciseness qualities.

• ii. Academic merit
Creativity, originality, innovativeness. Quality of literature review and statement of research goals. Appropriately chosen and documented methods for research studies. Logical presentation and analysis of results, findings, inferences and conclusions. Research significance of the work and implications for practices, policies or further investigations.

• iii. Standard of writing
Clear and logical presentation, appropriate style, freedom from errors, ease of reading, correct grammar and spelling, appropriate abstract, conformance with Conference specifications for referencing, length and format details.

As with previous ASCILITE Conferences, one of the purposes for the review process is to obtain DEST recognition of the work in the category "Conference publication" (DEST, 2005). To this end, we confirm that refereed proposals accepted for ASCILITE 2005 Conference publication will:

  • meet the definition of research in relation to creativity, originality, and increasing humanity's stock of knowledge
  • be selected on the basis of a DEST compliant peer review process (independent, qualified expert review; double blind reviews conducted on the full articles, prior to publication)
  • be published and presented at a conference having national and international significance as evidenced by registrations and participation
  • be made available widely through a printed Proceedings and the Conference website (DEST, 2005).

DEST (2005). Higher Education Research Data Collection: Specifications for the collection of 2004 Data. Higher Education Division, Department of Education, Science and Training, Canberra . http://www.dest.gov.au/highered/research/documents/specs2005.pdf

ascilite 2005 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education