Critical perspectives on educational technology
Decades of research and development work in educational technology has revealed gaps between the promises of digital technologies and the concrete impact on teaching and learning practices. The 2014 ascilite conference offers a timely forum for leaders, practitioners, and researchers to reflect on and discuss the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-actual, exploring the visionary rhetoric on educational technology and debating the imperfect reality of current educational practices. We warmly invite contributions describing critical perspectives on:
- Emerging technology practices (e.g., MOOCs, OERs, virtual reality, mobile learning, games or gamification)
- Institution-wide technology integration (e.g., implementation of digital strategies)
- Focus on research evidence (e.g., impact-focused methods such as educational design research, inquiry and action research, and experimental studies)
- Technology-enhanced learning design
- Learning analytics
- Educational technology and society
- Role of learning theories