#37 Technology enabled learning: Can it enhance the student learning experience?Presenters: Pierre Breckendorff, Zofia Pawlaczek, Vicky Smart, Kathryn Coleman 1. What works and why? Understanding successful technology enabled learning within institutional contexts This project aims to provide forward-looking and useful knowledge about digital technology products, processes and practices that can be realistically developed across the Australian university sector to enhance student learning and the student experience of higher education. Through an in-depth analysis of two Australian universities – Monash University and Griffith University – this project aims to identify and evaluate successful uses of technology for student outcomes, and develop a realistic sense of the institutional ‘ecology’ which surrounds and supports that success. Project outcomes will inform the design and implementation of suitable and effective mainstream forms of technology-enhanced learning. The overall aim of the project is to inform systemic change in terms of technology use for learning and teaching. 2. Curate, credential and carry forward digital learning evidence Many higher education practitioners applaud the potential that digital technologies have to enable students to curate evidence of achievement for both personal and professional online presence. Many are keen to explore solutions for managing such evidence, creating credentialing systems to warrant students learning, or managing the pathways to and from their institutions based on such evidence or credentials. The potential of portfolios and digital badges as emerging practices for digital curation and credentialing—that is, conferring macro- and micro-credentials based on evidence of learning richer than codified marks, grades and credits is a focus of this commissioned project to assess, evidence and credential learning outcomes. We will look at what we know about portfolios, what’s new and what the possibilities of digital badging can provide as an alternative way of thinking about how learning is validated and represented. Participants will be invited to discuss the opportunities that the curation of digital learning evidence in portfolios has unlocked for recognising skills, experiences and knowledge. 3. Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes with Simulation-based Pedagogies This project will evaluate and promote pedagogies that enhance the learning outcomes of online simulations in business and related fields. Business simulations offer authentic learning experiences that mirror real world problems and enable students to practise and develop graduate capabilities, technical skills and strategic decision making skills. Emerging technologies along with increased bandwidth are creating new opportunities for online and cloud-based simulations and provide improved flexibility and portability for students. Simulations also hold some promise of complementing other innovations in online education, including MOOCs. However, online simulations are not effective unless they are embedded within a pedagogic framework that optimises learning outcomes. New resources and case studies created by the project will be presented and participants will explore pedagogic challenges and solutions to enhance the learning outcomes of online simulations in university settings. |
#39 Do you see what I see? Learning to see like a pathologist via collaborative annotating of clinical imagesPresenters: Noelyn Hung, A.C.M. Moskal, Swee-Kin Loke To enhance the current case-based tutorials, we developed an interactive web-based image annotation application. Prior to each session, students respond to questions by annotating pathology images, describing what they noticed, and substantiating their conclusions. Students are paired with a peer and encouraged to post comments on each other’s annotations, building on their understanding in a social-constructivist way (Schunk, 2004). Such collaborative annotating has been shown to improve the making of relevant observations in pathology education (Helle, Nivala, & Kronqvist, 2013). During the tutorial, the tutor can address patterns of understanding (including misconceptions), refine student perceptions of what is normal/abnormal, compare macro/micro views, etc. Finally, a tutor-annotated image of relevant features is shared post-tutorial. In this session, we will demonstrate features of the annotation software, and attendees with a laptop or tablet device will be invited to experiment with supplied example images. Following the practical component of the session, actual annotated examples from the student trial will be discussed with reference to the literature. References Bleakley, A., Farrow, R., Gould, D., & Marshall, R. (2003). Learning how to see: doctors making judgements in the visual domain. Journal of Workplace Learning, 15(7/8), 301–306. doi:10.1108/13665620310504765 |
#56 Connecting Analytics, Theory and the Organisation: Exploring a multi-dimensional model of Learning AnalyticsPresenters: Simon Welsh, Philip Uys As Learning Analytics has developed there has been a movement away from “data-driven investigation” towards approaches grounded in the learning sciences (Ferguson 2013). Learning Analytics needs to be founded in a theoretical understanding of learning and teaching if we are to do more than “count clicks”. However, Learning Analytics goes beyond just the introduction of new systems of measurement. Long & Siemens (2011) describe its potential to transform education. Diaz and Fowler (2012) subsequently argue that the successful application of Learning Analytics therefore requires the consideration of organisational change processes. We contend that to enable adaptations in learning, teaching and analytic practices Learning Analytics must be designed into the organisation. At CSU, building on the work of authors like Tynan & Buckingham Shum (2013), the Learning Analytics Working Party has developed a comprehensive Learning Analytics Model that focuses on student success and connects analytics with both relevant theory and the organisational dynamics. The session will have the following structure: References Bain, A., & Parkes, R. J. (2006). Can Schools Realise the Learning Potential of Knowledge Management? Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 32(2). |
#59 Synchronous Online DeliveryPresenters: Fiona Thurn, Carol Russell, George Karilychuk, Peter Steele 1. Distribution of session link References |
#78 Learning analytics 101: Leveraging the Desire2Learning Intelligent Agent tool to enhance student engagement and retentionPresenters: Susie Macfarlane, Jaclyn Broadbent This presentation will showcase a range of practical strategies using basic data on student LMS activity and the Desire2Learning Intelligent Agent tool to track and respond to student engagement, participation and achievement. Pilot data on the impact of these strategies on student retention and attainment in a large enrolment (1700+ students), on- and off-campus first year unit will be presented. Participants will be invited to share their strategies for accessing currently available student data to enhance student learning. A discussion of the challenges of such approaches for student agency and the values these practices reflect about ‘good’ educational practice will also be facilitated. Learning analytics data provides higher education providers with unique insight into student behaviour, demonstrating for example how few students access the materials provided in the way their teachers expect. This unprecedented view of the diversity and unpredictable nature of university students’ approaches to their learning raises important questions about teachers’ roles and their accountability for student learning and attainment (Corrin, Kennedy & Mulder, 2013). Participants will be invited to reflect on the implications of accessing educational data for how they conceptualize their teaching identity and practice. References Corrin, L., Kennedy, G. & Mulder, R. (2013). Enhancing learning analytics by understanding the needs of teachers. In H. Carter, M. Gosper and J. Hedberg (Eds.), Electric Dreams. Proceedings ascilite 2013 |
#111 Virtually Enhanced LanguagesPresenters: Scott Grant The workshop will also involve hands on activities where participants will enter the online multiuser VEL demonstration 3D environment and try out a range of task-based activities focusing on Chinese culture (no knowledge of Chinese language required). There will also be activities for those with Chinese language ability. A non-networked standalone single user portable version of the same environment will also be available for participants to try out. The workshop will provide working examples of interactive quizzes based on the activities carried out in the 3D environment. References Aldrich, C. (2009, 20 August). Virtual Worlds, Simulations, and Games for Education: A Unifying View. Retrieved from http://clarkaldrich.blogspot.com/2009/12/virtual-worlds-simulations-and-games.html |
#140 Expert in my Pocket: Creating First Person POV Videos To Enhance Mobile LearningPresenters: Peter Bright, Bill Lord, Helen Forbes, Florin Oprescu, Nigel Barr, Terri Downer, Nicole (Nikki) Phillips, Lauren McTier, Vilma Amante Simbag, Kristel Alla Research indicates that students and educators overwhelmingly support the concept of EiMP videos and more importantly value the 1PPOV as an authentic view (Lynch, 2010). The use of EiMP videos when coupled with a simulated clinical environment and reflection on practice can support the development of clinical skills competence and confidence (Lynch et al, 2012). Additionally it has been demonstrated that students who have access to videos following initial clinical skill training maintain higher levels of competence (Hansen et al 2012) and value the use of multimedia and the ability to download videos on demand (Everett 2012). By merging technology and connection-making in learning activities, students are able to form the necessary connections between specialised information available in data bases and personal knowledge (Duke et al 2013). The session will demonstrate the equipment and techniques used by the “Expert in my Pocket” project team to produce these videos and how QR codes of the videos placed on equipment assists with “just in time” learning. References Lynch, K., Downer, T and Hitchen-Holmes, D. (2010). Learning in the first-person: an initial investigation. In C.H. Steel, M.J. Keppell, P. Gerbic & S. Housego (Eds.), Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010 (pp.570-575). http://ascilite.org.au/conferences/sydney10/procs/Lynch-concise.pdf |
#186 From MOOC to iBLOC: Redesigning a Non-Majors Biology Course for Returning National ServicemenPresenters: Teck Keong Seow, Alan Swee Kit Soong The redesigning of the course as an iBLOC involved three aspects, namely administrative, technical and pedagogical. The administrative aspect involved the changes that arose from the different instructional period of 13 weeks in a regular semester to 5½ months for the iBLOC, and the necessity of having an online-only phase from January to March due to the variation in the dates of completion of the returning NSmen’s National Service. As a result of the online-only phase, redesigning the course involved the technical aspect of presenting the subject content in the form of online video recorded lectures and other learning activities related to online learning. The pedagogical aspect of the redesigning of the course was probably the most crucial as it was essential that the iBLOC be educationally equivalent to the regular semester course. Recognising the importance of self-regulated learning to academic success and lifelong learning (Cassidy, 2010; Dettori & Persico, 2008), the course was pedagogically redesigned based on the principles of good feedback practice suggested by Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick (2006). Examples of how some of the principles of good feedback practice and formative assessment were incorporated into the redesigned course will be shared at the session. The first 3 months of the course involved students accessing online lessons delivered through online video recorded lectures, supported by online reading materials together with in-video quizzes and online practice questions in order to provide feedback on how well students had understood the online video recorded lectures. In the subsequent 2½ months, students continued to deepen their learning of the various topics through face-to-face interactive tutorial classes, practical sessions and a field trip. An insight of how students’ learning were scaffolded throughout the 5½ month period will be shared at the session. The interactive session will be conducted in three segments, with each segment focusing on one of the three different aspects involved in the redesigning of the course as an iBLOC, namely, administrative, technical and pedagogical. Each segment will begin with a short presentation, highlighting the challenges faced and the points learnt, followed by an opportunity for participants to field questions pertaining to the aspect presented. References Cassidy S. (2011) Self-regulated learning in higher education: identifying key component processes. Studies in Higher Education, 36(8), 989-1000, doi:10.1080/03075079.2010.503269 |
#199 Moodle analytics and student engagementPresenters: John Milne, Lynn Jeffrey Learning analytics can identify student use of the learning management system associated with learning (Romero, Espejo, Zafra, Romero, & Ventura, 2013). In our study the activities students commonly used were discussion forums reading pages and quizzes. Although the analytics can provide feedback to individual students the main intention is to use the data so the teacher can challenge and provoke the students to support learning. In this presentation I will demonstrate how learning analytics can show the level of student engagement within the Moodle learning management system and demonstrate practical ways of using this information to engage students. Participants will work in small groups to interpret data and then use the Soapbox response system to share their views on the tools and share ways of applying learning analytic data to improve engagement. The workshop will conclude with a discussion of the opportunities and limitations of using learning analytics. References Jeffrey, L. M., Milne, J., Suddaby, G. & Higgins, A. (2012). Strategies for engaging students: Help and hindrances in a blended learning environment (pp. 120). Wellington, NZ: Ako Aotearoa National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. Retrieved from https://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/blended-approaches-learner-engagement |
#200 The Grow-your-own MOOC kitPresenters: Nicola Parkin, Angela Brown In this hands-on workshop table groups will be challenged to invent a MOOC with features drawn from the Grow-your-own MOOC kit – as realistic or idealistic as the mood suggests at the time. At the end of the session, tables will present their MOOCs to the room and discuss how the Grow-your-own elements were combined to create their unique MOOC. Participants will be provided with a handout on the Grow-your-own MOOC kit, and directed to a website where they can download the kit in its entirety |
#212 By staff/ For staff: building, sustaining, and empowering a community of practice in learning and teaching for all University staffPresenters: Rhian Salmon, Suzanne Boniface, Sue Cherrington, Marcus Harvey, Anne Macaskill, Stephen Marshall, Diane Ormsby, Sydney Shep, Beth Smith, Rohini Biradovolu, Stuart Brock, Michael Dudding, Jonathan Flutey, Kevin Gould, Tony Hooper, Jan Stewart, Jo Walton, Richard Norman A survey of participants identified that successes of the series were related to the bottom-up, staff-led, design and content; pan-University attendance from academic and general staff; regular scheduling; informal setting; and support (but not direction) from senior management and the Centre for Academic Development. These factors were considered in the re-design of the seminar series for 2014, and formal establishment of the VicTeach Community of Practice. This group now meets twice monthly, has a steering committee with representation from across the University, communicates using a listserv, and is planning a cross-institutional “unconference” on educational technology. The new structure has been designed to ensure sustainability and continued response to staff needs in learning and teaching. Following an introduction about the community of practice, and factors that have been found to lead to success, the majority of the session will be dedicated to exploring how participants can apply this concept and practice to their own institutions. This will involve small group discussions before reporting back to the larger session. References Boniface, S, Brock, S, Flutey, J, Macaskill, A, Salmon, RA, Shep, S (2013) Fostering a community of academics interested in teaching technologies and research. In M. Gosper, H. Carter, J. Hedberg (Eds.) Electric Dreams. Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2013. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/sydney13/program/posters/Salmon-Fostering-a-Community-of-Academics.pdf |
#217 Educational innovation in the health setting – the use of MOOCs in medical educationPresenters: Kylie Mansfield, Lyndal Parker-Newlyn, Sarah Lambert One of the biggest issues with the longitudinal placements are that the students are cut off from their class mates, which increases student anxiety about what they should be learning and leads to a perception of inequity of teaching delivery at the different sites. Students in rural locations also have limited access to scientist and clinical specialist teaching. To combat these issues we have developed innovative digital media resources to enhance the Phase 3 student experience. The delivery of targeted, short digital media files developed by scientists and clinical specialists will engage student interest while not taking too much of their time. There is good evidence that medical students consider multimedia content motivating and stimulating and their enjoyment and engagement with digital media is increased when they are on remote placements away from core faculty. (Persson et al, 2010; Ho et al, 2011; Jonassen, 2011). This project builds on the experience of A/Prof Kylie Mansfield and A/Prof Lyndal Parker-Newlyn in developing the first UOW MOOC (with Open 2 Study) “Understanding Common Diseases”. This course first opened in November 2013 and has had just over 6500 student enrolments. Building on this experience we have developed a series of 5 to 10 minute digital media files that are relevant to the cases the students are studying and can be used to enhance the academic experience of our Phase 3 medical students. The purpose of this session is to provide a background on the use of MOOCs as an educational model, to share experience and learnings from successfully developing and implementing MOOCs both in a free online environment and as part of an existing undergraduate curriculum and allow attendees to work through the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls of applying a MOOC model to their own learning and teaching setting. This session will involve an interactive question answer style, small group work and brainstorming of problems and solutions. The presenters will use real examples from their experience and authentic video examples of MOOC content for discussion. References |
#219 Painless grammar for native speakers: bridging the gap between implicit and explicit understandingPresenters: Gordon Campbell |
#240 Designing for learning in the MOOC environment: Early experiences at the University of AucklandPresenters: Claire Donald, Elizabeth Ramsay In mid-July 4167 learners were enrolled for the course, which will start on 6 October 2014. By the time of the Ascilite conference, “Data to Insight” will be in its final (8th) week of delivery. We will report on its deployment, including the usage data. Participants will be invited to review the MOOC in order to a) gain some first-hand experience of being a “MOOC learner”, b) provide feedback on the learning design principles and strategies used c) review and interpret current usage data. References Shrivastava, A. & Guiney, P. 2014. Technological developments and tertiary education delivery models – The arrival of MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses. Report of the Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand. |
#244 Bringing digital literacies to students without internet accessPresenters: Helen Farley This discussion will also report on the findings of research with other Australian universities around the provision of eLearning for incarcerated students and with correctional centre educational officers in regards of their capacity to assist educators. This discussion will give those educators dealing with incarcerated students some ideas and strategies for using technologies with incarcerated students, and some insights into the motivations and compounding issues when dealing with students in correctional centres. |
#252 Benchmarking your capacity for technology enhanced learning: Helping you take the reignsPresenters: Michael Sankey, Helen Carter However, if you’re waiting for somebody else to make this happen for you, it probably won’t. Ultimately it’s going to be up to you to take the bull by the horns and pro-actively look for ways in which you and your institution can better its practice. This session will initially provide an overview of a recent Inter-Institutional Benchmarking Summit that was held in Sydney in July 2014, where 24 institutions came together to benchmark their capacity in technology enhanced learning, based on using the new ACODE Benchmarks. More importantly, this session will provide you with a practical way in which you can actually facilitate your own inter-institutional activity. The facilitators of this session will work you though a number of different scenarios and activities with the aim of helping you understand the many different things that will need to be considered when taking on something like this. They will ask you to identify potential partners; people/institutions that you could benchmark and network with, all with the very clear goal of helping you walk out of that session with a strong plan of action to help you and your institution enhance its capacity in the area of technology enhanced learning and teaching. References ACODE. (2014). Benchmarks for Technology Enhanced Learning. Retrieved from: http://www.acode.edu.au/course/view.php?id=5 |
#267 Using Storify to Collect, Narrate and Share Online ContentPresenters: Sarah Gallagher, Lynne Knapp, Mark McGuire, Allison Brown The purpose of this session is to provide a brief introduction to Storify and how to use it in academic work. It will begin with a demonstration and a short panel discussion, in which the authors will share how they have used Storify in their practice in a tertiary context. The majority of the session will involve attendees working in small groups to create a Storify archive about the conference keynote presenters and invited speakers. The session will conclude with a review of the archives that have been created and a general discussion. Participants will be encouraged to share their Storify archives using the #ascilite2014 conference Twitter hashtag. Participants are encouraged to set up a Twitter account in advance, and to bring their own laptop to the session. References Cohen, J., Mihailidis, P. Storify and News Curation: Teaching and Learning about Digital Storytelling. In Proceedings, Second Annual Social Media Technology Conference & Workshop. Howard University, Bowie State University. September 27-28, 2012. 27-31 Retrieved from http://socialmediatechnologyconference.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/SMTCProceedingsFinal2012-1.pdf |
#289 The LMS and the Alternatives: the rhetoric and the realityPresenters: Howard Errey References http://gettingsmart.com/2014/05/canvas-instructure-perfect-lms-quite-possibly/ Margid, L. (2014). Google Classroom offers Control Center for Teachers and Students. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrymagid/2014/05/06/google-classroom-offers-control-center-for-students-and-teachers/ |
#292 Presenting Without PowerPointPresenters: Thomas Cochrane, Vickel Narayan The session will provide an overview of some free to use platform independent mobile web-based productivity and presentation tools for learning and teaching. The facilitators will discuss examples of pedagogical use of some of these tools (such as Google+, Storify and Twitter) within local (institutional/courses) and global contexts for learning and teaching. The session will also provide a guided hands-on opportunity for the participants to explore the following tools for learning and teaching: Evernote, Google Picasa (Web Albums), Twitter, Storify, Flipboard, and Google+. We encourage participants to BYO laptop or iOS (iPhone. iPod Touch or iPad) or Android device. References Cochrane, T, & Withell, A. (2013). Augmenting design education with mobile social media: A transferable framework. Journal of the NUS teaching academy (JNUSTA), 3(4), 150-168. |
#302 Learners and Mobile Devices: Sharing practice from a national projectPresenters: #NPF14LMD Will learners’ mobile devices deliver innovation, inclusion, and transformation—the main potential benefits for learners (Traxler 2010)? If so, how? What are the possible frameworks for enhanced learning and institutional change that will deliver these benefits? These questions, with a range of sub-questions (see e.g. Cochrane 2013, Parsons 2014), inform case studies generated by a collaborative network of practitioners consisting of 36 academic staff involved in the project—from AUT, EIT, Massey, Otago Poly, UoA and UNITEC. This collaborative network is signaled by the project hashtag #NPF14LMD. As many staff as possible from the project (current estimate 21) will be present at this 50-minute session that will be facilitated by a small representative subset of the project team. Participants will be provided with examples of emerging practice from the early findings of individual cases that involve a wide range of disciplines and institutional contexts (15 minutes), and then engage in workshop activities that will explore the extent to which these findings could contribute to their own practices around mobile learning in their own contexts (25 minutes, with remaining 10 for closing discussion and reflection). The session will cater for staff who may be in the early stages of implementing mobile learning—who will come away with examples and ideas—and also for more experienced practitioners who might want to provide informed critique and examples from their own contexts. We will use wireless screen mirroring from mobile devices to model the use of new collaborative teaching environments using mobile devices, and the session will be enhanced with a moderated TodaysMeet online discussion that can continue after the session and contribute to other opportunities for engaging with the project under the #NPF14LMD tag. In this way we intend to extend the reach of the project to a wider network of practice across the ascilite community. This sharing practice session is complemented by 8 posters (see separate submissions each tagged with #NPF14LMD) that describe the project in more detail through displaying the project structure and project management framework, and elaborating on the wide range of individual case studies that comprise the collaborative network. References |
#312 Digital Learning Thresholds – developing, implementing and monitoring – a whole of institution approachPresenters: Romy Lawson |
#315 Open source publishing in design educationPresenters: Martin Kean References Kean, M. (2011). Open source publishing, ‘book sprints’ and possible futures. Junctures, No 15 (2012): Viral, 27-32. Retrieved from http://www.junctures.org/index.php/junctures/article/view/219 |
#400 An online orientation to open, flexible and distance learningPresenters: Mark Nichols The starting point for the project was concern that developments in online learning have tended to overlook the valuable theoretical and design frameworks that are well-established in distance education literature. The project seeks to introduce a common theoretical base and vocabulary for OFDL practitioners, and to assist with the further development of an OFDL community. Those completing the professional development modules will be issued with a DEANZ Certificate of Completion and online badge. The session will provide a brief overview of the initiative’s objectives and design. By the time of the conference, an initial pilot will have been concluded; lessons from this phase will be shared. Participants will be invited to discuss those elements they would consider essential for any newcomer to the field of online learning to be familiar with, as a means of further improving the orientation experience. Ideas for extending the orientation into other areas will also be canvassed. The orientation course is available from OpenEducation: http://openeducation.blackboard.com/. Participants are invited to bring their own devices and access the course area during the session. Approximately half of the session will be dedicated to discussion and feedback. |
#401 How should we quantify student engagement?Presenters: Perry Samson This interactive presentation invites participants to consider how they would quantify student engagement using technology. The discussion will be informed from lessons learned at the University of Michigan where a rich database of student participation in class has been collected and related to student outcomes. Ainley, M. (2012). Students’ interest and engagement in classroom activities. In Handbook of research on student engagement (pp. 283-302): Springer. |
#402 From the Big Screen to many screens – Capturing our audiencePresenters: Andrew Jamieson and Julian Lefebvre Recently the introduction of rich media technologies has provided the opportunity for user generated content and this has brought about a change in practice for early adopters at Massey. For our teachers this has meant a rethink into how they teach and how the students engage with material. The ‘flipped classroom’ approach has focussed on the increased use of video (Pearson, 2012), and in combination with the Blended learning ethos at Massey, has meant a change from the traditional approaches to teaching that includes the possibility of lecture capture and rich media resources created by the teacher. Discussions around redesigning lectures to be more of a facilitated discussion, the watching of rich media material before, during and after class, is becoming more common through the introduction of this technology. Students have reported positively about the addition of rich media resources in online courses. Online teaching has had to adapt to the affordances of the new technology and the design of courses have in some instances, radically changed. This is in respond to the growing need to present This presentation will look at the journey from lecture capture to including rich media, user content generation and the pedagogical considerations that inform what we do and the challenges to meet the expectations of our internal and distance students. We will ask the participants to participate in a discussion around the affordances of this type of technology. References |
#403 Application of immersive and blended learning in a nursing curriculumPresenters: Linda Kinniburgh and Elizabeth Ditzel In year 2, the students learn through lectures, online learning opportunities, tutorials, and by practicing clinical skills in a simulation setting, and in clinical placements. By integrating the use of different technologies; LabTutor Online, case studies and video with clinical simulation using high fidelity life-like mannequins; we have created an immersive learning environment. We call this the Immersive Learning Model. This approach is designed to link the student’s knowledge and understanding of physiology with clinical assessment and nursing management in order to develop clinical decision-making skills in a simulated clinical environment. We are using Reierson et al.’s (2013) micro-cycle approach that allows the research team to plan, act and observe, gather data by way of focus groups, and reflect upon the implementation of the new teaching method at the end of each immersive learning session. Berragan (2011) discusses the role of simulation in nursing of bringing together theory and practice in a supportive environment allowing the development of skills and a professional identity Feedback indicates that LabTutor is an effective technology that enhances student learning experience, improves their understanding of disease processes and allows them to apply and integrate their developing nursing knowledge. These factors work together to improve clinical practice (Hogarth 2013). *blend theory and practical learning experiences cohesively? The session will present the development process, the Immersive Learning Model solution, student outcomes and invite the audience to discuss their potential or proven solutions to the above challenges. References |
#404 Bringing it all together: integrating first year biochemistry curriculum in an online learning environmentPresenters: Tony Zaharic *successfully integrate disparate parts of the curriculum The solution was developed using kuraCloud learning delivery software with the assistance of instructional designers employed by ADInstruments. The solution integrated and adapted the course materials into single online lessons which presented the recorded lecture alongside relevant lecture notes and formative assessment. The solution employed content chunking around a specific concept within the lesson to enable reduced cognitive load and targeted revision. Significant formative assessment and immediate feedback was provided throughout to encourage students to independently test their knowledge and have multiple attempts. A variety of media was used to appeal to different learning styles. Reflection points at the end of each lesson provided recall exercises to improve performance in future summative assessments. To measure student engagement a short, qualitative survey based on existing student engagement indices was used. It was considered unethical to split students for comparison purposes as the course is part of highly competitive entry standards for students wishing to study Medicine and other health professions. The session will present the development process, the integrated solution, student survey outcomes (which are not yet received). Sample content will be available during the session. Polling (via Socrative) of audience members and free discussion around the above questions and challenges will occur. A 15 minute presentation is anticipated with 10 minutes for audience participation. References |