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Program Rationale

The ASCILITE 2005 Program Committee is responsible for the call for papers, conduct of the review process, selection of papers, allocation of publication and presentation formats, scheduling of presentations, producing the Proceedings in print and online formats, and all related editorial matters, under the general oversight of the Conference Committee. Adopting program planning principles similar to those used for ASCILITE's successful Conferences in past years, the 2005 Conference invites submissions for Program activities in three categories which we believe will provide a well balanced blend - full papers, concise papers and workshops.

All submissions will be refereed in order to obtain consistently high academic quality, with innovative, original contributions to research, development and practices in teaching and learning, ranging over all areas of interest to the Society and its members. A further purpose, in the cases of full and concise papers and with particular reference to authors working with Australian universities, is to obtain DEST recognition of the work, in DEST's category "Conference publication" (DEST, 2004a) [ Advice to Reviewers ] [ Review Form ].

The deadline dates in the Conference program development, summarised above, are determined by the need to allow reasonable time for the refereeing process, for authors to incorporate feedback from the referees, and for preparation of the printed and website versions of the Proceedings. The publication formats specified below address the need to provide for easy reference to articles during Conference presentations, and for economical and effective world wide distribution after the Conference, in accordance with open access principles (ARL, 2003) and ASCILITE precedents (ASCILITE, 2005).

The restrictions on length and first authorships per person, similar to previous conferences, are intended to encourage diversity and variety in the conference program, whilst containing the program and Proceedings within reasonable sizes. In accordance with established practice at ASCILITE Conferences, we are not offering an Abstracts submission option or stage for papers. The two options for refereed paper submission are full and concise. The sole option for non-refereed paper submission is poster.

The Committee's acceptance of a submission for publication and presentation is subject to the author, or at least one author (normally the first) in the case of multi-author papers, lodging a registration for the full Conference (ie a one day registration will not satisfy this condition).

With assistance from referees and feedback during the conference and presentations, the Program Committee will identify up to five papers to receive an Outstanding Paper Award, and further recognition through publication of a similar or revised, expanded version in the Society's refereed research journal, the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.

DEST (2004a). Higher Education Research. http://www.dest.gov.au/highered/research/index.htm

ARL (2003). Issues in scholarly communication: Open access. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC. http://www.arl.org/scomm/open_access/

ASCILITE (2005). Conferences. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences.html

ascilite 2005 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education