Join in the conversation! Follow @ascilite14 on Twitter now.
The official ascilite conference hashtag is #ascilite2014 – accept no substitutes!
A #tweetup will be held on Wednesday after the conference – venue to be confirmed.
- Twitter archive from #ascilite2014 Rhetoric and Reality is available to download. Made with @mhawksey TAGS.
- RT @MoodleResearch: NZ + Japanese researchers: open badges create broader picture of learners' achievement. @ascilite14 #moodleresearch htt…
- RT @idealogmag: New app set to track & protect endangered birds with smartphone photography and geo-location http://…
- RT @OtagoIntOffice: Thinking of exploring Middlemarch during the holidays? Have a read of this article....
- RT @siandart: Curtin has a Library Staff Innovation Competition - $1000 to winning staff member idea, + spend following year developing the…
- RT @s_palm: @ascilite14 OK, I have closed off #ascilite2014 Twitter data collection. Would you like the set?
- @s_palm yes please!
- .@s_palm sorry for belated reply, now is fine :) #ASCILITE2014
- RT @catspyjamasnz: @ah_cue @KiwiBelma @SarahLibrarina @ascilite #ascilite2014 fees were astronomical. Self-funded so opening an Etsy shop …
- RT @sweekin: Here are the slides for my #ascilite2014 presentation on virtual worlds: Critical comments on paper we…

Grab a badge, post it on your site and link it to to let everyone know you’re attending!
The sounds of ascilite2014
Sunday night welcome function – To compliment the local food on offer we have a selection of Dunedin music. Listen out for cuts from iconic ‘Dunedin Sound’ acts like The Chills, The Clean and The Verlaines, as well as more contemporary offerings from Males, Left or Right, Bad Sav and more!
Monday night at the museum – Featuring the (un)official ascilite megamix.
1. Lali Puna – Together in Electric Dreams
2. Arcade Fire – Supersymmetry
3. Kraftwerk – Computerwelt
4. Scratch-D VS H-Bomb – Red Pill
5. Tangerine Dream – Love On A Real Train (SymbolOne Remix)
6. Daft Punk – Giorgio By Moroder
7. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – In Motion
8. Daft Punk – The Grid/TRON Legacy End Titles
9. The Alan Parsons Project – I Robot
10. Computers Want Me Dead – We Walk In Circles
11. Giorgio Moroder – Machines
12. David Bowie – Hallo Spaceboy
13. The Chainsmokers – #Selfie
14. Vangelis – Blade Runner End Titles
15. Kraftwerk – Pocket Calculator
Conference dinner – Live music from King Leo! (and a touch of Vivaldi around the edges)