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Publication Formats

Allocations of publication format will be made by the Program Committee, taking into account the review process scores and recommendations made by Reviewers. The Program Committee will take note of the publication format sought by the authors, but a different format may be offered after the review process (for example, the Committee may offer an opportunity for a full paper to be resubmitted as a short paper).



Brief specification
(see content and format specifications below)


Full papers

Maximum 10 pages. Persons are limited to one first authorship for a paper (either full or concise categories), though there is no limit on the number of times a person may appear as an author other than first.

Concise papers accepted for full or concise presentation

Maximum 4 pages. Persons are limited to one first authorship for a paper (either full or concise categories), though there is no limit on the number of times a person may appear as an author other than first.

Concise papers accepted for poster presentation

One page summary. Persons are limited to one first authorship for a poster, though a person may appear as an author other than first on other posters or as a first author on a full or concise paper.

Posters and Workshops

One page summary.


Full papers

Title, authors and content to be the same as in the printed Proceedings.

Concise papers accepted for full or concise presentation

Title, authors and content to be the same as in the printed Proceedings.

Concise papers accepted for poster presentation

A complete concise version as submitted for the refereeing process or as subsequently amended after reviewer feedback. Poster presenters may elect to use their summary version but a "summary only" publication will not be eligible for DEST recognition as a "Conference publication" for research data collection purposes.

Posters and Workshops

Presenters may elect to use their one page summary as in the printed Proceedings or may submit an expanded version up to a maximum of four pages equivalent, or as otherwise agreed with the Program Committee.

The contents page URL for full papers and concise papers (including those accepted for poster presentation) will be http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/brisbane05/proceedings.shtml
The contents page for workshops will be http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/brisbane05/proceedings.shtml

For guidance on the range of topics and kinds of papers likely to be of interest for ASCILITE 2005, authors are invited to browse in the Conference archives (ASCILITE, 2004), and in journals publishing similar content, for example the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET, 2004). The kinds of papers may include these, for example:

  • theoretical and conceptual reviews, technical reviews
  • educational technology product development and implementation
  • organisational, management or policy initiatives supporting educational technology developments
  • development of research and evaluation methodologies for investigating technologies in education
  • case studies of local experiences in implementing educational technologies
  • projects in developing technology based teaching materials, resources and techniques
  • curriculum and teaching development initiatives impacting on or drawing on technologies

Full papers are expected to contain major reviews, or to report on large scale case studies, evaluations, developments or projects. Concise papers are intended to provide an avenue for work in progress, for pilot studies, small scale exploratory projects, reports on highly specialised topics, brief studies on recent new developments with evaluation in progress, and similar. In exceptional cases the size limits (up to ten pages and up to four pages) may be varied by the Program Committee, assisted by Reviewer's reports.

Detailed specifications of format will be provided later via an MS Word document that you may use as a template. In summary, the page limits refer to body text 10 point Times or Times New Roman, single spaced with 3.0 cm margins all round, and including full contact and affiliation details for all authors, all tables, diagrams, figures and screen shots in their desired positions, a 200 word abstract, and all references (in APA compliant format).

ASCILITE (2004). Conferences. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences.html

AJET (2004). Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.

ascilite 2005 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education